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  1. nightninja

    New crew, New GM, Wise Old Master Advice Welcome.

    nightninja replied to nightninja 's topic in Game Masters
    So! We had our second session yesterday. It was partially abbreviated, since our Pilot was absent and they were starting in Space Combat, I waited till my usually late player got there. We played Shadows Over Camelot while we waited. Great game. Anyway, we played for about two hours and they did combat against some tie fighters in the reaches of space. Since they had already installed the HRMI on the ground, I ruled that
  2. nightninja

    New crew, New GM, Wise Old Master Advice Welcome.

    nightninja replied to nightninja 's topic in Game Masters
    That is quite awesome! However, likely far more effort then I want to put forth.
  3. progressions

    New crew, New GM, Wise Old Master Advice Welcome.

    progressions replied to nightninja 's topic in Game Masters
    The thing I like about the full Obsidian Portal subscription is you can change your stylesheets. Check my signature for how to make your Obsidian Portal look like Edge of the Empire, if you're interested!
  4. progressions

    New crew, New GM, Wise Old Master Advice Welcome.

    progressions replied to nightninja 's topic in Game Masters
    One thing that often surprises people is the space encounter in the beginner game. As written, it's a bit bland, because it is fairly basic and doesn't have any terrain in space (like asteroids, nebula, debris fields, ship traffic, etc) so it can be either very deadly or boring, depending on how the rolls go.
  5. nightninja

    New crew, New GM, Wise Old Master Advice Welcome.

    nightninja replied to nightninja 's topic in Game Masters
    Well according to their little portfolios they each had 400. Who knows. I'm reading the CRB now, so that I can make at least a partial transition to real rules when we play next week. I've decided not to convert the characters yet, since they'd have to make decisions on specializations and stuff, and I'd like to do character creation for a whole session, without interrupting whatever story we're in
  6. Nyxen
    Oh, another question I thought of. Which sourcebooks would you guys recommend in a bang for your buck perspective? I know each class has it's own but benefitting one person per book is a tough sell right now.
  7. rowdyoctopus

    New crew, New GM, Wise Old Master Advice Welcome.

    rowdyoctopus replied to nightninja 's topic in Game Masters
    Where did they get 600 credits?Besides that, sounds like a great time. The CRB suggests giving starting groups a YT-1300, a Firespray 31, or a Wayfarer Medium Transport.Every book so far has had at least a few small ships big enough for a party to operate out of.
  8. Simsum

    new GM, help planning a new campaign

    Simsum replied to Deamonata 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    This was my first thought too. Daemons are also the most readily customisable threat. They can be as weak or strong, few or numerous as you wish. It also gives you the opportunity to present the players with an undead Captain who appears to be fused into the bridge, and mumbles dire warnings at the party in High Gothic, as it was spoken during Goge Vandire's reign. My second thought was Alien 3, particularly
  9. Omegon

    new GM, help planning a new campaign

    Omegon replied to Deamonata 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Have you seen Event Horizon?
  10. Ender07

    Advice for a brand new GM?

    Ender07 replied to Scapino 's topic in Game Masters
    Give this a read! NEW GM GUIDE by Timequake To echo what other people have said, just have fun...make sure you know the dice pool mechanics and if you have a bit of money to get the GM screen it can be a real help. I played the base EotE beginner game with my friends (non of whom played any RPG's before) and we ended up playing for about 7-8 hours because they loved it so much I just kept making stuff up and using Kainrath's Mos Shuuta Supplement made it pretty easy! We ended up using the included characters for that first session and then everyone created their own characters for the next session and we just swapped them out since they had similar backstories it wasn't too hard. The beginner game is quite fun and The Long Arm of the Hutt is also
  11. John1701

