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  1. Versch

    EotE BG first play through as a new GM

    Versch replied to Ender07 's topic in Game Masters
    Sounds like you made some sweet gaming memories.Grats!
  2. Cifer

    Loot and DH -a new GM

    Cifer replied to Mister Starx 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    I've got to admit that I fail to see the problem. Firstly, Mono is not some miraculous stuff. It's readily available for everyone who wants his melee attacks to compare to modern guns. Then, there are quite a few legitimate opponents for acolytes they can't loot profitably - a lot of those are in the Disciples supplement. That Ogryn is dangerous because of its extreme strength, not because of their highly sophisticated meat
  3. Ender07
    Hey everyone! So I had my first playthrough of EotE BG this past Saturday and it went really well. I was concerned with the time it would take and that my crew would breeze right through it so I added some additional side missions and encounters to keep the story exciting, while not railroading them through everything. All of us have no tabletop RPG experience, only playing RPG type games on game consoles, and I
  4. Vonpenguin
    Agreed. This is very much an "eyeball it" system.
  5. n00b f00

    New GM to Rogue Trader

    n00b f00 replied to BrotherNefarius 's topic in Rogue Trader Gamemasters
    There's a lot of good advice in this topic. Spatula especially had some wise words. You'll get used to the fact that your players are running around with power swords, power armor, storm bolters, everything else in the book and quite a few things you cook up that aren't. It's a higher power level than you might be used to running most DH games. But when you give your players a
  6. Ender07

    EotE BG first play through as a new GM

    Ender07 replied to Ender07 's topic in Game Masters
    Thanks for reading through it...I know it was quite long but encompassing the whole adventure took alot more than I thought it would! It was alot of fun and we are getting together to start LAOTH this Sat. and I am really looking forward to it!
  7. Razkir

    Any advice for a new GM?

    Razkir replied to Razkir 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    A follow up question would be, how do you incorporate that in roleplaying terms? Most of my friends are used to D&D, where there's not really any restrictions on healing. So do you have an in game reason you give your players for why they can't just spam heal?
  8. Ralzar

    Any advice for a new GM?

    Ralzar replied to Razkir 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    To put it in more plain mechanics, you could allways rule that each time an Action is performed the same day on the same target, the difficulty is increased by one Difficulty Dice. Lots of healing Actions have nasty effects for Banes or Chaos Stars.
  9. player546410

    EotE BG first play through as a new GM

    player546410 replied to Ender07 's topic in Game Masters
    Nice write up, and sounds like it was an awesome game. I look forward to hearing about Long Arm of the Hutt
  10. Archellus

    New GM - Looking For Advice

    Archellus replied to choux 's topic in Shadow of the Beanstalk
    When i created my first genesys campaign and introduced it to my play group we did a prequel run kinda like what you where thinking for your one shot. What i did was allow players to come up with a concept for the setting and then i made a small character stat block like a card with basic stat a sample spell and equipment but not a full char sheet. I wrote out all the
  11. DarianBlood

    Powergamer turned new GM... Story so far.

    DarianBlood replied to NewAgeOfPower 's topic in Rogue Trader Gamemasters
    Please keep posting, I say this with the greatest of respect....reading this is like watching a train wreck in slow motion....its too fascinating and horrifying to turn away from. I'm imagining this all happening in a sort of 'Knights of The Dinner Table' mannerI honestly thought my group had a couple of pretty awful Munchkins in it (I can deal with them without ruining anyones fun) but you and your group....well
  12. Richardbuxton

    New GM, need help on PC's meeting in game

    Richardbuxton replied to HappyKitty 's topic in Game Masters
    The more links the better, if the PC's have things in common early then it makes more sense for them to stay together in the long run. So yes the Mon Cal and Bothan should have the same problem Officer. The Gunslinger and Commando could have fought as Mercs together at some point in the past, even now they could be working together for the same Hutt that owns the bar the Mon Cal
  13. HappyDaze

    Loot and DH -a new GM

    HappyDaze replied to Mister Starx 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Lootings less of a problem if the acolytes are acutually paid well. Beyond that, just let the players know that the level of detail you apply in expenses will be proportionate to the level they want to put into looting. If they loot every last little item, make sure they're charged for every last item of a meal (+tips), every service at their lodging (+tips), every vox-call they place, etc. Then the kicker
  14. BrotherNefarius

