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  1. TheMightiestCaz

    Relatively new GM/New Only War campaign

    TheMightiestCaz replied to TheMightiestCaz 's topic in Only War Game Masters
    guess anything for a brand new GM for this system. Most of my experience is with D20 systems, not D10. That any idea's or suggestions for the campaign idea I posted earlier
  2. Lucius Vorenus2
    Hello everyoneI'm a somewhat new GM who is interested in running an online campaign over skype or another instant messaging system. Looking for any players who would be interested in playing. Preferably characters with a backstory and a balanced party
  3. Jamwes

    GMing Onslaught at Arda I

    Jamwes replied to Jamwes 's topic in Game Masters
    Arda I adventure here. Feel free to ask any questions and I'll answer the best I can. Oh, and in case anyone can't tell from the intent of this thread and it being in the GM forum, there are spoilers in this thread. To recap, I'm a novice GM. With the publishing of the Arda adventure, I thought it would give an oppertunity to provide our "forever GM" a chance to actually play the game that he has been running for us. It took us a bit to actually get the game going, because we had to introduce the new PC and I had to shake the new-GM jitters. We basically played for about 2 hours and ended with the group arriving at the Arda base. My original thought was to make things a bit tougher on my PCs, because they aren't a starting group
  4. Haackv2
    everyone, semi-new GM here trying to create an interesting story for some equally new players. I've hammered out most of the details for the first couple sessions, but I need some help telling if this would be a quality villian for the laung haul, or if hes to cliche or something like that. Also could use some help figuring out how exactly to work him in the story.His name is Ozi (As in firelord Ozi) and he's a middle aged Alreraainian male. Once a proud member of the Imperial navy, he promptly resigned from his post as the commanding officer of a Star Destroyer to seek vengance on those wishing to exploit the destruction of his homeworld for personal gain. Commanding a crew of similarly distraught Aderaanians, he roams 'The Graveyard' on the highly militarized coreelian corvette he calls his own, striking down any pirates or smugglers
  5. Solardream

    Musings of a neophyte GM

    Solardream replied to Locque 's topic in Dark Heresy
    this is why I love Warhammer 40K.First off, kudos to the new GM. I've never done it, and personally I don't have the patience to..gods knows we players are like kids with guns. Er, right. But I have to say, it sounds as if you're getting it. As a DH player (or any roleplaying game), I personally love it when someone can immerse us into the story. Which is odd because I'm the type to jump into combat or portray my characters faults and strengths via acting, but hang in the background when all the investigation-type stuff happens or we have to plan things. Sounds like you're getting that done, and with the advice here, are getting some feedback.Speaking of feedback, I'd also say to make sure you get some from your players as time goes
  6. Jack of Tears

    Newbie friendly?

    Jack of Tears replied to Sleby 's topic in Dark Heresy
    Well, checking the errata isn't neccessary unless a rule is obviously broken - especially for a new GM.Dark Heresy is a big setting to swallow as a new GM, but if you think you have enough of a handle on the world and you're not afraid of a rough start (all new GMing experiences are rough) then I say go for it. GMing is a great experience, ever changing, ever growing ... you'll learn a great deal through trial and error. (use one of the published adventures first, to get a feel for the setting) Don't be afraid to ask questions on the forum, that is why we're here
  7. John Do''h

    How much power to acolytes have?

    John Do''h replied to King of Sand 's topic in Dark Heresy
    same game, but with a different feel dependant upon what your after!The key is to enjoy, but people sometimes forget both the players AND the GM should enjoy it, its a collaberative effort, some people see things as "Them and Us" with the GM and player fighting against each other.... but its both sides working together for fun. If the players and running rough shod over the GM's expectations, thats fine to a point (We all had games where the GM's plan gets scrapped as the players out think you! Buggers!) but not at the cost of the entertainment for all concerned.Obviously from his message the GM here is not happy and is looking for advice as a new GM on how he could handle it, thats what we are doing, suggesting advice
  8. Ghaundan
    Hello again!First of all, happy new year! Some of you might remember me, I'm a new GM who started late last year with warhammer fantasy and it's been a bit of a ride so far. We've had fun, I've overcompensated a bit on combat after a rather...horrible isn't the right word but rather onesided combat with the premade adventure throwing a wargor and several gors and ungors at the party. A party who could barely handle one Gor. So, that's going to be fixed. Combat will be challenging, potentially deadly but not "he has 30 wounds and you'll probably only do 1 each hit". Unless they can run.Now, to the main thing: During FFG's christmas sale I decided to treat myself to some supplements. I already had winds of magic because we had a wizard, who died the session after
  9. Jack of Tears

    Hints and tips for a beginning GM?

