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  1. ThreeAM

    Transitioning GM to a player...

    ThreeAM replied to Ender07 's topic in Game Masters
    Maybe he should run a Dark sided campaign? "Evil" campaigns can be fun if everyone agrees to this before hand (all players buy in). But from my experience those campaigns tend to be shorter and fairly chaotic with very little coherent plot and requires a good GM who can roll with whatever evil deed the PCs come up with. On second thought maybe its not a great idea for a new GM, but since playing evil clearly speaks to this player who knows
  2. catpainhighfive
    Most of the core book seems to indicate that the PC's will be spending the Advantage and Triumph results they get. However, in the GM chapter, there are many instances where the GM can spend Advantage and Triumph. If so, does this mean the PCs can no longer make use of those same Advantage and Triumph results? New GM, trying to grasp the concept
  3. deadlysquid
    new GM and am running my first campaign of dark heresy. My group is 8 players and all classes execpt for an Arbite. Since I am new to GMing i am running the Edge of Darkness story. So far we are one secession in and they are getting a feel for the game and doing some investigating but no combat so far. I have a bunch of combat senarios laid out for when the occasion comes up and will see how it plays out. The group is sort of reluctant to actually interact with the NPC's beyond evesdropping and looking around. I think with a little encouragment on my part I can rectify that. I have also been outlining a story of my own that is based around investigating a heretech cult that turns out to be trying to reserect Necrons. I kind of think that maybe that
  4. BillMcDonagh

    PC Inquisitor Influence

    BillMcDonagh replied to Skarsnik38 's topic in Dark Heresy Rules Questions
    book puts a lot of weight on influence as a scaling mechanic, as much as experience. By using a player inquisitor at the start, you basically are ensuring the entire campaign will need to be a higher power level based around better equipment and the ability to bypass social encounters via influence. Influence itself is definitely a game-ified way of handling a lot of abstract things that are difficult for a new GM to handle on his/her own. Some of you view it as a crutch and a vulnerability, but its there to make the game simpler to GM by folding things into an easier to track stat than having to constantly track everyone's individual inventories, cash, contacts, and reputation as separate non-linear values. At this point, if you want a different effect, it will require home ruling. As to whether it should be home ruled
  5. Phyguy603
    GM were to post on this, I would also be interested in participating. I've started running a group for some friends, but I'm a very new GM. I wouldn't mind GMing, but I would like some extra experience in that role before taking on a second group
  6. The Grand Falloon

    Lightsaber Crystal Encounters

    The Grand Falloon replied to Legami 's topic in Game Masters
    probably say, "Draw another Crystal. You find two of this crystal in the same formation, their Force energies resonating together." It's quickly becoming very "Dungeon Crawl Board Game" in my head, which could be a blast if done right. Now that I've mentioned it, I feel like I should really post a link to some of what Gabe did when he jumped into D&D. Realize, this guy was a pretty brand new GM, diving gleefully into 4e. Yeah, he's creative for a living and presumably has a large nerd budget set aside, but this is why I love new players. Click
  7. Nevermind

    Video Map Display and Interaction

    Nevermind replied to Nytwyng 's topic in Game Masters
    technique. Definitely not something to use every session, it has it's time and place. It didn't make sense to use in that last session at all, which is why I stuck with Fog of War. My recommendation as far as all the special features, get familiar with them between sessions and only try to implement 1 or 2 new features each session. That will reduce the number of things that might not work just right. Couple of months ago I tried using too many new 'GM Toys' in one of my roll20 sessions and it did not turn out too well. Lesson learned, better GMing for the next time around
  8. cps

    Psyker Help

    cps replied to Ocule 's topic in Dark Heresy General Discussion
    Your GM is a ****. Sounds like you guys were doing really well, kicking ass and taking names and he saw that as a problem in need of correction. Get a new GM
  9. Schmiegel


    Schmiegel replied to Schmiegel 's topic in Your Stories
    Thank you Magnus, that's a complicated Complication! But amazing! I'm betting you could teach the PhD course work in GM'ing. I like that one a lot, but as a novice GM myself, it feels a little out of my range to attempt something like that, at this point.. Do you have any quick and easy example Complications that a new GM could use as kind of a template, that have worked
  10. Shubert1969

    End of the World a Complete Fail?

