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  1. Rysaer
    Hello,I'm a relatively new GM. I'm currently leading a squad of 5 Deathwatch Marines through their first few adventures.I completed the Final Sanction mission with them (using pre-gen characters) toi help them learn the rules and how to role-play.They have just completed their first successful mission, a slightly toned down version of 'Righteous Fury', taken from this websites support section.They successfully escaped with Ashram Vail and Orpheus Vander in their party, I then submitted the characters to a mission report/trial for Orpheus and Ashram. After Ashram's near heretical actions.My plan was to use either one of those NPC's as an Alpha Legion marine furher down the road.Unfortunately I'm struggling to find any good pre-generated adventures for Rank 1, I've attempted to write my own but I don't know how well balanced or good they are, so I'd like
  2. RogalDorn01
    been active an player in a Rogue Trader campaign for a few years and several other game systems for many years. I have always wanted to be a GM, but our group has a host of VERY talented folks who usually do that. Well, the time is now...I know 40k like the back of my hand (used to run a GW store) and I went ahead and bought all the books (so many...) today. I just want to say thank you to all the people that posted all over the many "I'm a new GM" posts on here. I think I have just the right blend of unrelated skills to not be the worst person who ever tried to hold an entire universe in their mind at once for the sake of their friends fun... I put out a quick word and got five players that are ready
  3. venkelos

    Female player and what to do?

    venkelos replied to computertrucker 's topic in Deathwatch Gamemasters
    simple, and never occurred to me, before now. Good one. The funny thing is, I'm a bit of a 40K nerd, so I know lots of the fluff, and thus I might be able to whine "female Space Marines aren't fluffy", which I often think is bit of a stupid argument, all on its own, and probably a holdover from the 70's, but so many threads I read say "new GM and players without a lot of background in 40K." While I shake my head, occasionally, at the idea of playing a 40K game without knowing a lot of the background material, this very fact should often make this a moot point. Do those players know that every Space Marine is male? Does it matter to them as much? Probably not, and a female Astartes will blend right in, whether she's a Cmdr. Shepard-like character
  4. KungFuFerret

    Hacking Blades...

    KungFuFerret replied to JawaJedi 's topic in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG
    before, and the reason they have some overlap on species, is for the people who aren't going to buy every single book they produce (like me). So if there happens to be a signature species that is known for a couple different things, they can print them, and people can still access them. For example, it's the exact reason we have Human in all 3 core books. Because that way, if a new GM, or player, picks up any single title line for the first time, to see what it's like, they have access to one of the most ubiquitous races in Star Wars. I'm not sure how long you've been playing table top rpgs, but this is hardly unique to FFG. Errors in the product happen. Simple typos that missed editing sweeps, variations in stats because one team was working on one part
  5. mikeslag
    pretty brand new GM to most of this stuff, feeling my way around and learning the system. One question I have is establishing initiative in space battles and how you handle NPCs when you've got your players vs. an NPC ship. For example, you have 4 PCs and they're on a YT-1300. I am flying an NPC YT-2400 against them. When we roll for initiative here are my questions: 1. do I treat the YT-2400 as one roll and then I am only entitled to make one move per round in the encounter? OR2. Do I decide how many NPCs are operating within the YT-2400 and make a roll for each of them into the initiative slot? OR3. Do I again treat it as one initiative slot but during that one initiative can I make a piloting check and a gunnery check
  6. Vipersfang00000

    Enemy stats

    Vipersfang00000 posted in Game Masters
    new GM ( my first game is tomorrow ) i have a question... in the allies and adversaries book when using enemy stats when you for example shoor and it tells you the skill do you manually had the attribute dice? im use to D&D were the monster manual already has it worked out for you. im not fully familar with the character sheet yet to know where some skills fall underwhich attribute
  7. Xytonion2
    thinking to give a person I know a sort of special adventure just for her to introduce DH to her. Now I don't think the book or scenario's FFG has support this.And I'm also a "new" GM. I haven't written any scenarios yet. I know I could just make one, but for starters I don't think my first scenario would be well good and balanced. I also want to impress her so that she would join the potential group I might have.Also I'm currently in exams and don't have much time to puzzle over a scenario (putting one togheter).So I was wondering if anyone had a scenario that would go for 1 person. Class she'll choose : unknow. I'll ask her if anybody needs it. Thanks ahead
  8. CalebML
    Pretty new GM here, have run the Core Rulebook adventure and Beyond the Rim. So my group just finished the Beyond the Rim adventure, and the PCs stole the Deep Dark ship listed there- which was roughly akin to an Imperial version of the YT-2400 as far as silhouette, Hull/Strain threshold and credit cost go, if you're unfamiliar. It kind of caught me off guard when they decided to do that so I said sure, but now I'm wondering how I should handle this going forward - I was thinking of adding a Criminal Obligation of around 10-20 to the group for stealing an Imperial ship, and maybe do a session based on resolving that in some way, but I'm not really sure what that would look like- somehow getting falsified codes and Imperial outfits? The only idea I had was an encounter where they
  9. dambust
    GentleMen. I firstly introduce myself to the community. I m a new GM, never did this before. And I come here to have infos. And I would like to say thank you to all of you for your posts, comments, advices all along the numerous pages of this forum. As you may notice it, english is not my native language, worst, I m french, so sorry for the syntax and so. So, I will GM my first session soon. We already create the caracters with my friends but I have a question about slicing. My players do not have a slicer, just an outlaw tech. As i feel it, you obviously need a Slicer kit ( don't know about the translation) but do you need to be a slicer to use it ? My guess is no, you can use it with a bunch of black dice ( or maybe improving difficulty
  10. CrazedRonin
    new GM, starting a dark heresy campaign in the coming weeks, but I've run into a bit of a snag. I've got a lot of my group that are "battlemat"-centric if you will, and they would like to see the game played on such.Understanding that I realize the game is a roleplaying game and not a miniatures game, my query is, has anyone found or can point me at a good source for rulings and documentation regarding playing using a battlemat?The current thought I had was using hex-grid and counting each square as 3m, but I'd like to see if anyone has something on paper. Thanks for your feedback
  11. TheLostNavigator