    Jack of Tears replied to Xytonion2 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    etc.If you are only planning on running a few sessions I would strongly recommend playing one of the prefabricated adventures which have been made available; this way you can work more on polishing your style than coming up with a scenario.Things to consider: Don't give out too much loot. I know that, as a player, you start getting the idea that you'd love to have tons of 'sweet loot', so as GM you start giving it out like candy ... the problem is, you end up making characters too powerful and destroying game balance. Soon, all the loot makes the game less fun, rather than more.Do give out some items, however. In rpgs acquiring items is sometimes considered your reward for overcoming difficult obstacles, so failing to give out anything is almost as bad as giving out too much. Mind you, if you were playing more than ... and/or fear of their inquisitor) This can occasionally be a difficult one to achieve ... I know that I love to flesh out the entire setting and set the players down in it to run about and experience what they will, but sometimes the pcs get lost in the midst of everything else which is going on in the background - be careful of that.Read the GM advice in the setting handbook. This can be very useful for a new GM, as it lays out some of the very basic rules of taking on that mantle.Be prepared - know where the proper crit charts, monster stats, weapon stats, etc. are and mark them with post it notes or something similar so you can flip quickly to the information. Nothing disrupts a game like having to flip through a book in the middle of an encounter.Don't let pcs push you around
  10. Lukey84

    New Campaign - An Empire Served

    Lukey84 replied to DanteRotterdam 's topic in Game Masters
    Just had a few minutes to read through Ep 1. I like how neat the pages appear and it seems like a new GM could run this with some comfort. I will definitely point my GM-in-training to this campaign once he learns the basics. I would ask if you can adjust the tables to ensure that they don't have run-off letters such as in "Streetwise" and "Computers". Also consider adding in hyperlinks to other parts of the document, that may make it easier if someone is using an electronic device to quickly get to the topic. An example being "Kerob Clan" page 15/19, multiple successes give information on Asyr. Asyr could be hyperlinked to the character notes from page 1. Consider clarifying what information is obvious about the locations and NPCs, such as adding shading or some other identifier to the text. Page layout and spacing
  11. Lord Octavious Ravacyn
    Dark Heresy Fans and Players I am a new GM, I have been playing for 3 years but I am having trouble understanding the NEW 2nd Edition rules. I am having trouble understanding how to advance Characters in 2nd edition DH, it talks about one, two and zero aptitudes, please help me understand it. Eg; tables 2-2, to 2-6 Thankyou kindly Lord Octavious RavacynArbitor Noble/Highborn of Mcragge
  12. Sturn
    numbers you are suggesting are fine. Especially with a new GM. I think it would be better to start with a smaller group until you become more experienced. 2. You said early 2000's so I think you mean Decipher's LOTR? I've played it also and while I think it is a good system (much preferable then d20) I think this narrative system edges it out. But, of course you came to an FFG forum so what do you expect? In all seriousness if you were my best friend getting into RPGs I would also suggest this narrative system over any other. It highly promotes role-playing not just roll-playing so is a great starting system to learn what RPGs are (should be) about. If you started with d20 as your first ever system, for example, you could end up with a much different view of what
  13. shosuko
    agree with you, but its tough to consider what might be the solution... I kinda feel like Ninjo and Giri should be more like (dis)advantages - something the player can call upon for a direct mechanical benefit when they can justify that their character is following their ninjo/giri and something the GM can call out against them when they shirk these same things. The problem with this is that we have quite a few advantages and disadvantages, and the mechanics are already so similar that it doesn't make much sense to pile more on... I wonder if we should dump adversities and distinctions, using Ninjo/Giri in their place. These give the immediate powerful ability / penalty of re-rolling that let them be front and center in a gaming session. A player immediately sees the karmic consequence of their actions. Then we take distinctions ... adversities and we make them a MUCH simpler mechanic. These turn into a simple list of keywords. Whenever you commit to an approach you can pick 1 applicable trait to also apply to it. This trait simply upgrades 1 ring die to a skill die for that roll. Similarly negative traits can be called out by your GM to downgrade 1 skill die to a ring die. These traits could include skill specializations rather than subskills as well. edit: I'm totally with you on the discord wheel... its something new GM's may find useful as they begin running rpg's but pretty worthless to a gm who knows what they're doing. Honor / Glory tracking could be scrapped completely and the game would only be made better for it. Edited December 21, 2017 by shosuko
  14. Liloki
    value out of the screen itself. It is high quality material, looks pretty and has enough of the tables I need to keep from constantly flipping through the book. The booklet that came with the screen is very much "mileage may vary" and for me minimally useful material. For a new GM, the booklet contents seems just what they need. For a grizzled vet... negligible. The AoR GM Kit on the other hand... the marketed contents of that booklet seem vastly more useful than what was in the Edge booklet. So I'll likely end up with a second FFG Star Wars GM screen just for the stuff in the AoR kit booklet
  15. ak-73
    like the red outline of the =I=. Other than that, I like in particular the new GM Screen: Alex
  16. FrogTrigger
    Thanks for the tips, I more just meant what kind of resources could a new GM use that would help him understand his role. Like I said, a lot of examples draw on D&D or Pathfinder material I just wasn't sure if there was like a specific person or website that was centered around this material. I imagine by the time I get through the Beginners books I will have a much better idea of what is expected of me though
  17. pumpkin