    Shubert1969 replied to Timfads 's topic in Zombie Apocalypse
    would not say fail. Although for me I would not call it a resounding success either. I love the simplistic rules but find the book lacking in some essential concept. As a new GM, I would have like to see a more complete section on actual survival (tables for random encounters, events, etc). It somewhat feel unfinished imho as there are very little actual GM tools and I now have to find other informations outside the book from other zombie rpg. Of course this view is because I am not an experience GM. Overall my satisfaction level is 2D6 positive with 3D6 negative
  11. Ender07
    Hello, I am a new GM and I have posted in the main EotE forum already but since I am playing through the EotE BG, I figured I would post here as well!I have never been a GM and our group of 4 (including myself) does not have any tabletop RP experience so we will be learning as we go from the ground up. I was curious how much time I should try to budget for the beginner game and it's expansion Long Arm of the Hutt. I have 4 hours budgeted tomorrow to explain the mechanics and start the BG but I didn't know if I should print off the expansion beforehand in case we breeze right through it.And before you tell me how much it can vary due to player actions, I do know that there is a fairly wide margin in which this
  12. Nibenay
    some of my friends have been playing various rpg's for many years (In my case I started around 1993), Some of us have managed to play more or less regular while others are more busy. The issue lately is that while we had 4 somewhat regular GM's for various systems, only one is now regularily available so I've been considering starting as GM in a setting. We've played about 10 sessions (i guess) with RT.The RT GM is quite busy and it took a year in real time from the sesstion we found the Light of Terra to we captured it in the next sesstion. It's now 8 months since that time and I don't expect we'll be playing for a while... I think most of us found RT quite enjoable but the system appears really broken and unbalanced in general. I quite ... that might be fixed with a rather generous amount of house rules. I have to say that in our first encounter with RT and another pirate ship, the first thing our captain said was "lets board and capture it", only to find out how poorly these rules are. I've noticed how Errant Knight has a rather extensive set of house rules that I've just glanced over. My bigger worry as a (potential) new GM is the freedom one has in RT to go anywhere and do anything. While the same thing really appeals to me as player, it's also a concern I have if i GM. In more regular fantasy, one can pop the group into a dungeon and they'll more or less stay there How do you solve these issues? Also, I'm wondering how many official/premade adventures exist for this setting? Are there only
  13. Lord Sector Hax
    Alright. I am a comparatively new GM, but I have figured out a system that works for me. First, A little background. I was running the pre-made in the back of the Core Rulebook to introduce my party, a bunch of new charachters to my campaign. In that shootout with the two young gang members at the start, one guy took it slightly out of proportion. long, hilarious, infuriating story short, the PDF and the Sisters of Battle were undergoing a deployment around Port Suffering when the mining melta charges they stole went off and took out half the city. They managed to make it up with their inquisitor (they now all wear explosive collars), and they are now trapped in Volg's underhive, with literally millions of mutants hurtling at them. What I am trying to get at here is that I got there by writing
  14. Ali Mesratep

    YBtC #2 - Luke Skywalker

    Ali Mesratep replied to awayputurwpn 's topic in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG
    Presence) from the Force-Sensitive Emergent talent tree (45 xp), and developed few Force related tricks with the basic Move power (10 xp), and the Influence basic power plus one Control upgrade as he saw Obi-Wan fooling some stormtroopers to enter Mos Esley (20 xp). Finally, he improved some skills to become a better pilot, and learned to handle his lightsaber (130 xp). · Experience Points: 575 (plus 380 for his adventure between the New Hope and the Empire)· Species: Human· Class: Explorer· Specialties: Driver, Force-Sensitive Emergent, Squadron leader (40 xp)· Obligation: Family (his father Anakin Skywalker)· Duty: Combat superiority.· Morality: Not yet.· Motivation: Friendship, Overthrow the Empire, Comrades. Br 2 • Agi 4 • Int 3 • Cun 3 • Wil 2 • Pre 3Soak: 3 • Defenses: None.Thresholds: Wounds: 16 • Strain: 14Skills: Cool 2, Gunnery 3, Lightsaber 2, Mechanics 2, Perception 2, Piloting (Planetary) 3, Piloting (Space) 3, Resilience 1, Survival 2, Vigilance ... Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Stun setting). LUKE SKYWALKER, YODA'S STUDENT After the Battle of Hoth where Luke helped the rebel forces to flee the Empire (thanks to Ozzel’s stupid move!) and on the advice of Obi-Wan, Luke goes to the planet Dagobah to find Yoda, a great Jedi Master. For those actions and finding the last Jedi master, Mark’s PC was awarded with a lot of xp (Irvin, the new GM, was very generous). After shortly mistaken Yoda for a bum, Luke started his Jedi training. “Use other Characteristic instead of your Brawn to handle your lightsaber you can” says the little greenish creature, then Luke bought the new specialization of Shien Expert (third spec’, off-career: 50 xp) and bought Street smarts (on Dagobah, Luke learned how to make the difference between a local hobo and a retired Jedi master) plus Shien technique
  15. Endrek03