    Tips for a new GM

    John1701 replied to Dario94 's topic in Game Masters
    relatively new GM myself but there is something I do that work amazingly for this game but wouldn't work for others.One thing to remember about this game is that everything is abstract. You don't need exact maps, layouts, or characters.What I do is I make 3-5 encounters for each mission. An encounter can be anything from dealing with a merchant or politician, to a minor combat or a major combat. I usually have an idea of the terrain, planet, and characters that they will come across but I don't plan anything out extensively. One of the biggest complaints I hear is that players always find some way to mess up a GM's plans or path. Well when my people play they can go whatever way they want, or do anything they want, but they will hit those 3-5 encounters. Maybe they will stealth past
  12. HoosierHound
    Saturday night we ran through the F&D Beginner Game adventure. I was the GM for my wife, brother, and one friend. It was about 3 hours to play and we all had fun. I played the Star Wars theme music while I read the opening scrawl to them to start us off. The best piece of advice was to ask the players to narrate their dice results. This was my wife's favorite part
  13. cdj0902
    Another option, if you use a laptop, is to install "Oggdude's Character Generator". The "GM Tools" section of that app has the full list of all adversaries in all the books, with stats. It's useful for building and saving encounters. You can also save off the stat blocks as JPG files for reference outside of the app. Edited December 6, 2017 by cdj0902
  14. masterstrider
    Matt Mercer is a pretty popular "celebrity" DM and he has some YouTube clips on some do's and don't, which you may find interesting. There is a tonne of great ideals and starting tips for new and experienced GMs. The only key piece of advice I can offer myself is: Learn the players, and what they respond to most positively, and try to do more of that. If they like
  15. kaosoe
    If you have time on your hands, find a podcast focused on the game and take a listen. for Rules and Crunch, I like the Order 66 Podcast. For story-centric Actual Play, I suggest Dice for Brains, and for a more general star wars RPG idea machine, you could check out Tales From the Hydian Way.
  16. whafrog
    Personally I almost never use maps, maybe a whiteboard if I need to keep track of relative positioning. You're right that visual aids help with the immersion, but if you use the box contents, you'll just have to fold under or cover up areas you don't want revealed. Usually when making my own adventures I google suitable images and show them on an iPad, keeps the table clutter down.
  17. HoosierHound
    I have been enamored with the idea of playing the SWRPG for months now. However, I have never played any TTRPG. After mentioning my interest in the system to one of the owners of my FLGS, he offered to give me a beginner box if I would run the beginner box in the store. So, I have agreed to GM the Force & Destiny Beginner Game at my FLGS on Sat, Dec. 9. I am not
  18. HoosierHound
    If this should be spoiler tagged, please let me know how to do it, I can't figure it out. On the bridge encounter in question, the PCs are instructed that there is a bridge over a chasm with a waterfall that they need to cross, and the bridge has armed guards on both sides. On the map of the bridge area there is clearly a cave tunnel through the cliff face, providing an option
  19. whafrog
    For your first time through, first, read through the adventure a couple of times so you know who the key NPCs are and how the plot is expected to work. Second, don't be afraid to just follow the script.* You definitely want to allow some leeway for players to be inventive, but if the players have some crazy ideas (...and they will...), don't discourage them, but don't be afraid to bring them
  20. KungFuFerret
    Expect the unexpected. Seriously, tabletop gamers are infamous for taking a left, when everything in the story says take a right. They will also likely burn the path to the right by setting a local civilian on fire, strapping explosives to him, and then shoving him down the right path as a distraction, while they steal everything before heading down the left path. It's just how they think But seriously, don't try and
  21. HoosierHound
    Thanks cdj0902! This is great advice and I'm going to use it. Layout the map and so they will know of the existence of the cave, but the entrance to the cave will still be hidden and require a check to find. Like the secret door into the Lonely Mountain.
  22. cdj0902
    That's a perfect solution to the issue. You're basically saying "don't take the map literally". The entrance isn't necessarily where it's drawn on the map. The map is just a general visual aid, it isn't Google Earth. You're gonna do great! Just remember to have fun hehe.
  23. KungFuFerret
    I try to operate on a realism scale for things like line of sight and visual markers. If there isn't a reason to assume the thing is blocked (like it's clearly in a straight line of sight from where they are, no obstructions), then I'm not really going to bother for a roll or anything. The human eye is able to take in a lot of information very quickly, and fairly obvious
  24. emsquared
    Well, I've never ran a beginner box (or any FFG pre-made adventure), and I've never listened to an actual-play for this system, so I probably don't know your frame of reference very well, but I would just give you some general GMing advice: Always be mindful of how this system is designed to create a "cinematic" experience. The PCs are the "stars of the show", right? So, be their fan
  25. HoosierHound
    Thanks for the really great responses everyone, they are very helpful. I've now been able to swing by the FLGS and pick up the beginner game, and I've spent the evening playing with the dice and reading through the adventure. I'm feeling pretty confident now, as it does not seem too complicated at all. However, I'm not sure how to use the maps during gameplay. They look great and obviously would