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  1. John1701

    Tips for a new GM

    John1701 replied to Dario94 's topic in Game Masters
    I had my players run past Uncle Owen yelling at a young whiney Luke, lol. My force sensative exile character ended up getting some instruction from Obi and he gave my player a training lightsaber, which is why he didn't have one to give to Luke, lol
  2. ShiKage

    Tips for a new GM

    ShiKage replied to Dario94 's topic in Game Masters
    A couple other things I would suggest are:1) Don't be concerned about keeping players on script. One might say "this way madness lies" meaning basically, if you are going to try and keep your players on the rails that are the expected path of the module you are just going to drive yourself mad. Instead, read the module a few times and become familiar with it and what the key encounters are. Then
  3. 2P51

    Tips for a new GM

    2P51 replied to Dario94 's topic in Game Masters
    Don't over think the entire story, keep your outline clear and let the PCs do as they will more or less. Make good NPCs with character. Don't stop for rule minutiae, make a ruling and look it up later if no one knows the answer. If you're concerned with balance/challenge levels, do some test rolls using your player's characters before the session on your own to get a feel for the
  4. Dario94

    Tips for a new GM

    Dario94 replied to Dario94 's topic in Game Masters
    Wow! Thank you very much for your deep answer!I've never thought some of those tips! For now my players must still create their characters, maybe it's a better idea to don't over think the story ... And for the food don't worry, we usually have many snacks!
  5. ShiKage

    Tips for a new GM

    ShiKage replied to Dario94 's topic in Game Masters
    This is an important thing (in my opinion) for both GMs and players. I have seen games bogged down with players and GMs 'discussing' a rule. It's not that they are out right arguing or that the player is refusing to take the ruling but they each have different points of view on it and start discussing it rather than actually going with a ruling, agreeing to look into it more deeply later and
  6. 2P51

    Tips for a new GM

    2P51 replied to Dario94 's topic in Game Masters
    I actually use a Google+ site for organizing and herding the cats that are my players. The poll function is nice as it allows me to take their pulse and get a feel for what general sorts of games/story direction/PC advancement they're interested in.
  7. bradknowles

    Tips for a new GM

    bradknowles replied to Dario94 's topic in Game Masters
    The only useful comment I can add is that with regards to your NPCs, I would focus on their motivations and what are they doing off-screen while the players are off doing their thing. It can help make for a more immersive experience when things change in the galaxy whether they are there or not. Focusing on the motivations can also help you be more successful in quickly figuring out what the NPCs would
  8. Dario94

    Tips for a new GM

    Dario94 replied to Dario94 's topic in Game Masters
    Absolutely. If the players are having a good time then I'm having too. Thank you, I'll make some NPCs and their motivations! Nothing too complex maybe.
  9. John1701

    Tips for a new GM

    John1701 replied to Dario94 's topic in Game Masters
    Please follow up here! I'm very interested in seeing how you do! If you do mess something up, please don't stress! This is a game and is meant to be fun!
  10. Sixgun387

    Tips for a new GM

    Sixgun387 replied to Dario94 's topic in Game Masters
    I'll chime in with my 2 credits: 1) Reflect on what you liked about GMs you've played with in the past and try to emulate them. Stealing is the sincerest form of flattery . 2) I also like the bit about pre-packaged adventures. I would also recommend keeping your sessions episodic (like a sitcom) rather than try to launch into a full campaign at first. That way you can play around with tuning
  11. Dario94

    Tips for a new GM

    Dario94 replied to Dario94 's topic in Game Masters
    Do not worry, I already planned to inform you guys on this thread! Right now all the characters are more or less outlined and interesting.Now I only need to be myself and rock Hahahahahaha stealing sure is As for the first sessions maybe it's the best thing if they are single stories at first, it could help me to step into the this new role.
  12. Dario94

    Tips for a new GM

    Dario94 replied to Dario94 's topic in Game Masters
    Episode I: Under a Killing Moon The story begins at the docks of the sector 7-C of Nar Shaddaa.The party is hungry for credits and action, so the Bounty Hunter decides to go to the guild's office on the planet.Searching for various jobs, he finds two promising ones: a Bounty on a smuggler (called Mitch Ferrel) who stole black market's spices from a rodian merchant and a security job in RoXcorp, a
  13. JenBurdoo

    Help for new GM

    JenBurdoo posted in Only War
    Hi. I'm a librarian thinking of running Only War (the teens expressed interest). I'm not really expecting it to turn into a campaign (a half-dozen sessions with luck), so am looking at running with just the starter rules from Eleven Hours, adding bits and pieces if interest increases. I ran a semi-successful DnD-style rules-lite fantasy campaign for them (all of them utter newbies at the time), and they're
  14. Dario94

    Tips for a new GM

    Dario94 replied to Dario94 's topic in Game Masters
    Sure it was I was a little preoccupied at first but when the session started, it only felt natural Edited June 5, 2016 by Dario94
  15. Ender07

    New Gm requiring help on Gungan personal shield.

