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  1. PnPgamer
    think the topic says it all. Thoughts and insight to a new gm (and others who are just starting
  2. propwizard

    a little help please

    propwizard replied to propwizard 's topic in Game Masters
    Thank you whafrog for the suggestions! I will incorporate your suggestions in the plot. Any other suggestions for a new GM
  3. Farth Dader

    High "level" games...

    Farth Dader replied to GoblynByte 's topic in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG
    Thanks for the replies btw... I could use some encouragement lol. I am still leaning yes. I am a new gm, and nothing teaches better than experience, but I really really appreciate all your input!!! I am running a monty haul!!! Now I know.... cant really go back now. But after this next session, after the space battle, I have the final encounter of this whole thing set. They are fighting a fallen jedi (Rav Naaran from FaD Beginner Box) who created the nemesis and is behind it all. He is really tough too, I have ramped him up as much as the players have been since the beginning, but they will have to make it through astrogation, space combat, boarding the ship, finding the bridge, making it through damaged portions of the ship, and any other sweet non combats I can think up before the final battle
  4. rowdyoctopus

    My players try to weasel out of everything.

    rowdyoctopus replied to rowdyoctopus 's topic in Game Masters
    turns out my Scoundrel thought we were playing a Sandbox game, without even knowing what a sandbox game was. I've made it pretty clear I have a story to tell and this is a campaign with some structure. I'm still a pretty new GM, and NONE of my players have played a pen and paper RPG before. I'm bound to make mistakes, and I know I have.Anyway, I had explained to my players ahead of time how I was going about the game. Long term story told through one-shot mission/jobs (due to concerns with consistent player attendance)Well one of the "weaseling" players is my Scoundrel. At times he would essentially ignore plot hooks I was throwing out and chase anything that tickled his fancy. He didn't realize things I was introducing to the game were there for a reason. I'm not sure
  5. Vexbane
    new GM to this system I am struggling in a few areas. My old DnD mindset takes over sometimes. I am trying to come up with better encounters for my PC's. Both combat and non combat. I want them to feel more involved and dynamic. I feel mine can be kind of flat sometimes. I have done the simple things like add terrain and such, but I was hoping more veteran GM's could chime in and give some advice. I am also looking for the PC's perspective. What kind of encounters have you enjoyed from your GM
  6. Charter
    Greetings all. I'm a very new GM who's in the process of making his first ever RP campaign (first RP game as well, besides the beginner game). I have an overall skeleton of the story I'm working on but I'm seeking help with a specific item of value. The object itself is some kind of ancient doohickey that the Big Baddie wants to unlock/use/own/etc, however I have no idea what it does or what it is used for at this point in time. I personally would like to keep it semi-canon, but I'm up for simply making a thing work. One of my first thoughts was, as this is a combat focused campaign, it's some kind of key or map to a hidden ancient droid army or a super-weapon of some kind (like a lost battleship). Other ideas are greatly welcomed, though
  7. Sturn
    like the idea to begin with. I would prefer sourcebooks of the Clone Wars and Episode 7+, not new mammoth core books of each which I think would upset some of us forced to pay for yet more copies of the rules to get the sourcebook half of the material. Will that in the long run add confusion to some new buyers? If you end up with 3 core/period books then some future period-only books, that could be confusing. A.i. if I want to play a Clone Wars campaign, I buy the period book, then what? EotE? AoR? F&D? All three of those plus Clone Wars it seems to get all of the careers and gear you might need. That's a big hunk for a new GM just getting into the game or you must choose which of the 3 rulebooks is the best for your campaign
  8. Lareg

    Memory Wipe

    Lareg replied to tenchi2a 's topic in Game Masters
    think that combat droids should be avoided for new GM, or for min maxers players, but a protocol droid or an astromech droid could be a reasonable character for a player
  9. rolento
    New GM to this game. I have just picked up the beginner set for Force and Destiny. I have a question for if we decide to continue with the game system. Can any of the FFG published modules work with any version of the Star Wars rpg or work with a mix of characters from each of the versions?I will be running this as a side game to my HackMaster campaign, and an curious about this because I would like to run this using published adventures, at least to start with.Thanks
  10. Mythstar

