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  1. KungFuFerret
    Well, if the alternate routes would be visible to the people standing near the bridge, then I don't think it's "spoilers" for them to see the options they have for crossing it. I don't have the box set in question, so I don't know the map you mean specifically, but if it's something they would be able to clearly see in real life if they were standing there, I'm
  2. HoosierHound
    Thanks for the really great responses everyone, they are very helpful. I've now been able to swing by the FLGS and pick up the beginner game, and I've spent the evening playing with the dice and reading through the adventure. I'm feeling pretty confident now, as it does not seem too complicated at all. However, I'm not sure how to use the maps during gameplay. They look great and obviously would
  3. HoosierHound
    If this should be spoiler tagged, please let me know how to do it, I can't figure it out. On the bridge encounter in question, the PCs are instructed that there is a bridge over a chasm with a waterfall that they need to cross, and the bridge has armed guards on both sides. On the map of the bridge area there is clearly a cave tunnel through the cliff face, providing an option
  4. whafrog
    I generally try to avoid making the players pretend not to know things, it's usually simpler that way. It's hard enough to get them to remember what their PCs do know, never mind what they don't. It's one of the reasons I don't always present a map. But this case is simple enough, I'd just do what cdj0902 suggests. It would be a shame to waste the eye-candy
  5. Zso Sahaal
    what should I as a brand new GM need to keep in mind or think about when running
  6. ArkangeL2

    New GM - needs adivce

    ArkangeL2 replied to cetiken 's topic in Rogue Trader Gamemasters
    Okay, seems we have some new GMs out there anxious to run Rogue Trader. That makes me happy, since I was a playtester for the game and one of my goals was to make this game attractive to new players. So where do you start? First of all the 40K setting is VERY daunting to new players. There's so much material out there it can cause information overload. Start off with the material in Rogue Trader - it's very thorough and was written by one of the authors of the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Next, download and read through the introductory adventures on the support page. These were designed with new players in mind and go step-by-step. They tell you when to do a skill check, etc. Use the pre-gen characters as well and make this adventure a one-shot (an adventure that doesn ... enemy lurking in the showdows behind a waste-unit. That's when you ask them to make a Perception check. After a while, you'll get the hang of it. And there are plenty of experienced GMs (like the ones on this forum and myself) who would be happy to answer your questions.On the subject of Endeavours. These were really designed more for simulating an undertaking that increases the group's wealth. As a new GM, I wouldn't worry about them until you have a few adventures under your belt. However, Endeavours are basically plot generators that, once completed, increase the group's wealth (i.e. Profit). They can be long-term or short-term. But they are a guideline for you (as the GM) to gauge when your group has acheived their goals and increases their profit. Again, I strongly recommend that you wait until you have
  7. Tim Huckelbery
    there are some new GM resources now on the Player Support section of the Dark Heresy Second Edition site here: As a note, there will be a Character Creation supplement for Enemies Within to cover the new home worlds and backgrounds that book introduces
  8. Moff8

    Total new GM confusion and fright

    Moff8 replied to SuperFieroStatus 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    When I started GM'ing a new game I used to read the adventure a few times and then break it down into the characters and rolls required. It allowed me to think about the storyline and dialogue without having to worry too much about rules. Like this one I did for a Wheel of Time game: Megda Sedai - Fiery redhead w. pale skin and green eyesMaynard - Warder with barrel chest from Tar ValonBoth last
  9. FatPob