    Ender07 replied to eva02soul 's topic in Game Masters
    Well crap, now I feel like a least the rest of my post is right. (I hope?)
  16. bradknowles

    Tips for a new GM

    bradknowles replied to Dario94 's topic in Game Masters
    Or, you can use “Yes, and …”. And the part after the “and” could be something you decide to keep to yourself. Feel free to smile at the players while you do it, if you like. They don’t have to know what you have planned thanks to this sudden boon that they have given you. So, the Lambda shuttle does have tracking gear on it, but you don’t mention that to the players unless
  17. Sixgun387

    Tips for a new GM

    Sixgun387 replied to Dario94 's topic in Game Masters
    Great to see you having fun mate. You've taken your first step into a larger world.
  18. whafrog

    New GM Tips

    whafrog replied to HaphazardNinja 's topic in Game Masters
    That's a tall order, GMing is a never ending learning experience. Robus' link is a good start, but if there's one rule to rule them all: don't sweat the small stuff. If you're not sure how to handle something, make a ruling that makes sense in the moment, and move on. You can always check the rules later and handle the situation better next time. If you're a player, even
  19. Tonbo Karasu
    Yeah, I'd be more tempted to say it doesn't work if it makes a hit. Also, note that the opportunity can only target people within range 2 of the initial target, which isn't going to be many, unless the enemy are in a close formation.
  20. Bilateralrope

    Total new GM confusion and fright

    Bilateralrope replied to SuperFieroStatus 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    1 - The information overload is normal and will ease with time. When running a session I suggest you have the following: - The core rulebook. Have a bookmark in the current page of the adventure, the critical damage tables, and anything else you think you would need to look up a lot. When you need to look up a rule, look it up. The index is very useful here. - A copy of the NPC stats so
  21. Varnias Tybalt

    Total new GM confusion and fright

    Varnias Tybalt replied to SuperFieroStatus 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    SuperFieroStatus said: Dude, seriously they are your friends. Relax a little. The worst that could happen is that you say something that makes everyone crack up in laughter, and if that happens try to see what they thought was funny and have a laugh along with them.Like I said, they are your friends (or supposed to be at least). They won't be harsh critics of your narrative talents, especially not if they are even
  22. graver2

    Total new GM confusion and fright

    graver2 replied to SuperFieroStatus 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Welcome to GMing! 1) Don't worry about every little detail. You can never remember all of it and you will always forget something, that's just the way of things, especially if it's not your own story. In the end, if the players enjoy it, no matter how much you forget, alter on the fly without realizing, or flat our believe you borked, it's still a good session. Usually, when preparing a
  23. Luthor Harkon

    Total new GM confusion and fright

    Luthor Harkon replied to SuperFieroStatus 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Actually most was already well answered. I still add my two cents... 1) Read the adventure twice or thrice. Best is to read it once again on the day you are playing to keep most in mind. Even then I sometimes start flipping wildly through the adventure during the session when I try to recall something more or less important (especially if I drank too much beer). In the beginning of my 'GM career' I
  24. Darth Smeg

    Total new GM confusion and fright

    Darth Smeg replied to SuperFieroStatus 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    First, let me congratulate you on making the best decision on your life: playing Dark Heresy Second, let me congratulate you on picking up the GMs hat, and by so doing bringing joy and happiness to your friends and yourself Allright, to business. You've had some good advice, and rather than repeat all that has been said, I'll add some musings of my own. In my experience players are a forgiving lot, and
  25. SuperFieroStatus

    Total new GM confusion and fright

    SuperFieroStatus replied to SuperFieroStatus 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Wow. Thank for all of your help. I suppose I'm not used to forums where people actually...y'know...HELP other people I really appreciate it. I'm feeling a way better. I think I'm going to prepare a little more and try to begin my game either Wednesday or Thursday, whichever my players like better. I'll let you all know how it went. In this thread, of course. Thanks again! Oh