    Female Advice Required - Fashion

    Mythstar replied to Mythstar 's topic in Game Masters
    learned 2 things as a new GM so far: 1) NEVER ever make a Gender based topic ? It will completely derail the conversation ? Though it was interesting to read everybodies input on Trex's sexual preferences. How I was going to handle the situation was quite simple... Trex is a slave trader, so while other people might have seen a pretty girl/guy/droid/etc as a potential lover/partner/etc, Trex sees them as merchandise. She would have been captured as cargo and the rest of the group would have had to rescue her. Her charm roll would only have determined the conditions as well as gear she was left with in captivity. Alas, that is never going to happen, which brings me to my second point: 2) All players are trigger happy MORONS who should just roll over and die! ? The have argued that in essence the plan is to kidnap Trex. Which
  11. Tramp Graphics

    Time Jumps in a Campaign-

    Tramp Graphics replied to Sincereagape 's topic in Game Masters
    Then you need a new GM. Six to ten weeks is not enough time to properly develop a character, neither story wise nor advancement in skills, talents, Force powers
  12. A7T
    There are some really good ideas here; I'm a relatively new GM, so this be more my speed until I can actually create a functional campaign
  13. jonamok

    The Jewel of Yavin advice

    jonamok replied to Orcsmasher 's topic in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG
    they do it is up to them, but do it they must as they are petrified of him! And they get to remove some of their obligation in the process. I would say that these are a very experienced bunch of players though, and happy to plan and not be spoon-fed. And I ran BTR with them last year so they know the system. Also it's quite a tough adventure for a new GM, as you'll likely have to stay abreast of so much going on at once. My party went off in 5 different directions, each PC doing their own thing, which was **** hard work for me, keeping everyone's little bit of the story going, managing 5 parallel timelines of activity on the fly, and screenwiping frequently enough that nobody got bored. And as a result, lots and lots of ad-libbing to stay ahead
  14. MagnusPihl

    The Scenario in the Back / Test Scenario

    MagnusPihl replied to PhilOfCalth 's topic in Adventure: Seeds of Heresy
    finished our playthrough of Seeds. Overall, it went really well.I'm not a very experienced GM. So far, in all the games I've run, I've been pretty adamant about trying to stick to my plan. I've tried to lead my players back on the track I wanted them to be on - hopefully without them noticing, but I haven't been flexible. Seeds forced me out of that and it was a great experience. My setup was:Innocent but incompetent Kathrinkas (knows about problems on the planet, but hasn't done anything about it).Criminal Barahona (taxes the citizens to the limit, keeping the wealth for himself - has been responsible for detaining Psykers but has failed in this and doesn't want to admit it).Heretic Drachenstein (one of the escaped psykers has started a cult of Nurgle and has corrupted the leadership of the Sodality). The players ... warhammer) comes out to 22 - the Plaguebearer is killed.And there was much rejoicing. We'll have a clean-up session next time, before moving on, but they're pretty much done.I was worried about the open structure, but the players really took to it, it forced my to play in a different way, and we all had a hell of a time.I'm not sure if it's the best adventure for a brand new GM. It's great for someone with 5-6 games under their belt, but if I'd never run a game before I would've been really intimidated by this. Personally, I think I prefer adventures like this over the more railroad-like adventures that have so far been published. It gets me started on a scenario, gives me a location to work with, and lets me get to work
  15. Mychal'el

    PbP: Jedi Quest OOC

    Mychal'el replied to awayputurwpn 's topic in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game
    EliasWindrider is the new GM so it's all up to him now... ...But while I was GMing the other PCs escaped to hyperspace shortly after splitting off with Korath (tracker still attached). I'm not trying to encourage metagaming or anything. Just a note of reference. Edited February 1, 2018 by Mychal
  16. Comic Collector Shop
    Edge of the Empire Organized Play & Dark Heresy Organized PlayCALLING ALL RPG BUFFS! We're looking for a new GM for our Edge of the Empire Thursday nights. For 4 hours of your time on any particular Thursday you choose, you can earn store credit, cash, or both. For details, shoot us a message here, or to Mike's email at [email protected] to hear from you soon! Depending on the requests of the group, we'll run either Edge of the Empire or Dark Heresy 2nd edition organized play. All money goes to the GM. How to PayPayment varies by the Gm, but Mike will accept the following: A purchase from the store of atleast $3, dinner, or $5 cash/credit. Don't see an event you'd like to play in?We'll run any event if there is enough interest, just contact Mike! Address: 574 E. El Camino Real
  17. OddballE8

    Oggdude Appreciation Thread!

