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  1. dwraley

    Another new GM

    dwraley replied to dwraley 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Does anyone actually include Tyrant Star in their campaigns? Right now I have no idea how to bring the Komus into my campaign except to make it sentient and connect it to Balphomel in some way. That would feel like I'm moving from Warhammer 40K territory into the Marvel Universe or taking my acolytes around the Calixis Sector in the Tardis (que Dr. Who theme music). For now I'm going to leave the
  2. dwraley

    Another new GM

    dwraley replied to dwraley 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    We spent the first session just creating characters, sitting in a table in the back corner of Golden Corral of all places. Everyone got into the character creation process, and they look foward to playing their characters. We should be able to get together this Thursday. Since I did all the prep work last week, I only have a few tweaks to make to the material for the first session before we play this week
  3. dwraley

    Another new GM

    dwraley replied to dwraley 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Thank you for your suggestions. Once more, I've made a minor change to the venue of the game. Inquisitor Globus Vaarak will brief the PCs on their mission inside the Tricorn itself, and he will tell he views this simple mission as an oppurtunity for fresh recruits to prove themselves. Prater Dominus, a friend of Vaarak's, had one of his subordinates come to him raving about corruption he witnessed upon a visit to
  4. Headhanger
    Welcome to the world of role playing games.Yes, you make quests, adventures, acts, whatever you want to call them, around the information you already have about the setting. Think of it as writing fan-fiction, or a script for an already established world. Your players are the heroes and heroines, while you are the director and author. You dictate, with your players, where the actions goes.Fear The Boot have loads of useful podcasts, and recently
  5. Rashid ad Din Sinan

    New GM looking for ideas of how to pitch DH

    Rashid ad Din Sinan replied to Pertante 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Snidesworth said:I guess then playing Nephilim would be right out...or perhaps that player might love it?Although that would make an interesting adventure - playing heretics in the DH setting. While it could be fun I wouldnt' recommend it right away considering how tricky it could be.Had to chuckle - our group just finished Edge of Darkness, hadn't read it yet, and are moving on to something else. Our GM has a lot of
  6. Cervantes3773

    New GM looking for ideas of how to pitch DH

    Cervantes3773 replied to Pertante 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    I whipped up a 30+ slide PowerPoint presentation on character creation (covering the core book and the IH) and I'll probably make a few more for combat, a list of possible actions, basics of game play, etc. I can't distribute it yet as I made it on my work computer and it has a corporate watermark. Sometime soon I'll copy and paste it into a new file and put it on some
  7. The Boy Named Crow
    Regarding Resources:I would recommend the IH, as well as at least one book, Creatures Anathema or disciples, that gives you some more things for them to fight. Also, Millandson usually takes care of this, but check out It's a good site to find fan-made material to add to your games.Regarding Fluff:Check out for what is, in my opinion, the best resource out there for finding
  8. Gregorius21778

    New GM in need of help: choosing 1st rank adventure

    Gregorius21778 replied to Angry Marine 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Sorry for HiJacking again @EponetteHI! I am a little late:
  9. BurpsPyscho
    I've somehow managed to doublepost, I'd be grateful if a moderator deleted this thread.
  10. eponette
    Well, interesting discussion. But I can't find anywhere the rejoice-RevV2 on the not. All broken links. Any help to get the file? Cheers
  11. eponette
    Hi Gregorius, sorry for bothering you. But my HD crashed and I lost your file. And it is not in rapidshare anymore. Could you please put it back?Thanks Cheers
  12. Gunrile
    Wow, this is all really helpful feedback. Thanks!I like the idea noted above of treating the Ordo as 'departments' that all the players can sort of dabble in. Perhaps i'll keep them in Ordo Hereticus (or just that their inquistor has ties to that network) and then they can dabble in the others. Maybe cross paths with another group of acolytes in the Ordo Malleus and have a conflict or potential support depending
  13. Adeptus-B
    There is currently more source material and modules available aplicable to the Ordo Hereticus, and the least for the Ordo Xenos; worth taking into consideration.
  14. The Boy Named Crow

