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  1. Rostin
    Hello everyone, I'm been playing EotE for a while now but just started GMing a few weeks ago for my group. I have a few questions if you guys and gals don't mind helping me out here. 1.) With the minion rules if they possess a skill does the number of minions in the group affect the skill check or the dice pool that you make when you roll it? (Example: would an
  2. CaptainRaspberry

    Questions from a New GM

    CaptainRaspberry replied to Rostin 's topic in Game Masters
    On the question of weapon qualities, yes, several qualities activate off of the number of Advantages regardless of success. Blast and Guided both come to mind, but I'm sure there are more. The soak thing is something that comes up in my FaD group fairly often, as we have a Nautolan who likes to punch things a lot (particularly stormtroopers). Remember that the weapon information contains the damage, i.e. a purely unarmed strike is
  3. Amanal

    Questions from a New GM

    Amanal replied to Rostin 's topic in Game Masters
    5. Hutts are powerful because they are very long lived. If a successful human can make a few hundred million in his life span of 80 years a successful Hutt will make significantly more in their 800-1200 year life span. You also have to imagine that a Hutt will, again because of the lifespan have a completely different view on how to invest. A human will require a payoff in 5-10 years, a
  4. Cogniczar

    New GM Support Items

    Cogniczar replied to Tim Huckelbery 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    The Clue Generator and Vehicle sheets are pretty cool, Tim!
  5. player546410

    Questions from a New GM

    player546410 replied to Rostin 's topic in Game Masters
    When you have 8 players, split the party. Even in the same game. Particularly because of comlinks and relative party size, you can actually afford to be in multiple places at once. This also seems to really help pacing once you can handle it well, as the four friends who are "off screen" can get snacks, chat, etc. while you give good, faced paced story to the other four, then flip back at a good
  6. lowdanvan2002

    New GM questions?

    lowdanvan2002 replied to lowdanvan2002 's topic in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG
    Thanks everyone for your help. I knew I could get answers from this community, which leads me to my next question. Question #4When you make a dice roll and you end up with advantages, threats, triumphs, or despairs, do you always get to spend them. For example: A player is rolling a simple discipline or cool check at the end of an encounter to recover from strain, and they roll an advantage. Do they get
  7. Desslok

    New GM questions?

    Desslok replied to lowdanvan2002 's topic in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG
    You know, strain is a pain in the ass to recover as it is, and they're probably not going to roll all THAT much. I'd like them take the extra if they want. Edited February 28, 2015 by Desslok
  8. Admiral Terghon

    New GM questions?

    Admiral Terghon replied to lowdanvan2002 's topic in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG
    Like progressions said for #3, you can't spend 2 strain twice to get maneuvers. However, even after losing their "free" maneuver they could still get two maneuvers (the max) by trading their action for one maneuver and taking 2 strain to get the second maneuver. For Question #4, remember the purpose of the dice. Their purpose isn't to adjudicate success and failure, though they tend to do that, their purpose is to inform
  9. Calonnau

    New GM Questions

    Calonnau replied to Calonnau 's topic in Deathwatch Rules Questions
    The reply I got was that they'd address this stuff in the next errata update. I just didn't have any idea when that would be, and thought it was likely that I'd be needing an answer before then. But thank you for the answers both of you, that's very helpful.
  10. Keffisch

    New GM Support Items

    Keffisch replied to Tim Huckelbery 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Sweet - these will definitely come in handy. On behalf of my play groups, thank you and FFG for doing this!
  11. Damack
    Awesome advice guys thank you sooo much... I'm sure I'll have tons of questions. I just sat down and really started reading The Core Rule Book. Hope you guys are cool with all my noob questions thanks guys...
  12. ak-73

    New GM Questions

    ak-73 replied to Calonnau 's topic in Deathwatch Rules Questions
    Calonnau said:Really? I guess they are shifting their attention away from Deathwatch and on to Black Crusade. Alex
  13. player645901
    Hi there fellows,I'm a long-time RPer and gamer who has just picked up Dark Heresy. My friends and I are long-time D&D players (4ed now), and my buddy is our usual DM for that game. However, we also (this friend and I) play Warhammer 40K tabletop (CSM for me, Tyranids for him) and so have a good level of interest in the 40k universe (not to mention being big fans
  14. Chacmaster