    OddballE8 replied to RodianClone 's topic in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG
    Mucho love and appreciation from this new GM and his players
  18. Greyflyer


    Greyflyer replied to Greyflyer 's topic in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG
    Thanks all. As I new GM I wasn't certain how much micro managing I ought to do. A lot less than I thought obviously. I'll just use it now and then as a plot line
  19. Comic Collector Shop

    CCS Organized Play (Sunnyvale, CA)

    Comic Collector Shop replied to Comic Collector Shop 's topic in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG
    will accept new Gm's, but our Gaming Manager Mike will be taking over Gming for either Star Wars or Dark Heresy as the group prefers
  20. EliasWindrider
    other posts, my wife (the woman of my dreams) is pregnant with our first child so I'm going to be hanging up the GM mantle for a while come July and one of my players is taking over as GM. But the game is still going to be in my house, among other reasons so I won't have to transport my RPG paraphernalia (books, maps, minis), I've got a decent set up for teleconferencing in our one out of town player, etc. so in anticipation of the hand off of GMing responsibilities I've been making of list of all the WotC star wars minis I have, and to make things semi convenient for the new GM I've gone out and found photos of all of them (mostly from where I bought the vast majority of my minis) and I have appended the file names
  21. flightmek26

    Plot Ideas and Wot

    flightmek26 replied to Daemonletter 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    new GM (to DH) stepping into the 40K universe, this thread was informative and helpful. Just want to thank the OP and other posters for all the great info and ideas. Makes me want to finish reading the core rulebook and get to work right away!Let us know how it went. I am curious to see how this one plays
  22. McHydesinyourpants

    Am I focusing doing it wrong?

    McHydesinyourpants replied to Ghostshark 's topic in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG
    experience 8 is too many for this system. If you have a full table you will inevitably end up with bored players who won't have anything to do. Granted, not everyone might be available for a game, but even if you even out at 6 per session that can still be a lot to handle, especially for a new GM. I prefer to limit games to 5 (6 at the very most). My sessions average at about 4 attendees and that is the sweet spot. You can easily keep everyone engaged and keep the action flowing. With more than that you can start to find your players getting restless or bored more easily while another player is in the spotlight. Also, I don't know about anyone else but I would feel like with 8 players the balance would be really hard to maintain. You would have to start
  23. Thelordoftherats
    have to use the rules for two weapon combat to get the defensive abilities of this combination? I am a new GM for EOTE and one of my players found these weapons in the Fly Casual book and used his starting money on them (along with the extra obligation cash) and he now has pierce 5 melee attacks with 3 defensive dice. Also, is there any penalty for an engaged ranged weapon user to move out of engaged range and shoot a meleer? Opportunity attacks or setback dice? Thanks
  24. mjc721
    question as i am a new GM.. so we have worked out initiative and the PC and NPC slots. combat happens and say a minion or rival NPC dies. which slot do i remove? e.g. PCNPCPCPCNPCNPCPCNPC
  25. Wookiee Scholar
    Sorry if this has been covered before, but I did a search and didn't find it. I am a new GM, having only run one-shots for my son and his buddies. This time we are actually trying to put together a more cohesive campaign. Here is my conundrum: The PC group is basically an Edge of the Empire type group (living outside the law, not wanting to be noticed by law enforcement or the empire, etc). One PC's story is that he was being trained as a Jedi Sentinel Shadow when his training partner turned to the dark side and killed their master. He was not able to find another master as the few remaining Jedi are in hiding still. He is carrying the Betrayal Obligation, as this betrayal by his training partner, someone he had come to see as a brother, killed their master. Additionally, unbeknownst