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  1. diversionArchitect

    New GM, New Players, Interesting Story Help?

    diversionArchitect replied to Tedward777 's topic in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG
    outbound flight!? /drool. I'm just starting over re-reading the Thrawn Trilogy and I'd like to run something related to it. So cool. Yeah def post when you have time.
  2. Suma99

    New GM with new RPG players

    Suma99 replied to neyuru 's topic in Game Masters
    Definitely agree with this. Our Shadow doesn't have a lightsaber and mainly uses Brawl but he tends to get badly beaten up because he runs his mouth off at people who then take offence. Interestingly no one shoots at our Sage, who hides at the back doing Battle Meditation. Now if we were to face a Force-Senstive, they might sense that and decide that the guy who provides extra successes on almost every
  3. KungFuFerret

    New campaign, new GM. Help?

    KungFuFerret replied to Nyxen 's topic in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG
    Yeah I mean, I've yet to meet a gaming group who isn't aware of the "need to meet up scene" when it comes to opening a new campaign. Most people I've played with are well aware of the fact that it can be a little clunky to put together, especially if the PCs are vastly different in concept and background. So making it more of a group project to tackle makes it
  4. nightninja
    Hey guys! So my group finally ran the Beginner game last night, loads of fun, and I think I might be cut out for this GM thing after all. I've got a table of five players, only one of which is an experienced roleplayer, and one other who's done some of it. I've got three newbies to the hobby, which is quite fun. They started in the cantina, and handily dispatched the
  5. FuriousGreg

    New crew, New GM, Wise Old Master Advice Welcome.

    FuriousGreg replied to nightninja 's topic in Game Masters
    Here is what I would suggest, as it was how we did it in our group. Now that the Players had some idea of what the game is like we all made new characters and and began Long Arm of the Hutt as if they had been the ones that had been in the intro adventure. A couple of the players kept the general backgrounds of the pre-gens for continuity but changed up personality
  6. nightninja

    New crew, New GM, Wise Old Master Advice Welcome.

    nightninja replied to nightninja 's topic in Game Masters
    Hey thanks for the support guys! Threat/Advantage and Triumph/Despair are one of my favorite things about this system, one of my least like things about dnd was always the lack of story if your GM didn't make a point of it. I will be certain to check with the group on what kind of ship they want, I think that discussion will come up more over character creation after Long Arm of the Hutt
  7. rowdyoctopus

    New crew, New GM, Wise Old Master Advice Welcome.

    rowdyoctopus replied to nightninja 's topic in Game Masters
    Where did they get 600 credits?Besides that, sounds like a great time. The CRB suggests giving starting groups a YT-1300, a Firespray 31, or a Wayfarer Medium Transport.Every book so far has had at least a few small ships big enough for a party to operate out of.
  8. progressions

    New crew, New GM, Wise Old Master Advice Welcome.

    progressions replied to nightninja 's topic in Game Masters
    One thing that often surprises people is the space encounter in the beginner game. As written, it's a bit bland, because it is fairly basic and doesn't have any terrain in space (like asteroids, nebula, debris fields, ship traffic, etc) so it can be either very deadly or boring, depending on how the rolls go.
  9. Amanal

    New crew, New GM, Wise Old Master Advice Welcome.

    Amanal replied to nightninja 's topic in Game Masters
    The funny thing about the space combat is, if you are going into Long Arm of the Hutt, is that is is supposed to be an anti-climax. I had 5 players, 2 Gunners, 1 Pilot, The Mechanic was repairing the hyperdrive motivator and the astrogator calculating the jump. I ran it as a chase and put a timer on it by requiring 6 successes to complete the task of repairing the drive or getting
  10. bradknowles

    New crew, New GM, Wise Old Master Advice Welcome.

    bradknowles replied to nightninja 's topic in Game Masters
    The YT-1300 actually turns out to be one of the best ships in the game, when it comes to being able to put attachments on it and modify it heavily. The YT-2400 is also pretty good in that regard, but not as good as the YT-1300. The YT-2400 does have the advantage of having bigger laser cannons, however. Basically, anything in the 100,000 Credit range is valid, and there are
  11. player546410

    New crew, New GM, Wise Old Master Advice Welcome.

    player546410 replied to nightninja 's topic in Game Masters
    Have you considered looking into Obsidian Portal? There is a great advantage to being able to maintain and share information in a digital, wiki style format for the group. (Google Docs provides another, less browser sensitive option, as do free forum sites like invisionfree.) If you have people who always have computers open during the game (like my whole table) you may find/encourage these to even be live updated. Otherwise a notepad/note cards is always
  12. Braendig

    New crew, New GM, Wise Old Master Advice Welcome.