    hi sooo npc units?

    Endrek03 replied to pastrychef1323 's topic in Game Masters
    Personal, subjective advice: Do not be a player in your game. Do not add "GM NPC's" in your game. Don't. In all my years of table top gaming, I have NEVER seen this implemented right. Either your character looks stupid because you can't help in any situations ever due to giving the answers of the "puzzle" away, or the PC's begin to lean on your NPC too much because he knows everything. There is no middle ground. There just . . . isn't. It's a huge mistake I've seen many times of new GM's wanting to play, wanting to be part of the action; but trust me, it doesn't turn out well. Your job is to be a story teller. Your job is to entertain your players. A good GM derives his fun and entertainment from telling a great story
  16. FangGrip
    Each game line also has pre-made adventure modules. While they are not as easy to run as the ones in the beginner and core rules, they do take most of the strain off a new GM. So far EotE has 2 adventure modules, AoR has 1, and FaD has one listed as upcoming
  17. Sebastian Yorke

    Salvager/ Cold Trader Ship build

    Sebastian Yorke replied to HiveFleetStorm 's topic in Rogue Trader
    unwanted thoughts on this: On one hand:RTs blast RTs all the time and no one gets nabbed by the Arbites or anything. I imagine that RT-> Free Captain would be even worst.RTs excell at bureaucracy, so arguing that the new ship in their fleet originally belonging to someone else was "Indenizationis for Obstruction of The Warrant" or that it was "Confiscated for high purposes in the name of [insert Imperium group name here]." would be a solution to a great many problem. Also, the Breaking Yards would fetch a good price for any prize-ship.It wouldn't take a poor or new GM to allow this, but a good RT to keep his back covered very well while he piles up Enemy(blablabla) in his sheet. On the other hand:Do you wanna play Black Crusade? Go find a Black Crusade GM. (I told some players this once after their
  18. Aedo
    very little room for a GM or player to put his own touch on the world when playing. I am brought back to the example of Old World of Darkness wherein metaplot became so thick and so tightly interwoven, that it was a mounting challenge to create new stories with a sense of mystery because so much had been laid out in the books if you knew which supplement to look over. For example, it was hard to have things that would go bump in the night underneath New York because if you dug too deep and too greedily, suddenly Tzimisce him/her/itself was waiting for you. I'll apply this to L5R in just a second. Good detail is good because it gives you a solid structure to play on, but too much map make sit hard to do new exploration. does that make sense? I feel like ... since. I don't have evidence to back that up, so if you have anything on that topic, I'm happy to bow to greater expertise. @WHW I can see where not giving enough info can be daunting for a lot of introductory GM's. I also think the challenge of providing months to years of weekly entertainment for a half dozen people who may sometime shave more experience than you in a given world can also be daunting. Making ongoing story can be hard. I think AEG L5R (at least in 1st Edition) has done a fair, if not excellent, job of helping guide new GM's into their jobs, but more world details would, of course, be appreciated
  19. Dark Bunny Lord

    Is it worth it?