    Couple Questions

    pumpkin replied to player928348 's topic in WFRP Gamemasters
    Warhammer RPG be played with a GM and 2 players? YesBetter question is how well does it play with 1 GM and 2 players? We have played it with between 3 and 5 players plus GM. The core set with all its cards will comfortably support a GM and 2 players, so the question of how well depends on the kind of game you would be looking to play. Do you/have you played other RPGs with that number of players? did it work, if not why not?I don't think there is anything specifically in WFRP that means it would not work well with only two player. The adventures would need to be tailored to that number (certainly if you were going to use a ready made one, you might need to reduce the enemy count slightly, but most ready made ones comes with info and suggestions ... sell of the information already in the core set; they is very little new data. (I bought it anyway though!)Likewise the GMs guide is mostly info from the core set; i don't have it and don't intend to buy it, but i get the impression its been made predominantly for new GMs, and has addtional info and guidance on how to run the game, so depending on your experience it might be a good product? its really difficult to comment without knowing your previous experience or indeed owning it myself.If you do get the core set, then with your group of 3 you wouldn't need the GM or players vaults. The core set would have plenty for youCreature guide/vault is a worhwhile purchase with or without core set. they both contain new info and add to the line nicely, although if you only wanted
  18. pumpkin

    First time Roleplayers trying out Grimm

    pumpkin replied to Kartigan13 's topic in Grimm RPG
    posted a while back didn't we, when you were considering starting to RPG, and I highlighted the then up and coming WFRP to you as an option instead of instead of Grimm? I'm sure it was you... anyway, WFRP is now out and I have both that and Grimm and so you might find this useful... WFRP is in theory a great game for new groups, and its pretty obvious FFG have put work into bringing board gamers, MMO'ers as well as RPGers on board with it.I personally really like the system and it's fixed or at least tries to fix some of the stuff I have problems with in some other RPGs, admittedly some other RPGers are finding that a problem with the system, as they were the things those people liked in other systems! Obviously with you coming fresh to that, it wouldn ... decent lead into RPGers in general despite it quite niche fluff concepts.BUT, and it's a big but... WFRP has lots of stuff that should and can make GMing and introducing RPGs to new people easier. I think the risk with it, is that although there is a lot of good advice in the GM book on running the game (the advice is really good believe me, and if you have it, read that chapter regardless of what system you end up playing!), the game gives the GM a lot of freedom in how the rules are implemented, and such, and I guess that could be a bit overwhelming for a new GM. Having said that though, the system is really forgiving in that if you make a mistake here and there it is very simple to rectify that going foward.Much of what I have said is also true
  19. ThenDoctor
    former campaigns a female compatriot of mine first played an assassain and out GM being the guy he is made a small career backround called a Vixen assassain. The Vixen is a seducer assassain she (only female characters can get this package) uses her looks and charms to beguile her targets into a false sense of indulgence and then strikes. The career path is mainly melee oriented though she never really like guns when she played, so i guess its open to interpretation. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for the skills and talents and effects one of these assassains might have, my gm just made it up as he went and my female compatriot really wants to play an assassain like that again but our new gm wants to edit and finalize it. Im asking you guys and gals if you have any ideas that i might
  20. Richardbuxton