    Braendig replied to nightninja 's topic in Game Masters
    If you're looking for ships and which book to buy to show your players, download Ogg's character builder and peruse the vehicle's section. The description will give you a book and page number to look up the exact vehicle entry so you know which to buy and which to skip. The YT-2400 and Ghtroc are my two personal favorites of "starting" ships, though the Gozanti is an awesome mid-game ship
  13. nightninja

    New crew, New GM, Wise Old Master Advice Welcome.

    nightninja replied to nightninja 's topic in Game Masters
    Well according to their little portfolios they each had 400. Who knows. I'm reading the CRB now, so that I can make at least a partial transition to real rules when we play next week. I've decided not to convert the characters yet, since they'd have to make decisions on specializations and stuff, and I'd like to do character creation for a whole session, without interrupting whatever story we're in
  14. player546410

    New crew, New GM, Wise Old Master Advice Welcome.

    player546410 replied to nightninja 's topic in Game Masters
    I like it! It sounds like you've got a good group of players, and handled the game (both on and off rail portions) very well. In particular I like the way y'all handled advantage, threat and triumph - something that can trip up even experienced GMs. I look forward to hearing later adventures. And encourage them to keep with splitting the party! This opens up so many opportunities as a GM, and can really
  15. nightninja

    New crew, New GM, Wise Old Master Advice Welcome.

    nightninja replied to nightninja 's topic in Game Masters
    Yeah I know about obsidian portal and have them signing up, should have mentioned that. One of my buddies DMs a DND group that I've been a part of and he uses Obsidian portal in really cool ways. He has us run a character log of the previous sessions for bonus items or EXP. I'm planning on adopting that, as well as posting News bulletins and other neat things to Obsidian Portal. Quick
  16. kmanweiss

    New crew, New GM, Wise Old Master Advice Welcome.

    kmanweiss replied to nightninja 's topic in Game Masters
    My players hated the YT1300 for the same reason, so they used it as a weapon and flew it into a Hutt Palace to kill the Hutt. Epic way to finish off a boss and get rid of a burden they didn't want. I ended up drafting up a vehicle, and having a wealthy benefactor loan it to them while they were doing missions for him. They ended up stealing and keeping it. Here
  17. Desslok

    New crew, New GM, Wise Old Master Advice Welcome.

    Desslok replied to nightninja 's topic in Game Masters
    Really, I think all of the books thus far have at least a couple of ships in them. It really depends on what you want to give them before you go looking. Longer ranged, smaller ships will be in the scouts books, more utilitarian (and nicer) ships will be in the colonist, heavy hitters in the Hired Gun and so on. As far as what you did, it looks fine to me. I don't
  18. rowdyoctopus

    New crew, New GM, Wise Old Master Advice Welcome.

    rowdyoctopus replied to nightninja 's topic in Game Masters
    My group hosed the TIEs in a round or two with essentially no damage to their ship. Was rather anticlimactic.
  19. P-47 Thunderbolt

    New campaign, new GM. Help?

    P-47 Thunderbolt replied to Nyxen 's topic in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG
    For "drawing the party together" there are a few ways to go about it. You can drop them into the middle of the action, you can have them as unaffiliated characters meeting for the first time, or you can have them as a group of characters who've known each other for a while and have been planning this. Of course there are other options as well, but this is the baseline. I recommend the
  20. kaosoe
    Session 0. Ask them how they want to be assembled. You never know, they could come up with a pretty good story all on their own. As for books, you can't go wrong with Strongholds of Resistance. There's good stuff in there.
  21. progressions

    New crew, New GM, Wise Old Master Advice Welcome.

    progressions replied to nightninja 's topic in Game Masters
    The thing I like about the full Obsidian Portal subscription is you can change your stylesheets. Check my signature for how to make your Obsidian Portal look like Edge of the Empire, if you're interested!
  22. nightninja

    New crew, New GM, Wise Old Master Advice Welcome.

    nightninja replied to nightninja 's topic in Game Masters
    That is quite awesome! However, likely far more effort then I want to put forth.
  23. Nyxen
    So far I think my plan is to set the first session on a resource rich world that the empire has been mining, kinda Lothal style. The players will all be together planning to rescue some citizens who have been imprisoned for speaking out against the harsh conditions, and then go from there when they realize they're now wanted criminals themselves.
  24. nightninja

    New crew, New GM, Wise Old Master Advice Welcome.

    nightninja replied to nightninja 's topic in Game Masters
    So! We had our second session yesterday. It was partially abbreviated, since our Pilot was absent and they were starting in Space Combat, I waited till my usually late player got there. We played Shadows Over Camelot while we waited. Great game. Anyway, we played for about two hours and they did combat against some tie fighters in the reaches of space. Since they had already installed the HRMI on the ground, I ruled that