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  1. Elias Holt
    BurpsPyscho said: First of all, remember that your acolytes don't have to have aliases that reflect their careers- it helps them use their skills, yes, but it can also be a detriment to the mission in general. It can also help, for example: Say you have a tech-priest or a noble-born or priest in the group. Their status makes it plausible for them to have bodyguards, and appears to be non-militant
  2. FuriousGreg

    New GM

    FuriousGreg replied to Havatr_Einar 's topic in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG
    This, start small work your way into it. This doesn't mean don't plan or build a grand story arc (which is a tone of fun to do do) just approach by starting with a couple of throw away/episodic adventures. The adventure at the end of the F&D CRB is actually a really good starting point. It's well written and easy to customize, way better than the F&D Beginner Set one
  3. Gregorius21778

    Tips and Tricks for a new GM?

    Gregorius21778 replied to syzygy2 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Kyorou said:Well, they did increased the chance of an encounter, so the tactic was kinda successfull, wasn´t it? Okay, foolhardy perhaps. But they had their encounter
  4. SmeedandSmoot

    New GM question: 'Challenge Rating'

    SmeedandSmoot replied to Lucas Adorn 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    so far in my experience playtesting is the surest way to make sure you dont accidentally wipe the party outi have set aside copies of my players characters and will test a fight with the baddies before hand just to make sure its challenging enough to make the combat fun and exciting and also to not make the players feel helpless (unless thats my goal for the combat)
  5. MuadMouse

    New GM question: 'Challenge Rating'

    MuadMouse replied to Lucas Adorn 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Good points above, and I'd like to add two more: Fate Points and Damage (touched upon earlier, but bears elaborating on).Fate points, fortunately, tend to keep PCs alive even under extreme circumstances, and even enable suicide tactics - a PC can take one for the team in a properly heroic fashion, burn a Fate point and show up later. The character will have become slightly weaker for no longer having that Fate point to
  6. H.B.M.C.

    New GM question: 'Challenge Rating'

    H.B.M.C. replied to Lucas Adorn 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Encounter balance is hard, and is easily single greatest challenge I face with my scenarios. I don't think I've got it right yet (everything has been a tad on the easy side, except for one horrendous fight where it was too hard).As has been said, playtesting is important. My first encounters consisted of the suggestions for 'minions' in the Creatures book, where they basically have 1 wound, and then Critical Damage (I
  7. SuperFieroStatus

    Total new GM confusion and fright

    SuperFieroStatus replied to SuperFieroStatus 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Eisenhorn? What is he, the Emperor's accountant?
  8. TS Luikart

    Total new GM confusion and fright

    TS Luikart replied to SuperFieroStatus 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    He's a fairly hard-core Inquisitor native to the Calixis bordering Scarus sector.He's an example of either the dangers or the greatness of radicalism, depending on your point of view. Some might say he's a glimpse of inevitability for those that serve the Left Hand of the Emperor. Now as to the overload of information - that would be my job. Kind of "damned if I do or don't" - too much information
  9. TheFlatline

    Total new GM confusion and fright

    TheFlatline replied to SuperFieroStatus 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    SuperFieroStatus said:Okay. Combat. Modifiers are your friend right now. Everyone should have 20's or 30's in their combat stats. Ballistics skill has TONS of modifiers. Remember, you can aim. Half action is +10, full action is +20. God help you, if you shoot at someone at point-blank range (which is something stupid like within 10 meters, which is where 90% of combat ends up happening), you get a +30. If you
  10. SuperFieroStatus

    Total new GM confusion and fright

    SuperFieroStatus replied to SuperFieroStatus 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Alrighty, I ran my second game last night, finishing Illumination and beginning a little segway adventure for them. It went a little better then last time. They were a little more smart this time around and I was better with my ad lib when it came to events I couldn't even begin to forsee. (I was particularly proud when my Cleric thought to throw the book given to him by Eisha Raine into the
  11. Locque

    Total new GM confusion and fright

    Locque replied to SuperFieroStatus 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    SuperFieroStatus said:Instead of delivering lengthy speeches, have lengthy conversations with your players, make it a two way process, have them talk back at you. If they forget relevant details, have them take an intelligence test to remember at the crucial moment.As for storyline? If you've got a big, huge, overreaching storyline, it's cool to let your players play as other people sometimes. A different inquisitorial cell, some arbiters, or even cultists. Maybe
  12. bogi_khaosa

    Loot and DH -a new GM

    bogi_khaosa replied to Mister Starx 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    The characters are not private persons. They are working for an organization vaguely akin to the FBI.If FBI agents bust up a bunch of gun runners, do they get to take their stuff? No. That is confiscated by the government.
  13. Agmar_Strick

