any info on the new editor?

By Lord Loren Soth, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hello Guys

is out there any info on the new FFG editor for Descent?

I was just told about Tile System (in another thread in this forum). It was created for the Doom boardgame but can load a tileset for Descent. I found the link to Tile System on google, and also on boardgamegeek. Boardgamegeek also had the descent tileset.

I just checked it out, and it seems pretty intuitive. It does not support Tomb of Ice, at least not with the tileset that I found.

You'll also need to edit the results in your own pdf creation app, since it outputs a jpg.



Looks alright, but doesnt support RtL or ToI.

Also doesnt have a quantity option like in the old descent editor where you could input how many copies of each game/expansion you have so that you could literally work with what you have.

squall=goku said:

Looks alright, but doesnt support RtL or ToI.

Also doesnt have a quantity option like in the old descent editor where you could input how many copies of each game/expansion you have so that you could literally work with what you have.

True, but it uses xml files for all of the game data, so adding Tomb of Ice would be relatively simple... just time consuming. You could also manually edit the quantities of pieces in the xml file to accommodate multiple sets of a game... although realistically, are you really building dungeons so large that you need multiple game copies to run them?

My concern was planning out a dungeon using too many pieces than which are available.

thanks for the info guys

squall=goku said:

My concern was planning out a dungeon using too many pieces than which are available.

Actually Tile System takes that into account. It marks tiles in the selection menu with an X when you've used all of the ones you have, and with an O if you use more than you have (because sometimes you don't care.)

So did anyone ever create a Tomb of Ice graphic library for TileSet?