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  1. Mazer Rackham

    New GM to Deathwatch - it's in the bag (kinda)

    Mazer Rackham replied to Mazer Rackham 's topic in Deathwatch
    Thanks very much everyone - well the character roll-up took all night, but the banter was great and everyone seemed to enjoy me setting everything out and getting the lore and scene all done, but blast me if I couldn't find a few things - I need you help, oh experienced people! Where on earth are the Primarch's Curses for the Blood Angels, Space Wolves and Storm Wardens? Couldn't spot them anywhere....lend
  2. Mazer Rackham

    New GM to Deathwatch - it's in the bag (kinda)

    Mazer Rackham replied to Mazer Rackham 's topic in Deathwatch
    Much obliged to you Jargal, thanks for the swift reply.
  3. Jargal

    New GM to Deathwatch - it's in the bag (kinda)

    Jargal replied to Mazer Rackham 's topic in Deathwatch
    Core Rulebook, p.280-281.
  4. Lynata

    New GM to Deathwatch - it's in the bag (kinda)

    Lynata replied to Mazer Rackham 's topic in Deathwatch
    Good luck with your games!
  5. Togath
    As I mentioned before when I posted some of my homebrew Necron stats, I tend to run high crunch high combat high optimization high risk games, so these eldar are strong, but you mentioned a lack of wraithlords and such, and I have some stats that I put together for a DW mission that required some, and being an evil... er... good GM I kept the stats for future use. I took considerable inspiration from
  6. bogi_khaosa

    Dark Heresy New GM Question - Complexity

    bogi_khaosa replied to PencilBoy99 's topic in Dark Heresy
    Run lots of sample combats by yourself to familiarize yourself with the rules/stat blocks.
  7. Cogniczar

    Dark Heresy New GM Question - Complexity

    Cogniczar replied to PencilBoy99 's topic in Dark Heresy
    During your first session, just take a note of the things that 'catch' with you. Later, print/photocopy the sections you slogged through and put them in an easy to use binder for quick flips. That's how I tend to learn/operate
  8. cps

    Dark Heresy New GM Question - Complexity

    cps replied to PencilBoy99 's topic in Dark Heresy
    Items 1-3 work great for mooks. For enemies who are supposed to be more of a challenge, it may be more interesting to use the critical charts (steps 1-2 are fine). I'm going to recommend against step 4 unless you have a solid understanding of the game's math. Creating a weapon that looks good on paper but totally ruins a PC in one shot is way too easy.
  9. wh40kaddictjc1

    New GM running introductory adventure

    wh40kaddictjc1 replied to wh40kaddictjc1 's topic in Dark Heresy
    ZillaPrime said:that is exactly was what I was thinking, BUT, and its a big BUT, I haven't got dark heresy and I am going to run the adventure to see if my friends like the game, I am not going to buy it if I don't have anyone to play with
  10. whafrog

    New GM

    whafrog replied to Havatr_Einar 's topic in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG
    Just pointing out that this is a massive responsibility, far beyond any single character in the SW universe. The "birth of the Rebellion" could go as far back as the Separatists, but is more closely linked to some of the deleted scenes in E3, where Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, and Padme are all meeting to try to figure out what is going on and how to respond. And for the Rebellion to be "completely in
  11. Psycho Nihilius

    New GM / Player to Dark Heresy Looking for Advise

    Psycho Nihilius replied to Russw 's topic in Dark Heresy
    That is nasty! Could you imagine how those tunics smell?
  12. Russw
    Velvetears said:Thanks for the advise on getting the Errata down, I must say though I am a little shocked to see it 15 pages long. Was there that much stuff that they really needed to change?How do you handle changing the book? How does one best use the Errata do you just print it out and have in next to the book, as I remember the days where you were able to print
  13. KungFuFerret

