
By Krawallburste, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Uhm - i couldnt find this anywhere and i know my heroes will come back on it once we are in that situation:

the OL-card "Contaminated" allows a monster to infect a hero on a surge. Now every other

ability that reads

[surge]: Immobilize your target

is damage bound.

Now the monsters do gain the ability:

[surge]: infect your target

is this too damagebound? i did find nothing that would imply it is. But i know my group will argue around it to avoid infection. would love clarification on it!



Infect is not damage bound: it is not a condition or anything. You simply have to not miss.

Edited by Whitewing

Where in the rules dø you read conditions is damagebound. Some monsters specifik says you have to deal damage, some dont

Its on page 15 of the rulebook.


Some abilities and effects have the chance of inflicting conditions, such as

Poisoned, upon heroes and monsters. Additionally, some attacks have a

® ability featuring a condition (such as Disease, Immobilize, Poison, or

Stun). If the attack deals at least 1 ¬(after rolling defense dice), the target

suffers the listed condition

Maybe i just got something wrong. But take the Spiders for one, they have the ability on a surge to add poison. This requires them to deal damage, so it says on the card. But alot of the items for the heroes can spend surges to add stun, imobolize etc. Does these reuire the attack to damage as well?

The above statement seems to me to aply if the attack normally add the condition. Or have i played it wrong?

Its on page 15 of the rulebook.


Some abilities and effects have the chance of inflicting conditions, such as

Poisoned, upon heroes and monsters. Additionally, some attacks have a

® ability featuring a condition (such as Disease, Immobilize, Poison, or

Stun). If the attack deals at least 1 ¬(after rolling defense dice), the target

suffers the listed condition

I realise you are answering a question stated above by the Chav but i would just like to point out that Infection tokens are not conditions.

Edited by BentoSan

But alot of the items for the heroes can spend surges to add stun, imobolize etc. Does these reuire the attack to damage as well?

Yes they do, unless otherwise stated on a card.