    New to Deathwatch and being a GM

    FatPob replied to spustard 's topic in Deathwatch Gamemasters
    Being a new GM is quite tricky, because you can go one of 2 ways, letting the players win, or doing your best to kill the players, especially when playing with friends.Here are some tips that I utilise when I run games either for mates or at geek fests (GameCons).1. Know the rules you intend to use, and for Final Sanction have a grasp of combat, horde combat, oaths and squad/solo modes. 2. Take Control from the get go. If you are unsure of rules fineries don't use em, and make sure the palyers know your not using them, but will introduce them at a later point.3. Don't get bogged down. Don't let any situation get bogged down into a trawl through the rulebook once you have actually started the game proper. Once the Marines are in action, that is what they should be (and this
  10. McBamf
    very difficult to master all on my own).I do have some questions I was hoping you could answer for me. I've read through some of these posts and this seems like a great community. 1. In my aforementioned dealings with Pathfinder, I know that in that game the GM can do secret roles, concealing from the PC's if they are right or wrong on certain checks. Is there a way to do this in WHFRP? 2. If a PC is just making a basic attack, without using an action card, how does the GM interpret the banes, boons, Sigmar's comets, and Chaos Stars without reference material? 3. I swear I read somewhere about damaged items (possibly because of poor craftsmanship). How does an item become broken? How is it repaired? 4. My wife's character is a Trollslayer. The career card says that Trollslayers typically ... this. It's almost as if the character describes what they want to buy and you work out the details with them. Am I misunderstanding this? I would like to give my players the feel of a store with specific inventory.7. Any recommendations for magic classes? In general? We're holding off on wizards and initiates for now until we get the grasp of the game. 8. Any overall tips you have for a new GM that you think would make our sessions successful? I've sat for hours trying to play through Pathfinder, and another hour or so trying to build a character in Mutants and Masterminds. I have picked up on this game more easily, by far. But still want to make sure we actually have a good time when we sit down to play. Thank you in advance
  11. Mister Starx
    First, I'm not just new to DH, this is my first GM (or player) experience. I've so far run two sessions, got everyone settled in, and they all seemed to like it so far, getting in to the sessions, so on. However, the thing I have noticed: They try to loot every little autogun and shotgun. They try to upgrade their weapons to best quality mono this, blah blah blah. What's worse
  12. grontha
    Hello all :-)Allright, I've been Gm'ing for 20 years, 19 and a half in warhammer fantasy, but lately jumped to 40k, as i find it a better system and setting. problem arised during the fist weekend of gaming. Remember, this was the first session with my old gaming crew, and they are tied down in fantasy (hard), so i wanted to make it good in order to bring the group over to 40k
  13. Roywocket
    Hello New GM here stepping up to the plate and attempting to run a game. I have run into a bit of a snag and I wanted to know how experienced GM's handle this. I use that lovely map of the Koronus sector to help my players conceptualize where they are and such However I am not sure how to properly handle the issue when they go "I want to go from here to here". How do I handle this? I have tried asking my current Mentor, but he wasn't much help in getting me to understand. Do I take distance in as a factor when or dont I ? If I do how do I take it in as a factor? How do you handle the issue of the player pointing and going "I want to go there!". Then transferring that into game mechanics
  14. Desslok

    Advice for a brand new GM?

    Desslok replied to Scapino 's topic in Game Masters
    Fred is feeling under the weather and wont be able to show today. Can you run something tonight?" The beginner game(s) plus the canned followup games are a great place to start. Nice, simple, easy story that doesn't involve tons of plot twists and gives the new GM lots of hand holding. Until you get your GMing feet under you, consider running canned games, the one from the back of the book, the one in the GM screen are both very basic games that shouldn't task a new GM. Perhaps track down a couple of the old WEG games - Tatooine Manhunt or Shantipole are pretty straight forward and should be easy for new GMs to handle (and really doesn't require much stat rewriting. Everything in them - stormtroopers, TIE fighters, bounty hunters - are all present and accounted for in the main books). But really - just go wing
  15. Kaic
    picked up the Player's Guide/Vault, GM's Guide/Vault, and Creature's Guid/Vault as well as an extra set of dice from Black Friday. I'm about to run a one shot game of Warhammer Fantasy to gauge interest in my gaming group and was wondering if there are any tips for a new GM (idea, commonly missed/incorrect rules, faq post, etc). Another thing that should be mentioned is there are only two of us in the group that are familiar with the Warhammer Universe (though we did recently start a Dark Heresy campaign). More than likely the only set of dice for this game that we will have is the one from the GM Vault and the extra set I bought. Do you think that 2 sets will be enough for 6 people (1 GM 5 Players) for a game, or should I look at getting more
  16. theclash24

