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  1. Matt Skywalker

    Advice for a brand new GM?

    Matt Skywalker replied to Scapino 's topic in Game Masters
    Chaos in the flesh, I have one of those too. Its fun looking back at each session with him around??????????????
  2. Suma99

    Advice for a brand new GM?

    Suma99 replied to Scapino 's topic in Game Masters
    If people are making their own characters after the Beginner's Game, set up a Session 0 where you work out how characters know each other, and what players are expecting from the game, as well as lines to be drawn. A friend of mine accidentally traumatised an intensely arachnophobic player once by forgetting to ask before throwing graphically-described giant spiders at him.
  3. Yaccarus
    fairly new GM looking for a group. When it comes to style/careers/specializations, I would like to only use Edge of the Empire, but I would allow you to use species from other games. I can play online using discord, skype, roll20 etc. As a high schooler on summer break, I would have plenty of time to write adventures. I can draw characters... half decently. (Example uploaded) I've ran about a dozen games with various groups, which seem to have gone fairly well, although only a handful are ones that I have written. A few random house rules that I would like to use: Choose your career/specialization/species first, because they often provide insight towards background/obligation/motivation. Always choose obligation/motivation, don't role for it. Edited June 9, 2017 by Yaccarus Lack of clarity
  4. jimjams79

    New DM issues-

    jimjams79 replied to jimjams79 's topic in Game Masters
    SOme new GM threads haven't realised that it has teh stimpak limitation so players have just been spamming it apparently. I've seen it in two post one if F&D and one in EDGE of the empire
  5. tunewalker

    Star Wars feel: The No No list

    tunewalker replied to Archlyte 's topic in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG
    current game I am both a very new GM with a bunch of very new players. I am pulling from just about everything to keep the game fun and exciting for my players. I only have 1 player that is set up for combat, and the other 3 are diplomats and spies (one commander that really wants to get a capital ship and I intend to give that to him at the right time) my story started out with the team on a big swamp moon orbiting a planet with minimal imperial presence, because a couple players were moving away I finished it up faster then intended and they kicked the empire off the planet just as the players that had to leave were leaving (had 6 now down to 4) then it became a big political campaign while dealing with being on the other foot as the empire became ... refuses to be grouped with some of the players allies because the allies remind the people being saved of earlier trauma's. The only drug use shown on screen so far has been drinking like in a cantina. Truthfully I feel my games could use more focused direction some times and definitely have varied feelings from game to game simply because while I have a plan for the over arcing story as a very new GM I feel like I am still learning and I do feel like I am refining both my game and my story telling. I still ask after every game if my players are having fun/ are being challenged/ are excited for the next game, and they still say their only complaint is that we have to go home and stop playing. At the end of the day I think the number 1 priority
  6. Slaunyeh

    Musings of a neophyte GM

    Slaunyeh replied to Locque 's topic in Dark Heresy
    Just this...Locque said:A new GM is born. Welcome aboard
  7. SacredRebirth

    New To RPGs

    SacredRebirth replied to ScruffyHanSolo1987 's topic in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG
    new GM who ran an interesting begginers game of EotE and Force awakens a little while back and I'm not sure where to go from there. I have the other 2 begginers games too (I may have sprung for everything). I have a few questions myself about where to go and what to do next. I'd like to run an epic with taking down organizations and major villians, but I think that's a bit much to chew at first... What type of campaign would you recommend I start with? Should I just run the other 2 begginers games? Should I start with AoR, EotE, or F&D? What do you all recommend for a begginer GM and group
  8. player266669

    Any tips for a first-time Deathwatch GM?

    player266669 replied to player266669 's topic in Deathwatch Gamemasters
    other tips for a new GM?Or was that pretty much
  9. DarkForce2

    Crafting Breaks the game (?)