    spoon feeding PCs

    TheLostNavigator replied to TheLostNavigator 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Thanks for the advice, perhaps I will try moving to Only War. I admit that I am a new GM, but I do keep in mind that PCs idea of logic may differ. My initial draw to DH was because it is suited to characters that I prefer playing (social less combat orientated), but maybe just isn't what the others want from the system
  12. EliasWindrider

    PBP Alt Univ: Clone Wars: Misc

    EliasWindrider replied to EliasWindrider 's topic in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game
    Bellona @MrTInce @P-47 Thunderbolt @RuusMarev @SuperWookie get 25 xp as my parting gift. I wish you well, you should vote on a new GM
  13. ThenDoctor

    Psyker Help

    ThenDoctor replied to Ocule 's topic in Dark Heresy General Discussion
    wouldn't get a new GM, simply state that he can't just make a Bloodletter appear because you aren't rolling poorly enough
  14. _Thriven_
    made the Merchant Generator and that helped accelerate the process of NPC creation. I made some enhancements to it since I started writing the last session. I have a few more enhancements I'm planning as I'm writing my next session. I was thinking to myself though before I started this last session. "Am I cheating if I'm using visual aids?" I was seriously worried about that one. I'm a new GM, period. Not just to EotE but to GMing. I don't mind creating a picture with words. I actually writing a lot per scene that I speak but I wasn't sure if I was going to be skewing my players imagination or giving them a base to work off of. I suck at reading my own hand writing. I suck at reading my own typing. I find myself looking at my notes, reading
  15. KRGW
    weapons that won't get the troopers immediately have the troopers all over them), and see how often then can win, and then adjust the fight difficulty. -Related to it being an introductory adventure: come up with some explicit conditions for the PCs to get blue and black dice for doing stuff, so everyone gets use to blue and black dice being added to pools a lot. Add some explicit hooks for when the GM should use flip Destiny points (see below). Consider some conditions in which the PCs might suffer from some strain (the EotE book has an example where the PCs suffer several points of strain for walking over distances on Tatooine in the sun - I'd think trying to tough it out in an epic sandstorm would count). -Delete the Extra Reloads from the Sandtroopers' inventories. In SWd20, that makes total sense ... which would totally undercut the drama (and tactical interest) of them doing so. I'd consider swapping Membe's blaster pistol to one which doesn't have Autofire. That's a pretty nice toy to fall into the PC's hands in the first adventure. -Add a section in the "Sorry About the Mess" section about how to handle initiative in a more-than-two-teams fight like this in this system, because a new GM will be confused. Also, I would add better information on the Sandtroopers' tactics. In SWd20, it made sense (sorta) for them to stand stock still, shooting their blasters, but if you describe them not taking cover or moving (when it's more or less free to do so), it makes them look weird and the players might get confused and think you are trying to show them a "tell" when you arn't. -Definite
  16. Kaihlik
    great start. I was hoping to have something that I can run in a couple of weeks time, now with the amount of detail in the first section alone I think it will be no problem to make get a sessions worth of marerial together. When I have time I will start turning what you have given me into some notes that I can use. It really helps as a fairly new GM to be able to ask for help and recive so much input so thanks.I will still be grateful for any ideas anyone has on how to make this better, this is still a long way from finished and its only part 1 of 3.The next section will take them to Regulus where the 3 Sorcerers fled after Iconothos and where the book currently rests protected by their spells designed to keep all but the moth ruthless
  17. NatemusMaximus