    Loot and DH -a new GM

    Agmar_Strick replied to Mister Starx 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    While clearly annoying and inappropriate most of the time, It sounds like your players get a kick out of wholesale looting. So while I would a agree that you need to get them to stop when its inappropriate, you should on occasion allow them to look everything not nailed down. Let them discover and clean out evil arms dealers who work with the beast house (or something), let them really go to town on some
  14. Letrii

    Loot and DH -a new GM

    Letrii replied to Mister Starx 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    HappyDaze said:I thought they were called bodyguards and assassins? Also adepts hacking into the Administratum.
  15. Gregorius21778

    Loot and DH -a new GM

    Gregorius21778 replied to Mister Starx 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    A lot of good hints already given. I especially like the "chaos symbol on weapons"-Thing. This WILL keep the majority of people from buying them!One thing that goes into the direction of "enforce encumbrance rules" is use common sense about how ackward it is. Just imagine someone who carries two rifles and a shot gun. Imagine the picture. In addition to encumbrance (****! How is this word written??), give them penalities if they are
  16. graver2

    Loot and DH -a new GM

    graver2 replied to Mister Starx 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    You have some great advice here so far. A few more suggestions: 1) The Imperium is an oppressive fuddle styled society, not a consumerist free market economy. Treat it as such.Maybe where they are all the shops are 'company owned" and supplied certain items that the nobles in charge deem necessary for the citizens to do their appointed tasks and nothing else. In order to off load the loot, they will have to scour the
  17. Aureus2

    Loot and DH -a new GM

    Aureus2 replied to Mister Starx 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    So this is a type of problem I've been hearing a fair amount of, which is troubling given the nature of DH, but I suppose unsurprising as it's exactly the sort of issue that would come up normally in most other RPGs. Personally I could give my players suits of power armor and weapons, multi-meltas, and 5 Lehman Russ tanks, and it wouldn't help them too much. Keep in mind, if
  18. graver2

    New GM: Question about Players

    graver2 replied to player645901 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    I only have two players in my core group with an occasional third and fourth floater and the only real difference between two and four players s0o far has been the amount of extra work I have to put into it to make sure it remains interesting for 2 players. With 4, the players are able to bounce off one another in rp but with just two, the characters become like an old married couple
  19. mylastnerv

    New GM: Question about Players

    mylastnerv replied to player645901 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Using NPC followers or agents will help to balance things out just a bit. You should still then be able to run the game with your smaller group, just make sure to work the NPCs into the story where the players will actually want to work and protect them. That way they won't just use them as fodder.
  20. Crimsonsphinx

    Loot and DH -a new GM

    Crimsonsphinx replied to Mister Starx 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    I normally let the scum fence things at around 20% value. By offering around 15-20 thrones for a gun, they really are not worth selling. If they try to sell too many I tell them that the fence can't afford to buy that much.Basically I have no problems with small scale looting, but anything industrial sized then I would have arbites arresting them for arms dealing or something similar, to encourage them to
  21. warpdancer

    Loot and DH -a new GM

    warpdancer replied to Mister Starx 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Do they need routinely to loot?Are their opponents routinely better equipped than they?Is their Inquisitor a miser?Part of the fun of such a game is to play with cool toys.If you put power swords in the hands of their adversaries, it`s natural to take them.
  22. warpdancer

    Loot and DH -a new GM

    warpdancer replied to Mister Starx 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Do they need routinely to loot?Are their opponents routinely better equipped than they?Is their Inquisitor a miser?Part of the fun of such a game is to play with cool toys.If you put power swords in the hands of their adversaries, it`s natural to take them.
  23. Cynical Cat

    Loot and DH -a new GM

    Cynical Cat replied to Mister Starx 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Monoweapons and a long las are quite reasonable weapons for Rank 3. There's nothing wrong with that.1) The players will loot the dead if the dead have ammo they need or better gear. If you don't want an arms race, arm NPCs with weapons that are equal to or inferior to what the PCs have.2) PCs will loot the death if the problems imposed by carrying the loot are worth the money it
  24. doomande

    Loot and DH -a new GM

    doomande replied to Mister Starx 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    and if thinks go bad throw som granade after them on some non solid ground and give them faling dam. A way to give them dam if they have powerarmour and other things with high AP
  25. Jack of Tears

    Another new GM

    Jack of Tears replied to dwraley 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Just remember, your characters should be the stars of the show. To use a phrase I picked up indirectly from some self important rpg message board - don't deprotagonize your characters. That is, don't make them followers or inconsequential; don't let npcs outshine them; and don't make them feel like they're tagging along for the ride. One could call this the "Elminster effect" where the pcs are always running errands for