    DarkForce2 replied to Quoth 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Well, not much to add there. Unless he has a Mechanicus-Sanctioned Blueprint and Pattern, whatever he'll build will be obviously a new model, likely FAR inferior to every Thunderhammer out there and obviously heretical to many a Tech-Priest who knows how to build those things. Furthermore, the Power Field of the Thunderhammer is far more advanced then that of a Thunder Hammer (which also has, as mentioned before, a shock-module as well as usually some sort of concussion-gizmo) so the most he'll probably get to build would be a Hammer with... probably 1D10 + 4/1D10 + 5, a Pen of 6 or 7 as well as the "Unwieldy" quality - certainly a stylish hammer with a Power Field, but far from gamebreaking in any way, if they have access to power swords, in my opinion at least.(Hell, I let one of the players in my Rogue ... please? Edit: Found it: Heavily influenced me on depicting the AM and Technology in the Imperium. And if all of that fails... talk to him about it. Directly say "I think you having a Thunder Hammer at this point would be detrimental to the fun of the group and it'll probably break my story." If he still doesn't understand, tell him to either look for a new group or a new GM, depending on the dynamic in your group. (Yeah, I know, 'GM is nothing without his group and should GM so the players enjoy it', but whatever, it's still the GM creating the setting and doing the work of preparing plot you can enjoy, so ultimately whatever the GM says, goes. Something I always exaggerate in my groups when I GM, as it saved me a lot of trouble a few times ) Edited
  10. BlkSabbath74
    Headhunting for Game Master for Online Game Hey guys, I am currently seeking 1-2 Game Masters for our online gaming community. are looking for a GM for a Rogue Trader game that we would like to start up in the near future. We already have a group, left over from a failed Imperial Navy RPG, and some interested players. The GM could wait until the rulebook comes out or go ahead and start the game. The time table and all other decisions would be entirely up to the GM. addition, we have recently had a GM tender his resignation in a game that is just starting. It has 7 active players, and more could be added if the new GM so desired. The group of acolytes have only recently come together, so the new GM could continue the current plot, or branch off on a plot
  11. BlkSabbath74
    Headhunting for Game Master for Online Game Hey guys, I am currently seeking 1-2 Game Masters for our online gaming community. are looking for a GM for a Rogue Trader game that we would like to start up in the near future. We already have a group, left over from a failed Imperial Navy RPG, and some interested players. The GM could wait until the rulebook comes out or go ahead and start the game. The time table and all other decisions would be entirely up to the GM. addition, we have recently had a GM tender his resignation in a game that is just starting. It has 7 active players, and more could be added if the new GM so desired. The group of acolytes have only recently come together, so the new GM could continue the current plot, or branch off on a plot
  12. jwint66

    New Lightsaber Crystal Canon

    jwint66 replied to mouthymerc 's topic in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG
    This has been an intriguing topic! I'm a brand new GM working with brand new PCs. (Thank God for beginner games!) This has given me some great ideas! Not to throw a wrench into the works, but what about the Darksaber? I feel like they shot themselves in the foot with the explanation on that! They could've easily stated that it was Mandalore the Ultimate's weapon of choice and that he was trained by Sith to use it effectively in combat against Jedi and other force users. Brought in Reven and .... I digress. Technically, they did not call it a Lightsaber, but if Tarre Vizsla was a Jedi, wouldn't it be a Lightsaber though? How would you handle the crystal situation of this saber? If it were attunement, what situation brought about this color? To me, it would've had to have been harvested or discovered
  13. Xathess Wolfe
    LeBlanc13 said:See I disagree with this. Players holding a GM hostage "You give us the game we want to play or else" is just as bad as a GM saying "play my game or else".But you said it better before, both sides need to communicate.The GM needs to clearly define not just what game system he wants to run, but any up front house rules, as well as what style of game he wants to play. Just saying "Lets play DH" doesn't mean crap. Saying "I want to play a Investigative style DH game where... blah blah blad" is better.But the players need to be up front to. If they don't want to play said style of game, then they need to say it up front. But I've known too many players who agree to play a type of style of game, then ... play it the way they want to, then get angry that the GM isn't catering to their style, when the GM was upfront about the style of game he was going to run.Now here's where I'm going to say I disagree. If the GM was upfront about the style (in this case investigative) of game he wanted to run (which I'm not so sure he was), and the players agreed to play that style, but are now simply hacking and slashing, well then its the GMs JOB to either get the game back on track, or simply end itSimply put if the GM wants investigative and the players agreed to it, then he's the GM, and that's who he is to tell them no. They need to go find a new GM. If the players didn't have a clue, and wanted hack
  14. Cheek
    Greetings one and all! Our group has grown recently. Until now we have always run a rotating GM system, where each GM gets to lead the group through their campaign, then passes the baton to the next bright-eyed GM with fresh, new ideas. Now, however, we have so many players that things are really slowing down, especially if even one player likes to roleplay or check the rules before making his move (sadly both were me last session...). By the time one round of turns is over, hardly anyone remembers what they were going to do next. Quite tedious to be sure. At the same time, several of our members have expressed disappointment that there is no real threat of character death, as each new GM doesn't want to be too heavy-handed while they're getting their feet wet. The current GM and I decided that
  15. Tedward777
    new GM and have only played through the Beginner game about 4 times with different groups to teach the basic game to people. Most love it! But as a new GM I am trying to grasp such a complex and detailed game. So, one key question is:When PC's roll advantages and threats do they choose to spend them, or does the GM? In the past I was always creating a story-like explanation of the outcome of their role (You gain 1 strain after a confident shot to his foot; or You missed your shot however hit the computer next to them sending sparks in the air blinding them for a brief time). Any thoughts
  16. Ender07

    Transitioning GM to a player...