    Not a complete game??

    Richardbuxton replied to ArtWend 's topic in Genesys
    well. Genesys is different, they provide a framework for you, a core system with structure that’s easy and modular. They provide examples of how to create content, then let you do it. My problem is I don’t think they go far enough in encouraging you to make your own things. They also don’t quite give enough guidance on making your own new rules. But they do give enough I believe, it’s really not a good core book for a new gm though. A beginner box and a setting book are really needed for newer groups
  21. korjik

    Failed Cybernetic install

    korjik replied to archangelhrm 's topic in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG
    told you before hand that the intellect loss would be the result of the failure, then it is on the player for going through with it. Even then it is still a pretty big **** move for just a couple failures. Maybe with a couple despair, but that is still harsh. You should get the hole group to inform the GM that this sort of punishment is unacceptable. If he has a problem with that then it time for a new GM
  22. Lone Pilgrim

    New Homebrew Campaign

    Lone Pilgrim replied to Nath0610 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    sorry for multi-posting, I seem to be a bit disorganised -.-What has not been pointed out so far is atmosphere. It's one of the many roles of the GM to create atmosphere that will immerse players and make them forget they are sitting round a table, and one that new GM in particular tend to overlook with their hands full. Since you use a setting that's supposed to be rather creepy, I'd wager that it'd pay off to put some thought into the matter.So, my advice on creating atmosphere (mind you, this is all how I like it, not something I'd force on a group if they don't like that sort of thing):- Descriptions: Don't tell your players there's "kinda a building", but "there's a dilapidated habblock, grey ferrocrete, in places plastered over with flaking paint that has yellowed
  23. selrenna
    new GM to the system and I am finding a lot of adventure are understandably so anti imperial, however I do have an ex-isb character in my group, he left on good standing after the death of his wife. The character is solid and one of the better Role played pcs in the group as a GMt i hate stepping on player creativity more so when they step out of their comfort zone to try something new. My campaign has begun earlier than the usual Etoe time line essentially at the start of the Rebels TV show. I did this because they are a crew with a well off logistics Corp and i wanted their personal contacts and trade partners in place before the rebellion begins or in truth becomes something significant. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to deal with the 'evil' empire aspects of adventures that
  24. Cornelius Vermuyden

    First time GMing

    Cornelius Vermuyden replied to Warp_spawn 's topic in Rogue Trader Gamemasters
    best advice I can give an aspiring GM is to remember the Cornelius' Three-C's: Cool, Calm, and Collected.Keep a Cool head when GM-ing a group, even if the group is one you think you know extremely well. Certain players might take advantage of a new GM, but even when things seem to be getting out of hand, try to resolve issues without resorting to dice-throwing, name-calling, or other actions that might disrupt the in-game flow any more than is needed.Create a Calm environment to play in. Although role-playing games can get a bit frantic and energetic as the criticals and fumbles start rolling, try to keep the players and yourself to a reasonably calm level. I always find a calm game tends to run smoother than a hectic one, and is easier to control.Remain Collected in times of confusion. A good GM
  25. ira2
    thought Shattered Hope was a great scenario. I highly recommend it for starting acolytes. And the ability for a new group to move from Shattered Hope to the three out of Perge The Unclean is invaluable. I firmly believe that if a new GM runs all four then it will give him enough expirance to run an investigation