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  1. Gregor Eisenhorn

    Possible New GM and Dark Pursuits- some questions!

    Gregor Eisenhorn replied to Gregor Eisenhorn 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Sorry for the bump! Does anyone have any suggestions as to starting exp for a player Inquisitor and their warband?
  2. Gregor Eisenhorn

    Possible New GM and Dark Pursuits- some questions!

    Gregor Eisenhorn replied to Gregor Eisenhorn 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Yeah, I'm planning on giving extra gear but to be honest, it's up to them. At the moment the group is considering creating the warband as the classic Inquisitor and his retinue but they might can it and just go to being all regular acolytes making the above point moot. I'm definitely going to have to make sure the gangers are intelligent in their tactics. edit: Well, looks like i won't
  3. Talon of Anathrax

    Possible New GM and Dark Pursuits- some questions!

    Talon of Anathrax replied to Gregor Eisenhorn 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    The trouble with a PC Inquisitor and normal Acolytes is that unless the rest of the group also receives good bonuses, the Talents unlocked by the Inquisitor Elite advance will quickly make them feel somewhat like simple Hangers-on instead of senior trusted Acolytes (Jack-Of-All-Trades anyone?). I would make the Inquisitor an NPC, and make all the players start with 2000xp (because 1000 is really too few to get the feel of
  4. TheWorldSmith
    So I'm gonna be hosting my first 40k campaign in a week or so, spanning Dark Pursuits, Desolation of the Dead, and Forgotten Gods - with other plotlines mixed in there too. I was wondering if anybody had an 40k-themed tokens or maps they'd like to share? I'm hosting the game on Roll20 and tokens have to be the thing I'm lacking the most right now. I'm getting by right
  5. Kshatriya
    I would suggest against Deathwatch/Only War unless you really, really want to go combat-heavy. I like Deathwatch a lot but much prefer the investigative feel of Dark Heresy or the "super-Firefly" of Rogue Trader. And I feel like DH/RT are much more broadly inclusive of vastly different character types/ideas.
  6. Pixels The Red2

    New GM's Combat One-Shot

    Pixels The Red2 replied to Odo The Brave 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    First thing you need to bear in mind is that you're using a rulebook that's not designed for extensive combat. Combat is meant to be potentially deadly. If you do the rules correctly, the party could easily wipe in the first fight
  7. Pixels The Red2

    New GM's Combat One-Shot

    Pixels The Red2 replied to Odo The Brave 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    How long has this genestealer cult been there? I mean, if there's a purestrain knocking about then it's likely at least one full life-cycle, in which case there could even be a Magus or two to vary things up. Introduce them to the dangers of facing psykers. And you can have the hybrids have 2-4 arms each. Varying it up might throw them off the scent of "genestealer" if they don
  8. Odo The Brave

    New GM's Combat One-Shot

    Odo The Brave replied to Odo The Brave 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Thanks for getting back to me, I appreciate the feedback. Pixels- Believe me, I'm well aware of how dangerous combat can be. I've actually set up the first combat such that I can figure out a good combat balance early on- If I want more enemies I can have more focus on the players, and if they are having a very hard time I can have other squad members assist them. Grendel- I
  9. Luthor Harkon

    Running the Haarlock Legacy trilogy as a new GM

    Luthor Harkon replied to Bearer of Words 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    First of all, welcome to Dark Heresy. You made a very good decision. Edge of Darkness is indeed good to start with and gives an introduction to the Logicians, who will also make an appearnace in The House of Dust and Ash. You might also think of playing Illumination from the rulebook beforehand as well, as one of the cult will appear at The House of Dust and Ash to have his revenge. I even
  10. Gregorius21778

    Running the Haarlock Legacy trilogy as a new GM

    Gregorius21778 replied to Bearer of Words 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Talking homemadesLuthor Harkon said:How can we motivate you to put down one or two of your homemades? ´Summary + Liste of scenes + short descritpion for each scene + list of npc ("bare bones") would already be finde
  11. Luthor Harkon

    Running the Haarlock Legacy trilogy as a new GM

    Luthor Harkon replied to Bearer of Words 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Gregorius21778 said:Phew, I had to check my old notes (older even than the release of Tattered Fates)…They all take place on the Frontier World of Zumthor, which is an ice planet (about 50 million inhabitants in a single domed colony and some minor outposts) on the verge of becoming a Mining World officially (in fact the local major combine (the Coltek Combine) and the local Government try their best to protract that towards
  12. Bearer of Words