    New GM to Rogue Trader

    BrotherNefarius replied to BrotherNefarius 's topic in Rogue Trader Gamemasters
    Thanks for your replies and it makes much sense. i guess i am afraid things get out of hand. But its true, there is always a stronger badass than you out there. With chaos and all, should be easy.
  15. VarniusEisen

    Loot and DH -a new GM

    VarniusEisen replied to Mister Starx 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Whilst I don't encourage my player to loot the dead. I do allow it. After all it's a perfectly good way of re-stocking ammo. The group actually polices itself when it comes to loot which pleases me immensely. For example, a few missions ago the group managed to down an chaos marine. leaving behind a lager bolter and a slightly odd looking power sword. The guardsman made a be-line for the
  16. graver2

    Loot and DH -a new GM

    graver2 replied to Mister Starx 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    bogi_khaosa said: I think something more like KGB or fictionalized CIA might be closer to the =I=. They are more of an intelligence agency then law enforcement. Beyond that, why would the =I= allow local governments or even the Adapta to confiscate items used in or associated with a heresy? Wouldn't that open up a gateway for corruption to spread among those not qualified to deal with such things? Why would the =I
  17. lohnpondai

    New GM; asking for some advice.

    lohnpondai replied to lohnpondai 's topic in Rogue Trader Gamemasters
    Hi there guys! Thanks Erathia and Nameless for the kind answers. I've been away for some days (holidays! yay!). Were having our first session next weekend. In the end the group consists of: - Rogue Trader. A decadent kinda guy. He's a descendant of the Haarlock legacy, but as you'll see he has no idea of what has happened to his bloodline at the beginning of the campaign. - Archmilitant. Ex-initiate of the
  18. alexhickman

    Loot and DH -a new GM

    alexhickman replied to Mister Starx 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Do your party return to their Inquisitor or his representatives between missions? If so then it is easy to fix. Have them undergo a decontamination procedure, similar to an NBC decontamination. Image the PCs being marched into a room being stripped, having all their equipment confiscated (and destroyed), their clothing burnt. Then having their heads shaved, followed by a shower of Holy Water (or several, depending on their preceived exposure to the Dark Gods) before
  19. Gregorius21778

    Loot and DH -a new GM

    Gregorius21778 replied to Mister Starx 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Talking about "my players loot behavior":In the test game I was running, my flock of pc tended to loot things that werea) Better then their own stuffb) Something they neededc) small & somewhat valuableSo, the guardsmen of my friend Michael started looting energy cells very soon. Partly because "it does not hurt to have a dozen extra" (which he stored in the dozens small pockets of his vest and trousers) and partly to be able
  20. Graspar

    Loot and DH -a new GM

    Graspar replied to Mister Starx 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    My players loot. Not autoguns and such small things unless they have urgent need of them but rather confiscating mansions, bank account and such in the name of the holy inquisition. The inquisitor takes it all of course but if they've been good they might get a bit more leeway in the armory next time around. I mean, what could be more right than the inquisitor confiscating heretics assets to support his operation? Waste
  21. aethel

    Loot and DH -a new GM

    aethel replied to Mister Starx 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Plain and simply, I told my players at the beginning of the game that I expected them to roleplay the spirit of the game... and it is not befitting my personal interpretation of the Inquisition for their agents to be stripping heretics to their undies after every combat. Do I expect that if someone comes after them with a bolt pistol or a power sword, they'll keep it? Yep.It's even a part of
  22. Rothana1138117
    I’ve scoured the book (probably missed it) but if NPCs don’t have a cool or vigilance value how do I determine order during a fight? Thanks
  23. Sarius2

    New GM, need some ship help

    Sarius2 replied to Xanthia 's topic in Rogue Trader Gamemasters
    This reminded me of the old dark heresy resource site with a few blueprints might be useful.
  24. 2P51

    Advice for a brand new GM?

    2P51 replied to Scapino 's topic in Game Masters
    Know the basic dice pool construction rules. Don't stop to look up rules. Have fun. Read more of the book later.