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  1. Reeze Calban

    Total new GM confusion and fright

    Reeze Calban replied to SuperFieroStatus 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    There's some fantastic answers here so I won't try and butt in too much, just throw a few extra things in - First, don't worry about the information overload on the published adventures, I personally think you'd be better running a quick prologue "mission" with the characters to get yourself used to the rules a bit more and take the pressure off... Something really simple, even treat it like a film intro
  2. LEGION3000

    Total new GM confusion and fright

    LEGION3000 replied to SuperFieroStatus 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    GLV said: Abso-freakin-lutely! Reading this series is almost cheating it gives you so much information. It should practically come with the game as a set. If you are GMing this book is a must read. On another note, Before running an adventure, run a bar fight. This is how I always start a new rule system. Throw low level PCs into a bar that breaks out into a brawl. You can run as
  3. cyclocius

    Total new GM confusion and fright

    cyclocius replied to SuperFieroStatus 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    You don't have to use the given information, I've detailed planets entirley different to how they're described The players never knew though, but I did add something awesome The Adeptus Plaza (where the Arbites fortress, Administratium HQ etc etc was) was balanced on top of a HUGE statue of an Imperial guardsman. I do believe our Tech priest took a photo of it
  4. cyclocius

    Total new GM confusion and fright

    cyclocius replied to SuperFieroStatus 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    (1) Should I make the game easier and allow more successes where there would be failures? Or would this trivialize the game? IS there a happy medium? If so, explain.You should occasionaly go easy on the players if they seem to be in a spiral of suckiness. Although, if the spiral is entirley self-induced then they've gotta see it through themselves (2) More contemporary missions? They seemed to not give a **** about possible
  5. Degenerate Mind

    Advice for a brand new GM?

    Degenerate Mind replied to Scapino 's topic in Game Masters
    The players are your enemies, and your job is not finished until you have crushed them, driven them before you, and heard the lamentations of their women. They sit around your basement, drink your beer, herp their derps, and **** all over your carefully constructed masterpiece. They aren't your friends, they are animals. And there's only one way to deal with animals. That cargo they salvaged? Full of active assassin droids. The new swoop
  6. whafrog

    Advice for a brand new GM?

    whafrog replied to Scapino 's topic in Game Masters
    I can't agree with any of that, but it was funny as ****
  7. Degenerate Mind

    Advice for a brand new GM?

    Degenerate Mind replied to Scapino 's topic in Game Masters
    Admittedly, once I got through the Genghis Khan quote, the rest of it was a slightly edited paragraph from 1d4chan's page about game masters.
  8. themensch

    Advice for a brand new GM?

    themensch replied to Scapino 's topic in Game Masters
    Are you sure that phrasing is Genghis Khan and not a certain barbarian of repute?
  9. Degenerate Mind

    Advice for a brand new GM?

    Degenerate Mind replied to Scapino 's topic in Game Masters
    Genghis said that centuries before Conan the Barbarian was even a twinkle in Robert E. Howard's eye.
  10. themensch

    Advice for a brand new GM?

    themensch replied to Scapino 's topic in Game Masters
    Well........... TIL that quote's accreditation is somewhat suspect, but the phrasing is without a doubt Conan's! Regardless of the origin, the sentiment is the same!
  11. Degenerate Mind

    Advice for a brand new GM?

    Degenerate Mind replied to Scapino 's topic in Game Masters
    I would be incredibly surprised if it didn't sound quite different in the original Mongolian.
  12. themensch

    Advice for a brand new GM?

    themensch replied to Scapino 's topic in Game Masters
    I think it was Rigellian, which, due to an astounding coincidence, sounds exactly like English.
  13. Degenerate Mind

    Advice for a brand new GM?

    Degenerate Mind replied to Scapino 's topic in Game Masters
    So I looked up Rigellian, and got back results from Star Trek, the Simpsons, Marvel Comics, and even Star Wars. You're gonna have to walk me through that reference.
  14. themensch

    Advice for a brand new GM?

    themensch replied to Scapino 's topic in Game Masters
    Take two of these and call me in the morning:
  15. Degenerate Mind

    Advice for a brand new GM?

    Degenerate Mind replied to Scapino 's topic in Game Masters
    Got it.
  16. Fistofpaper

    New GM Question: Experience Points

    Fistofpaper replied to HistoryGuy 's topic in Game Masters
    My current lockdown rabbit hole has been generating 3d maps for TTS, but I've done just this thing with a 5e character I used to play. I spent a large amount of time doing character development and crafting and was rewarded for it by the DM with cool items etc. That made it so much cooler. The little things with immersion can mean so much
  17. themensch

    Advice for a brand new GM?

    themensch replied to Scapino 's topic in Game Masters
    I'm late to this party, so I'll keep it short: 1. The first rule of gaming is that you're all there to have fun. We call this Rule Zero. 2. If you're having fun, you're doing it right. 3. If rules impede the fun, nuts to them (within boundaries of course, rules exist to present challenge, which is why we play these games instead of just make believe 4. Spend
  18. LugWrench

    Advice for a brand new GM?

    LugWrench replied to Scapino 's topic in Game Masters
    Plan, read, and plan some more. Make sure you know the module you are running for your players inside and out. Last-minute studying makes for a rocky game. Ditch your plans. Players have a tendency to go off the rails at the drop of a hat, and attack gazebos. When that happens, be ready to think on your feet and roll with it. Kill em. "Oh, we won't die. The GM won't
  19. Tali
    The first roleplay went very well. I have deliberately chosen not to use some of the stories that have already been made ​​. Bit because of my uncertainty on the interest some of the members og the group have for the game . I know the one girl in the group is realy interested , and also my boyfriend. But the two others I'm somewhat uncertain. They seem to get a bit bored every time someone eles
  20. Concise Locket

    Advice for a brand new GM?

    Concise Locket replied to Scapino 's topic in Game Masters
    Only use the rules you know. Hand wave or role-play the rest until you're comfortable with additional rules. If you know how combat works, you're 80% there. Everything else is style.
  21. Nimsim
    One way to help keep players in the spotlight more often is to have everyone help interpret the dice pool. Ask players what they think good or bad results might mean that they feel like they can contribute more often.
  22. Wolfmanss
    Anyone got a step by step how to create missions, and how you like to run them, and what resources you favor the most?Upfront thanks
  23. DaedalRogue

    A little help for a new GM

    DaedalRogue replied to Wolfmanss 's topic in Deathwatch Gamemasters
    Octus said:I do this as well. I'll send a Roleplay briefing from either a Deathwatch Captain, Inquisitor or Senior Sergeant assigning the team to a task. This will have outlined some Primary and Secondary objects (like 2 to 4 of each) then on the side I'll have additional secret objectives that if they stumble across them in gameplay they add more xp or renown depending on how they handle the situation. Of
  24. topaulandbeyond

    A little help for a new GM

    topaulandbeyond replied to Wolfmanss 's topic in Deathwatch Gamemasters
    okay, actually last mission we played it did tell them the objectives, not the XP reward though. and it actually made them think allot more while playing instead of just going in guns blazing. which i thought was a nice change of pace^^ and that way i could make them think more while playing and fleshing out their playing allot and also i got to give them the BIG number at the end so for
  25. Octus

    A little help for a new GM

    Octus replied to Wolfmanss 's topic in Deathwatch Gamemasters
    I do not give the xp or renown values they get before the mission, only in the debreiefing after the mission is over.Also I usually send the players the mission briefing via email before the game. This gives them time to read through with the setting (planet etc) but also with the objectives and think on how they want to go about to accomplish the goals. I usually do not tell them how to do