    Dark Bunny Lord replied to SFC Snuffy 's topic in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG
    new GM try WFRP with other stubborn players who never gave it a chance since it was such a departure from other RPGs with the combo of cards, tokens and dice but I'm going to be trying it soon as an experienced GM because I felt we missed out on something and for the most part have gotten rid of those players since and now the newer group is not only a bit more open but is used to this dice system which of course has a lot of similarities so should be less jarring than moving from D20 or white wolf
  20. Vexous

    KOTOR Session Zero (F&D)

    Vexous replied to jimjams79 's topic in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG
    force users? If you're using the link between Bastilla and Revan you'll be giving away some of the surprise. Come to think of it, what are you doing as far as npcs go? They include a pretty well rounded group in the game as it is. I'm guessing you're axing some of them? Only so much room on the Ebon Hawk to go around. Kind of intimidating for a new GM I'd think. Be prepared to change things, a lot. Be flexible and don't get too upset when your plans get steampiled by the players. Speaking of plans, try not to railroad the players into too narrow a decision path. As the GM, you've chosen to play from someone else's script but the players might want to add a few embellishments of there own here and there. Several different ways of saying
  21. John1701
    everyone,I've been GMing a long game with some of my friends (3 players) for almost a year now and have done a few other games with 1-3 players. I'm about to take over for a GM in a large group that I kinda did and kinda didn't start (long story) at my LCS. I am by far the most experienced player and know most of the rules like the back of my hand, but I'm still a fairly new GM. Before starting the game with my small group I had never GMed before and had only even played 3-4 games of D&D. I have no problems with story, managing player interactions, rules, etc. but I am nervous about going into a group of about 8 players that I've only met 1-2 times.How do I manage time, keep
  22. sinister6
    Just got mine today. Good points: Nemesis Cards, Optional Rules (most of which are good), Magic Items, Locations, Monster Stand ups.Bad Points: The GM screen is really puzzling, why discuss ranges without mention the moves needed to move between them, why mention the difficulty for healing without mentioning the heal effects. Also the 20 pages to discuss 3 act story telling and types of encounters is much more useful to a new GM then someone who has run his share of RPGS.Overall the product rates a B from me. Useful stuff, but nothing that made me go WOW AMAZING
  23. roguespear2

    "Haarlock's Folly" - a bit too obvious?

    roguespear2 replied to egalor 's topic in Dark Heresy
    actually just took over an arc from our GM, as he didn't have the time with work and found myself GMing the Damned Cities arc. We'd already run D&A and Tattered Fates, so the players already knew plenty about Haarlock.The first thing they did on arrival was nearly get themselves killed in the Barge Assault encounter (My attempts at 'improving' the scenario to be able to entertain 5 level 7 and 8 characters probably didn't help - new GM coming through!) but immediately after that began trying to investigate the tower purely based on it's name. As we didn't have a psyker, but did have a character who's been possessed twice I gave him the ability to use pynisience as a basic skill. He was immediately wierded out by the tower. However, I then did what any right minded GM would do - I dangled
  24. Marwynn

    Salvaging our game

    Marwynn replied to Marwynn 's topic in Rogue Trader Gamemasters
    still attached to their characters, even the dead missionary. In a subtle bit of revenge, we're going to use the Maw closing as part of our new backstory. As it currently stands, the Blessed Enterprise has its lord-captain in a coma halfway through the Maw. Somehow, the whole convoluted space hulk/karrad vall storyline will force the Koronus end of the Maw to close. We're going to give Koronus time to reset. We, on the other hand, having a ship with a piece of an STC, will be sitting fairly pretty all things considered. We had a PF of 39 at last count, and we'll stay there (because I say so as the new GM). So, because there's now a crazy need for resources that came from Koronus, the Imperial Navy has begun spreading the word about the Jericho Reach a bit more to some reliable
  25. karaokelove
    books, but I'd think droids would be an exception, considering there are sooo many variables that other races just don't have to worry about. The viability of a droid PC can vary from almost useless to godlike, all based on how the GM interprets the rules. Sure, a good GM is going to be able to keep things under control, but a designated book would save so much time and work spent on answering questions and coming up with house rules. A player shouldn't have to relearn all of their strengths and weaknesses and abilities every time they get a new GM. At the very least, they should have a droid-specific class that has some of those cool droid abilities that have popped up in canon so that a player would be able to do some of it, but have it governed by hard rules