    Ender07 replied to Ender07 's topic in Game Masters
    since he couldn't interact with the story at all. I don't know...I realize the right answer for the group is to kick him but I can't bring myself to do it. I have 2 of the other 3 players saying they are fine with either kicking him or starting with a new GM, so I do have the majority in favor of whatever I decide, and I really don't want him to do this to my successor who would be a "brand new" GM for all intents and purposes. So the conundrum is we either keep him around because we are friends and that's the only day a month we hang out, or kick him out so we can finally play a game with everyone on the same page but risk him holding a grudge and being mad about the decision. Life can kinda
  17. SSand
    lowly fighter pilot engaging the enemy to protect his ship. This kind of game is a lot different from the standard loot it game (D&D, Shadowrun, Pathfinder, EotE, etc ) where, for whatever the PC’s twist on motivation happens to be, the overall game relies on PC profit. The addition of Duty stands out as proof that FFG realizes the difference. What, in the AoR Corebook will there be to assist a new GM in the establishing the critical world sense needed for this kind of game and at the same time wean players from trying to build the bounty hunter/assassin/thief/rogue that just happens to be wearing a uniform. In the past, the military campaign games I have run ran into two issues. 1) Missions need to be important in the “big picture” and that “big picture” must ... keep evolving so the PC’s can use it for a motivation driver. The PC’s operations may be small scale, but the large scale engagements, defeats and victories, set the backdrop for those actions, and that backdrop needs to continue to progress. (And before anyone says it, yes many experience GM’s can just adlib it. But then an experienced GM doesn’t really need rules or a game at all when you come right down to it. But AoR is a game, and to be successful it needs to meet the needs of the new GM that just discovered table top RPG’s even exist.) 2) In a successful military game the PC’s will advance in rank and influence. How will AoR handle game-mechanics’wise the use of PC’s abilities and skills when they are actually in command of large units and/or fleets? Several people
  18. Mark Caliber

    Help With Some Characters and Rules?