    New GM

    KungFuFerret replied to Havatr_Einar 's topic in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG
    Well, what you are describing are leadership characters. Politicians, social movers and shakers, financial moguls, etc. If you are going to have your PC's take on these high tier roles, it's very unlikely that they are going to be running around shooting people in the face. So, if you are going to try and do both, I think you are going to have some tonal shifts. I mean, Mon Mothma wasn't going
  14. whafrog

    New GM

    whafrog replied to Havatr_Einar 's topic in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG
    If you want the PCs to still be the "action figures" in the story, but you want the *players* to have a more active role in deciding how to conquer the galactic map, you could let the players decide (as if temporarily inhabiting the roles of the leadership) which planets to target. The PCs still "take orders and shoot people", because the players-as-the-leadership told them where to go. Then you as the
  15. FuriousGreg

    New GM

    FuriousGreg replied to Havatr_Einar 's topic in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG
    I'm not going to say don't do this idea but it's not going to be easy as Players tend to not do what you want them to do, especially on the grand scale. Starting and running a rebellion is largely an exercise in logistics (getting and moving money and resources around) and strategic level planning, it's not terribly glamorous. Running a game where the PCs are at this level is sort
  16. KungFuFerret

    New GM

    KungFuFerret replied to Havatr_Einar 's topic in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG
    Though if you have PC's that are playing the more trade/social focused careers, the backroom wheeling and dealing would be an ideal place for them to actually use their abilities and talents to their fullest extent. Of course, I would be surprised if the party has anyone like that. In my experience, PC parties want to shoot things and slash them with glowsticks of death. I'm actually tempted to build a campaign specifically
  17. KungFuFerret

    New GM

    KungFuFerret replied to Havatr_Einar 's topic in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG
    Most don't, as they tend to have a more open session in mind. But, at least for me anyway, I have stories that bounce around in my head all the time, and some of them have a more codified structure. This character with this history/motivation, being put into this situation, with these supporting characters, etc etc. My two players were fine with it, and honestly were happy to not have to build a PC
  18. Simsum

    Dark Heresy - advice for a new GM?

    Simsum replied to ramza82 's topic in Dark Heresy
    1e has a very messy and power-creepy Career and Rank jungle, and it is probably a good idea to stick with what's in the Core Rules to start with. Mind, this is after something like 20 releases in that one game line, so it's not exactly an unusual problem. I'm unaware of another equally extensive line that doesn't have the same issue. Whiffing means you're doing it wrong. The
  19. borithan

    New GM: Where to start?

    borithan replied to Seth the Dark 's topic in Dark Heresy
    There are 3 starting ones: The one issued for Free RPG day way back when, which is basically a small dungeon crawl. It isn't really intended as a beginning of a campaign, so it has some things where it just amounts to a "make a roll at 40% or die", and it isn't terribly good. Can be used as a very basic intro to the game (as it was intended... it even came
  20. doomande

    New GM: Where to start?

    doomande replied to Seth the Dark 's topic in Dark Heresy
    As a little late extra advice, have you seen this little thing? Because this fan made sublimest to the scenario would ad a lot to the original material.
  21. Cogniczar

    New GM Support Items

    Cogniczar replied to Tim Huckelbery 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Tim, any chance of getting an Askellon Sector timeline?
  22. Gaius Iago Urbanus

    New GM Support Items

    Gaius Iago Urbanus replied to Tim Huckelbery 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
  23. Tim Huckelbery

    New GM Support Items

    Tim Huckelbery replied to Tim Huckelbery 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Yes, very strong chance of that. -Tim
  24. ThePhoenician

    New GM but Vetern 40K'er Help Being Fair to PCs

    ThePhoenician replied to junkygood 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Other than the time pressure, I tell my players that everything has consequences. These consequences can be subtlety loss, the current mission or goal could become more difficult as the enemy has more time to prepare, etc. In general I try to let the party do what they want, I want them to have freedom. It seems like my players always want to scavenge equipment no matter what game I'm gming. What I do