    New GM with a Weird Question

    The Boy Named Crow replied to Star Sage 's topic in Dark Heresy Rules Questions
    My group has always played that 96-00 is an automatic failure, and 01-05 is an automatic success. Until just now, I never realized it was a house rule.
  15. Jeans_Stealer

    New GM with a Weird Question

    Jeans_Stealer replied to Star Sage 's topic in Dark Heresy Rules Questions
    The Boy Named Crow said: …Yeah, I did that. A 1/20 chance of auto fail/success might be a little more than you want to give them, but it's up to you. Try 1/100 auto pass, so a nat 1 is an Auto pass, like in Black Crusade? Or you can just be scrupulous and say NO CHANCE. (sticking one's tongue out at the same time, perhaps.)
  16. Star Sage

    New GM with a Weird Question

    Star Sage replied to Star Sage 's topic in Dark Heresy Rules Questions
    Thanks for the replies guys, I've also considered the 1-5 as auto success and 96-100 as auto failure due to my first tabletop game being DnD and all but I cold see how that might be a little much in this sort of system. Main reason I asked about this rule in the first place was in case I missed something in the core book or if Only War changed this. Doesn
  17. Snake Stranski

    New GM looking for help....

    Snake Stranski replied to Snake Stranski 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Thanks for the info. I noticed the disparity in levels looking at Rogue trader ~ Dark heresy
  18. ColArana

    New GM Please Help

    ColArana replied to deadlysquid 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Characteristic bonuses apply where the game says they apply. For most skills this is not important. Your Perception bonus is borderline useless, and unless you intend to run a medical ward, so is your intelligence bonus (though obviously it helps to have high skills). I'll give you the basic gist of what each characteristic bonus is used for: Strength: Additional damage on melee attacks Toughness: Damage reduction Agility: Movement speed and dodge range (that
  19. deadlysquid

    New GM Please Help

    deadlysquid replied to deadlysquid 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Thanks that helps a lot
  20. K0balt
    I think you misunderstand my point, or the aim of what I proposed.Have you ever had this kind of player? Where, no matter what, they do the same thing over and over again? I'm not talking about ruining his game, I'm talking about teaching him through the game that his behaviour is annoying. Not even killing his character. Just proving to him it isn't invincible in any sense of the term, any
  21. Adept Orcadius

    New GM with problem, need helpful suggestions please.

    Adept Orcadius replied to Adept Orcadius 's topic in Black Crusade Game Masters
    Hey thanks again to everyone that added to this discussion. Part of my problem was that yes, I did feel sorta swamped with the "holy **** a PC an DO that??!!"...and trying to think of a way to handle it like i said had driven me almost to ebay to sell my books... its over now. That player basically decided before I could actually approach him for some sort of resolution to just not play
  22. Morangias
    I agree with others - focus more on non-combat stuff.It wouldn't also hurt to sometimes create a combat encounter that's extremely hard to win by charging in on a jetpack. Really big Master-level enemies with 100+ wounds are ideal for this, as are fast, mobile flyers with decent ranged offense who can kite him. It's not dickery, it's creating a challenge and narrating a story where the protagonist has to
  23. Ghaundan
    I chime in with the rest, yes the raptor/assault marine should have his time to shine, but so should the rest. When me and some friends tried chains of carrion I was the Heretek, two space marines (chosen and berserker) and a renegade. I was REALLY struggling with the combat and wasn't pulling my weight, despite space marines being alot heavier then me. What happened? We found a group we couldn't hope to
  24. DJSunhammer

    Help with a new GM

    DJSunhammer replied to Artanyis 's topic in Black Crusade Game Masters
    That is how force fields work though. If you roll 17 under 30, then you are safe. If you roll over, you take damage. They work just like skill checks. Roll under to succeed.
  25. Artanyis

    Help with a new GM

    Artanyis replied to Artanyis 's topic in Black Crusade Game Masters
    DJSunhammer, yes, that is how they work, when it came into play he said that rolling under the target number means the field did not stop the attack, hence some annoyance when we tried to point it out to him.Darth Smeg, thank you for commenting, you are probably the most recognized name I see in the GM forums, and you are right, I really need to talk to him between sessions, which should be easy