    Mark Caliber replied to venkelos 's topic in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG
    Venkelos, I've been thinking this topic over and you've gotten a lot of great advice from others already. But I'm going to try to address these questions from another angle which may be useful. RE: Commander Killgrave: I can't remember who mentioned it, but introducing this squadron "off screen" with after action reports and evidence of their capabilities is a great idea. Since you are a new GM learning the rules, I'd recommend crafting 1 better adversarial pilot in upcoming encounters so that you can see how these talents and skills really work. It will also let you see how the players react to these skilled opponents. Once you're more comfortable with the rules based on having a bunch of semi skilled patsies getting pasted by the players, THEN you can firm up the actual design for Commander Killgrave and the Reaper Squadron. SHIP ... players are eating TIE/In's for breakfast, dropping a squadron of TIE/d's will be a natural way up the ante. I strongly advise against introducing TIE/In's with "shields" and/or "hyperdrive." If your players are as Star Wars savvy as my group is you will break your campaign. If my GM were to drop a hyper-capable TIE/In into the game half of the group would revolt. Most of us would cry fowl (for about half an hour at LEAST) and it may break the suspenders of disbelief of us sufficiently for us to find a new GM. Another option is to cobble together a more capable blended ship between the TIE/In and the TIE/d. There is a TIE model called the "TIE Advanced" which was used by Darth Vader in A New Hope. We don't have stats for it but it would be reasonable to imagine that
  19. JamesDeath
    fairly new GM, and a HUGE Star Wars nerd. I have seen every Movie, every show, have read many books about star wars, and have run a few One-shot sessions of EotE and AoR. My most recent endeavor was a pathfinder campaign I game mastered over the summer, which was Incredibly fun (According to me, and my players). The thing is, I want to start a long lasting star wars Campaign, but as you may have noticed, the previous sessions I have done for this game were only one shots. I needed to think of something that would get my players deeply invested, something that would make their characters feel important. That's when It hit me, combine the freedom of EotE with the Duty system and military feel of AoR. This is what birthed my Idea for a Galactic Conquest series. The Idea would be similar ... Empire at War expansion: Forces of Corruption, have the PCs start their own faction, and build it from the ground up. I possess: Lead by Example (Contains Mass combat rules), Desperate Allies (Base Building), EotE (Core Book), AoR (Core Book), FaD (Core Book). What I need is: As I mentioned, I am a fairly new GM, and this is a big task for someone with as little experience as myself, This is why I will take all the advice I can get. Thank
  20. ghostbusterbob
    new GM, new to RPGs. I am prepping for the beginner game plus Lure of the Lost. I was looking at the table that shows each character's Emotional strengths and weaknesses. How is this best used? It seems like it would be good background for each character. Do I give it to them? Do I use it subtly in their Role Playing to give or remove conflict
  21. psychopriest
    friends and I have recently picked up Only War, and are having a great time playing it. We are all completely new to roleplaying – not just Only War; this is our first RPG ever. Being the least lazy of the group, I am the GM. We are currently trying the rulebook adventure “Against the Savages”. Combat has been fine, and conversations with important or obvious NPCs (commanding officer, quartermaster, the Brontian lieutenant after landing) were awkward initially but everyone has got into it. However, we are struggling a bit when it comes to out of combat and narrative. As an example from the adventure: after the very first fight, the squad arrives at the Imperial Guard supply depot. It says the squad should be assigned duties and gets some down time to explore. But how do you ‘play’ this? How do you handle tasks like guard duty or routine cleaning/maintenance ... very imaginative and could create some amazing characters; just don’t know what to do. I realise that these are pretty vague and broad questions, on how to do things that are probably as natural to some of you as speaking or breathing. But if anyone has any advice/suggestions, knows of any resources for absolute beginners (everything I found for GMing was for more experienced players), our group would be very grateful. TLDR: Brand new GM, brand new players, how do we play the bits that aren’t shooting stuff
  22. tunewalker

    My formula for Edge Game

    tunewalker replied to Archlyte 's topic in Game Masters
    with rather then just letting it go and admitting that it's possible that while you have had issues with droids a lot of people haven't while you have had issues with aliens a lot of people havent, and NONE of those people are any less experienced or less "hard core" about either Star Wars or RPG's. Right now I am fully willing to admit I am a happy miracle as a new GM with new players who has always looked for a game but never really found one in which we are all having fun with varying characters, we dont have a lot of aliens in the group simply because half the group has little knowledge on star wars but they like me from our DnD game and wanted to play an RPG and since I was running it I picked this one. They play humans
  23. dvang
    Enemy Threat Level – This seems to be combat oriented and smacks of D&Dism. I won’t get into a discussion on whether or not WFRP should or shouldn’t be concerned with enabling the GM to create “balanced” encounters. There is nothing forcing a GM from using this to balance encounters. It is merely another tool FFG is giving the GM to determine at a glance the general power of an monster compared to other monsters. True, it can be used as a basis of adjusting party encounters if the GM wants. I am also sure it does mostly represent combat threat. It will be handy, though, for a GM (especially a new GM) to tell easily (generally) if a Giant Rat is more of a threat than a Giant Mole (as a random example) if he wants to throw a giant rodent in his adventure. However, by itself
  24. GaTCHa

    NEW Character Sheet by Gitzman

    GaTCHa replied to Gitzman 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    Thanks for the character sheets - has been a huge help for me as a new GM and my mates (new to the game as well
  25. Bs4w

    Group Size / Combat Difficulty

    Bs4w replied to Bs4w 's topic in Game Masters
    going scathing tirade all the way wants to berate people something fierce.Explorer - Scout - Chiss my most rounded out player I think, very much the planner, going to be the pilotBounty Hunter - Assassin - Klatooinian he's still developing his character but very much ready to be a murder machine, interested in getting into the gadgeteer/technician stuffTechnician - Outlaw Tech - Wookie she is the new player but in our Shadow Run game was the melee badass that wrecked face Thankfully the group all knows, new system, new GM we'll sort it all out, but was hoping to hear people's thoughts on running with 5 as I had been planning on 4 and starting with the beginner game despite custom characters and then rolling into Long Arm of the Hutt and then figuring out where they'd like to go from there and picking from the currently published books to sprinkle