    Running the Haarlock Legacy trilogy as a new GM

    Bearer of Words replied to Bearer of Words 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    I now have three players confirmed and will hopefully have a fourth before we start. Reading through the core Dark Heresy book, I had a question with regards to the nature of the group's Inquisitor. When running, do you decide the degree of their orthodoxy, or do you find that it is more effective to discuss what sort of methods the group would enjoy working with? The reason I ask is that I think
  13. Bearer of Words

    Running the Haarlock Legacy trilogy as a new GM

    Bearer of Words replied to Bearer of Words 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    I think that the players will respond well to being given the opportunity to shape the setup for the campaign. One video reviewer for said that it would be best to not allow any psykers in the group because of the chance that they might be able to reveal some of the mysteries of The Haarlock Legacy too early in the campaign. What are your thoughts on this? Are there any classes that are essential
  14. Gregorius21778

    Running the Haarlock Legacy trilogy as a new GM

    Gregorius21778 replied to Bearer of Words 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Bearer of Words said:
  15. BrotherKane

    Running the Haarlock Legacy trilogy as a new GM

    BrotherKane replied to Bearer of Words 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    I have generally found it better to leave that question open. The Inquisitor (who my current group haven't even met yet) isn't going to tell them "this is ok, but that is over the line" let them adopt a position themselves and then if it comes to it and you think it would be fun have the boss be more or less puritanical.
  16. Gregorius21778

    Running the Haarlock Legacy trilogy as a new GM

    Gregorius21778 replied to Bearer of Words 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Bearer of Words said:
  17. Bearer of Words

    Running the Haarlock Legacy trilogy as a new GM

    Bearer of Words replied to Bearer of Words 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Thanks BrotherKane, that's really useful to know. Also, I can see how this would potentially make for an interesting dynamic with the psycher and possibly the Van Saar character as well. Have you read The Book of Judgement and/or played 'Jurisdiction'? If this is considered worthwhile for someone who wants to emphasize investigation, I'll pick up a copy.
  18. BrotherKane

    Running the Haarlock Legacy trilogy as a new GM

    BrotherKane replied to Bearer of Words 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    I haven't I'm afraid.
  19. guest308838

    Some questions from a new GM

    guest308838 replied to Renvale 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    1. First, is there anything broken I should worry about as far as class balance goes? Nothing looks broken, but this is my first time running Dark Heresy (just Dark Heresy, not doing Deathwatch or Rogue Trader) so I want to put a stop to something before it gets started. So far I have an Arbiter, Adeptus Soriatus, a psyker, an imperial guardsmen and an assassin.I wouldn't worry about this beyond the Sororitas which
  20. TheFlatline

    Some questions from a new GM

    TheFlatline replied to Renvale 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Renvale said: 1. The Soritas from the Imperial Handbook is more in tune with the power levels of DH than from DeathWatch. As far as unbalancing, you can tune the game as it goes. The psyker has probably the most opportunity to run rough-trod over your game, but play up the sactioned psyker bit. People are *afraid* of psykers. They're basically kill on sight without their Imperial Sanction, and even with it everyone
  21. firestorm3

    Hey guys, new GM here

    firestorm3 replied to firestorm3 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    DrgnScorpion said: Hmm...I've been getting the "pick who the villain is" from some other people I've asked as well, so assuming I go with that, which one should I go for?Also, witchcraft to make food smell/taste delicious reminded me of Prestidigitation from D&D
  22. TheFlatline

    Hey guys, new GM here

    TheFlatline replied to firestorm3 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Fair warning... Rank 1 characters are really, REALLY weak. They're going to need to use cover & supporting fire to survive any real combat. Otherwise not a bad start. Should be a fun game.
  23. firestorm3

    Hey guys, new GM here

    firestorm3 replied to firestorm3 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Well, the Acolyte team consists of:Noble Born Arbites (ranged combat and face), Schola Guardsman (ranged combat), Imperial Psyker, Void Born Psyker, Hive Assassin (Moritat ninja), Forge Techpriest (heavy muscle), Hive Scum (face and sneak), and Imperial Cleric (Redemptionist chainsword nutcase). All in all, these guys should be fairly tough in a fight as long as they take it seriously.I thought Accurate was just +10 to hit? Where does the +1d10 damage come from
  24. Luthor Harkon

    New GM Requesting help from those Experienced

    Luthor Harkon replied to Twilight_Artificer 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Twilight_Artificer said: Keep in mind that the Imperium is a feudal society on about every level (mixed with a handfull of facism and communism). Forget user-friendliness, rights of the individuum, social or scientific progress or even reason. In 41st millenium there is only war... I would recommend to read Scourge the Heretic. While it is not of the quality of the Eisenhorn or Ravenor series, it better describes the DH-setting (ie.e Calixis