    New GM: Question about Players

    Chacmaster replied to player645901 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    I am currently playing a game with my friend and its just the two of us with me being a character and Game Master. Its a pain in the butt. I want to be as realistic as possible as to how many people would show up to a given action if a firefight were to break out but am forced to scale down the realism for safety. If we fight more than three people, were
  15. doomande

    New GM: Question about Players

    doomande replied to player645901 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    i am making a game whit 2 PC's and think it's ok. I have a over powered back-op if i can see "oh that to manny enemys, in whit the back-op seveter" but i have also given them som extra EXP to start whit, and some ekstra traints becouse the don't have a healer (psyker) or a teck prist so they don't think "what now?" all the times. And
  16. Cynical Cat

    New GM: Question about Players

    Cynical Cat replied to player645901 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Depends at what you're throwing at them and how combat capable the characters are. Arbitrators, assassins, guardsmen, scum, and sororitas can be pretty lethal at the start. They can handle a small number of cultists on their own. With a modest amount of gear or xp, they'll be able to take on bigger challenges. If you want more detail than that, you're going to have to be specific about what challenges you
  17. aethel

    New GM: Question about Players

    aethel replied to player645901 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    The group where I play has 3 players, but when one can't make it, we have "back up" additional characters, so each player runs 2 characters. It has worked out fine for us.It's sort of a personal choice thing though. I love getting a chance to play 2 characters at once as a player, but would never go for it in my own game. (So I guess my GM is just nicer on
  18. Jack of Tears

    New GM: Question about Players

    Jack of Tears replied to player645901 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Three players, in my opinion, is the optimal group size - small enough that each invidual gets plenty of screen time, but large enough to give you a real variety of insights. However, I have run 2 person and even solo games before and done so quite effectively. This option allows you to focus even more on each individual's story line and really flush it out. Stories tend to be very rich and rewarding at
  19. player645901

    New GM: Question about Players

    player645901 replied to player645901 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Thanks for the replies guys, especially you Graver, I found your post to be extremely enlightening and helpful.I'm probably going to start off by running one of the pre-fab adventures, just to get both my and the player's feet wet. I've heard Edge of Darkness is a good one to start with, so I downloaded that and have been reading over it. After that I will probably try my hand at
  20. graver2

    New GM: Question about Players

    graver2 replied to player645901 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Exaar said: First, glad i could be of some help :-Dsecond, how would a distant and unsociable (and probably a bit of a bore) fit into the dynamic of a duo? Why, he'd be the strait man of course ;-)Of course, just because a career typically has a certain type of character associated with it, it doesn't mean exceptions won't occur. Take THIS short story posted elsewhere on these boards as an
  21. cyclocius

    New GM: Question about Players

    cyclocius replied to player645901 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Not all Tech Priests are unsociable people, in my group our tech priest has a thing for calling everyone "lad" or "lass", it's the little touches like that that make the character different from the stereotype, but not so much as to detract from the...I dunno, the feeling that it's a tech priest at your side, not some augmented soldier. If your player can work on making his tech priest believable, then
  22. The Octagon

    Adventure for new GM.

    The Octagon replied to The Octagon 's topic in Black Crusade Game Masters
    coolzyg said: Thank you, that helped. I really like the idea of turning points, where maybe two out of three needs to be dealt with otherwise they are DOOOOOOMMED!!!!! Hopefully that will split the group during the battle and it will make them feel that they don't HAVE to do everything in a group. It will leave an excuse Not to leave a couple of thousands of screaming orcs in the players hands. That
  23. ExpandingUniverse

    Tips for a new GM

    ExpandingUniverse replied to Dario94 's topic in Game Masters
    Take the players to Tatooine at least once, allow them to go to the cantina... have the bar keep state the obvious line about droids, and there's a crazy looking old man and a farm boy looking for passge to wherever. (He actually is a crazy old man, senile, forgetful, mumbles to himself and knows NOTHING of the force, the farm boy too is nondescript and in no way linked to the main plot
  24. Dario94

    Tips for a new GM

    Dario94 replied to Dario94 's topic in Game Masters
    This is genius.