    New GM questions?

    theclash24 replied to lowdanvan2002 's topic in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG
    I'm new too but 1. Makes sense. I'm assuming any type of movement is a maneuver -- even 1. Pop up from cover, 2. action shoot, 3. strain to hide again.2. I'm assuming any particular order is fine. It would be awkward if it was a set order. Even in real life-- like a quarterback throwing a ball before or after he moved. Or action hero having to shoot than jump through the
  17. Hollow Bonfire
    This new samurai recently bought the core rulebook, thinking that he might try and GM hi's a very first RPG game in the L5R setting, using 5e rules. I fell in love with the idea of L5R after discovering The One Shot podcast lets-play of the 4th edition with Jim Mcclure . Now, after reading... Attempting to read the 5th edition rules... I kind of feel stuck. Like... Should-I-commit-seppuku stuck? I am looking at the rulebook, and I have no idea how to tackle this beast as a new GM who wants to try and play this game with hi's board game friends who have never even played an RPG. Can anyone experienced in L5R give me any tips? Is there a way how to streamline the game or enjoy the game despite its complicated rules? I probably should be asking more concrete questions
  18. Gurkhal

    Dark Heresy New GM Question - Complexity

    Gurkhal replied to PencilBoy99 's topic in Dark Heresy
    The GM Screen seems to be out of print for some time, at least you can't get it or the core book, in Sweden anymore.
  19. Concise Locket

    New GM Tips

    Concise Locket replied to HaphazardNinja 's topic in Game Masters
    My rules for new GMs: A narrative game system like FFG Star Wars is very fungible with the rules. So long as she's being consistent with her rulings, the players shouldn't have a problem.
  20. Mazer Rackham
    Hello everyone, New GM to pen-and-paper RPGs, but old hand at other titles, I would just like to throw out a thank you to everyone who has contributed to this forum and asked all the bazillions of questions I would have asked! I have a real handle on this whole thing now and it is in great part to you. Thanks everyone and I'm sure to report back as I go and hopefully answer some questions myself in order to help someone else. See you round the forums
  21. lowdanvan2002

    New GM questions?

    lowdanvan2002 replied to lowdanvan2002 's topic in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG
    Okay I have a new question. I have not dealt with forums much, so I don't know if it is okay to add to this topic or start a new one with my new question so some of the veteran posters can let me know. Question #3The critical Hamstrung states that a character loses their free maneuver. Does this mean that they only get one maneuver that costs two strain, or that they still
  22. syzygy2
    Heyo, I'm a bit new to the whole GM/DM business, having only (grudgingly) run a group of 3 and 4 through two premade campaigns for D&D 3.5 when the regular DM didn't show. I've always been a fan of the 40k universe, so when I found out about Dark Heresy my wallet was immediatly emptied. I think I've got a good grasp of the mechanics and rules, and now I
  23. Preacherman

    Questions From a New GM

    Preacherman replied to McBamf 's topic in WFRP Rules Questions
    1. There's a GM screen in the Game Master's Toolkit here. You can roll secretly any time you wish, however the system is so simple, and the values so low, that it's hard to lie to players. Players will always know if they succeed or fail (due to the nature of the dice. If they score more successes than failures, they succeed), but the actual outcome of the action is still up
  24. Aethilgar

    Loot and DH -a new GM

    Aethilgar replied to Mister Starx 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Something I told my GM not that long ago regarding money and the party's quest there of... it does not matter. Really, give them each 1 million thrones. And when they go to purchase that suit of powered armor they have been craving simply tell them; 'there is none available.' That's the check and balance here. You, as the GM, can limit the goods that characters wish to buy through any number of
  25. Havatr_Einar
    Okay so I am Gm for the first time and I am starting a campaign where the birth of the Rebellion is completely in the hands of the players. I have also removed Luke and Leia as i want the story solely focused on the players create the Rebellion and eventually overthrowing the Empire. I am having problems with getting started. Any ideas would really help me. I can tell you that i want it