    XP Session Wise

    NatemusMaximus replied to Dead-Pool 's topic in Game Masters
    New GM here. I've been giving 15xp per session, and we usually play about 5 to 6 hours every 2 or 3 weeks. I'll also give a max 5xp bonus for good roleplaying, clever solutions
  18. cpteveros
    tried to tell the player that skills aren't going to work in every situation, that playing purely from a mechanical standpoint isn't going to work in a game that isn't mechanically strong, that a GM decision in a point where the rules are weak should be followed, that the difficulty is hard to balance, so on and so forth. They told me that I was trying to force the Grimdark on them, that using creatures that had Fear or abilities that Stun are unfair, that damaging gear or causing gear loss is essentially ruining their character, that I should've just killed off two PCs because their new cybernetics "made them useless" and that I should make the game more dangerous and more Grimdark. While parts of this are contradictory, that is what I was told. At this point I told them that there had been complaints ... players (including D) made many valid points that I think have been fair criticisms and I am aiming to change. That I have no issue with. Where the problem comes in is that everyone seems to take things less seriously than player D, who obviously feels personally attacked by me and is extremely defensive. I would rather not kick the player but if it comes to that I will. I am not a new GM, but I don't have as much experience as many of the people on this board so I guess I need some direction. I read that link, cps - and I can see a few of those points among my own group of friends. Outside of this incident, I have had 0 issues with D, which is why it is such a shock to have to deal with it now - almost two years after we both
  19. BronzeDog
    still fairly new to the game, and thought I'd ask for some opinions on a couple characters I have in mind. I played Tresk a bit in my first group while I was working in Plano. Things were fun and crazy, but I didn't get much opportunity to use my vehicular talents. (I ended up being the team mechanic for much of the game.) I've moved back home, and I'm about to join a group that might only consist of me and the GM's wife, so that small group size might make things interesting. We played one session a while back, and she played a combat-focused character. I wound up writing up another character, CZ-36 in hopes of attracting anyone who might be willing to play if they had a ready made character. I might write up more or take random suggestions. Tresk ... greatest swoop racer in the galaxy. My first GM wanted our group to come up with a reason why we were on a prison transport, with the Emperor declaring harsher punishments for all crimes as our excuse to wind up together. I decided Tresk got himself in there by joyriding an antique speeder, (but I returned it in better condition than when I drove off with it!) leading to our group's adventures in kleptomania and the drug trade after we escaped. Before that, Tresk was something of a minor celebrity swoop racer. Since I left the group because of the move and we didn't have much in common, I've decided Tresk left them to try and reclaim his career. The first thing on his agenda will be getting his custom racing swoop, "Sheila" back. I gave my new GM permission to include it in whatever plot
  20. tunewalker

    First impressions

    tunewalker replied to DarthDude 's topic in Genesys
    clear on my concerns with Magic is I am a very new GM and while I like that its flexible to multiple systems the post seems to suggest that Magic is SUPER free form, as in not even guide lines to help you dependent on the level of magic you want in your game are in the book. That is a heavy concern for me as that means all balancing will be on me and I don't always trust myself even if my players have never had any complaints about the fun of the game. Now it may all be worrying for naught but I would still have liked SOME guidelines for magic whether it be making it easier or making it harder. I will say there was a complaint in the reddit post about not having rules to reduce difficulty of a spell by giving it penalties
  21. Kalrunoor

    Green GM/RPGer kindly asking for help

    Kalrunoor replied to SolennelBern 's topic in Game Masters
    This has been really helpful as a new GM. My own question would be that i have a large group (7+) PCs. Any suggestions on how to make sure everybody stays involved
  22. deathwolf669

    Mechromancers and their droid armies!

    deathwolf669 replied to Simon Retold 's topic in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG
    could normally get my dice rolls done for myself, pet and at least 3 summons if not more done in the time it took one of the other players to do their move, but at one point I had just over 10 things to play with, so as someone with experience of playing multiple things at once just make sure they do not slow down the game play. I am just waiting for my new GM to see if he is going to use more than the core books as I want to get my hands on the Special Modifications book
  23. Tunnelhckrat
    Just wondering on the new gm kit, is it worth it? WHow good is the mission and whats it based on? What about the usual goodies in the back? and the screen itself
  24. Mecimix
    everyone! I am a new GM for Dark Heresy, and I'm soon to be running the Desolation of the Dead campaign found in the Game Master's Kit. The only question I have so far is that I'm having a difficult time imaging or putting together a layout for the Fayne House's Factorum Mortuarius. Does anyone have any ideas about this? The structure is colossal, with at least an upper and lower level(maybe more), holding a Body Dock, Blood-Wash, Flensing Pits, and a large dome containing the Bone Grinders. The Overseer's Office is suspended above the Bone Grinder on one edge of the dome. I believe the book describes the Bone Grinder/Overseer office in the lower level. I just want to arrange in it a way that makes sense for the building. How do characters get from level to level(stairs, lifts
  25. CorpseGod

    Intro to my BC game..thoughts?

    CorpseGod replied to Adept Orcadius 's topic in Black Crusade
    looks good overall.It may be a bit challenging if you're a new GM. You seem to have anticipated many PC reactions ,but still, there's an awful lot they can do to throw you off your story. If you have a PC with a never say die attitude, it could be outright impossible to not end the scene with Nullus without bloodshed.My advice is to make sure your players know roughly where you're going with this before you start the game. Some players may still be a problem if they're the contrarian sort (if they dare your NPCs to kill their character, my usual advice is to warn them OOC once, and then indulge their desire to make a new character if they persist). Overall, I'd make sure that everyone agrees that this is just an intro and their PCs are given a little latitude