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  1. HistoryGuy

    New GM Question: Experience Points

    HistoryGuy replied to HistoryGuy 's topic in Game Masters
    If I have one player that does all the work and has all the good ideas, can I award that player more XP?
  2. TheCosmicHospitaller

    New GM Question- Downgrading Inquisitors

    TheCosmicHospitaller replied to Mithridates 's topic in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG
    Change the Wt and St to 10 and lower lightsaber skill, 1 rank in knowledge not 2, that is all I've got.
  3. HappyKitty

    New GM, need help on PC's meeting in game

    HappyKitty replied to HappyKitty 's topic in Game Masters
    So Update since last time i asked for some advice, this was our first session thus far, and it went off fairly well. I certainly learned a lot as far as planning goes. Our intrepid team of adventurers were on a small tiny shuttle going to meet the all mighty Gorra Tagga the Hutt, in order to go about their business. The bothan went to learn information about her parents, with the commando as her
  4. HappyKitty

    New GM, need help on PC's meeting in game

    HappyKitty replied to HappyKitty 's topic in Game Masters
    So we've had a bit of an update. After taking the time to figure this all out, last night i got a call from 1 of my players, the gunslinger. His work just told him hes on weekend duty as a sales rep from now 'till January. (Its holiday computer sales at big chains like best buy, so hes stuck on holiday hours) I think what i'll change it up to now, as
  5. Nimsim

    New GM needs help badly!

    Nimsim replied to cegorach 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    Also, for actually running the game, I would go against the grain and say that you should really give all of the rules a shot before dismissing them or houseruling. Here is some general advice on things. The funny diceYour players are your friends. Ask them what they think should happen. As a general rule, have the players say what the good things that happen are, while the GM says bad things. Don't be
  6. copperbell

    New GM, need help on PC's meeting in game

    copperbell replied to HappyKitty 's topic in Game Masters
    Have you thought about making his surname be Tarkin? Doesn't necessarily be related to the Grand Moff but your players don't know that!
  7. Bokmog

    Cross Book Play (New GM)

    Bokmog replied to Bokmog 's topic in Game Masters
    You've all been so very helpful! Thank you so much for your responses! It is very clear to me now!
  8. 2P51

    New GM Question: Experience Points

    2P51 replied to HistoryGuy 's topic in Game Masters
    25 xp is a good number I find. No matter how advanced a PC is, except for SAs, 25 xp will always buy everyone something, skill rank 5, bottom Talent, etc. I know I like, and so do the PCs, the steady trickle of advancement every session with the game, and 25 xp allows that.
  9. Richardbuxton

    Cross Book Play (New GM)

    Richardbuxton replied to Bokmog 's topic in Game Masters
    I'm repeating this to emphasise how much it will help your decision and make the party more cohesive. CHOOSE A THEME FOR THE CAMPAIGN OR PARTY.FaD characters are very broad I capability so will fit any game very easily. So choose a theme, Archiologist explorers, struggling colonists, a traveling stage show (that are mercenaries on the side), a rebellion A Team, etc ETCThen choose a central mechanic Morality, Duty or Obligation, base the party
  10. OddballE8

    Cross Book Play (New GM)

    OddballE8 replied to Bokmog 's topic in Game Masters
    The most important thing is to decide on a setting.Do the players want to be Jedi who go around righting wrongs, or do they want to live on the edge of the law and be mercenaries?Because you can use characters from all three corebooks in a mix, as long as you decide on a setting.
  11. Tuck3r

    Questions from a new GM

    Tuck3r replied to Neredan Kaz 's topic in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG
    I would say there is no reason not to allow them to pick up whichever FFG race as long as someone has the book, i run a togrutta in a buddies Edge of the Empire campaign so as long as they role play it well then its all good. If it is a difficult character with limitations(had a wookie player in EotE who kept forgetting no one could understand him) or if it is
  12. Ghostofman

    New GM: Questions About Starting Team Balance

    Ghostofman replied to dxanders 's topic in Game Masters
    The game is balanced just fine, you don't NEED a doctor, and all your assumptions about the game and how it "should" work are all correct. Your players just have the jitters. Honestly it sounds like they are coming from another system like D20 and are expecting a dungeon crawl. As I'm sure you noticed, this system's combat is faster, so of course a lot of Rivals can 2-shot a player
  13. Nojo509

    Another new GM

    Nojo509 replied to dwraley 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Lies, and those who tell them. Who can they trust? It's always good to keep them guessing.I like to have 1+ NPCs be actually useful and 1+ appear useful only to betray the PCs.Unlikely allies are fun. Like they meet a wounded servent of the enemy who knows she is damned, and wants her last act to be in service to the Emperor rather than her dark masters who have left her to die
  14. Pac_Man3D

    New GM Advice

    Pac_Man3D replied to Kambion2 's topic in Game Masters
    Glad your game was a success! Keep us posted!
  15. bubblepopmei

    New GM Advice

    bubblepopmei replied to Kambion2 's topic in Game Masters
    Or consider the modified version floating about on these forums: Black Sun Rising.
  16. tRidds
    Thank you so much! This is so incredibly helpful!!!
  17. Kilcannon

    Questions from a new GM

    Kilcannon replied to Neredan Kaz 's topic in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG
    Agreed. If my players are not min maxing then they are not being d#$kish. One of my players really wanted to play a Gungan in saga and I said as long as you don't talk like Jar Jar I'm good. I wouldn't stress over so many limitations. Limitations are a sign of fear or just not being open to the entire star wars world. The best GM's work with the
  18. strongarm85
    If the Age of Rebellion Begginger's Game is like the Edge of the Empire's adventure, the module itself should lead you around by the hand well enough for you to run the adventure.
  19. Razkir

    Any advice for a new GM?

    Razkir replied to Razkir 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    A follow up question would be, how do you incorporate that in roleplaying terms? Most of my friends are used to D&D, where there's not really any restrictions on healing. So do you have an in game reason you give your players for why they can't just spam heal?
  20. wirbowsky

    New GM Advice

    wirbowsky replied to Kambion2 's topic in Game Masters
    Why not doing Under a Black Sun instead. It comes with pre-generated characters and it is easier to run as there is no space combat. It has been a great success with my group.
  21. bubblepopmei

    New GM Advice

    bubblepopmei replied to Kambion2 's topic in Game Masters
    This is my first kick at the can as well. I'm now 7 sessions into my campaign and loving it! I never thought I'd be game mistress material. I was wrong. Notes are good to take. I use Obsidian Portal to plot out my sessions secretly. I decide on the major NPCs, the plot/motive, and then break down the cinematic into a series of encounters. Then I brainstorm predictions about how the players
  22. FangGrip

    New GM Advice

    FangGrip replied to Kambion2 's topic in Game Masters
    What systems are you familiar with? As Oden mentions, this is a very different system with a few idiosyncrasies.
  23. Zar
    For a time, my group said if you rolled successes enough to cancel all the failures that you hit, doing the base damage of the weapon with every extra success was added to the base. So 1 success and 1 failure was like a grazing hit for base damage. This was mostly because there were SO many misses in the early days of our characters and fights took forever for us. We eventually grew out
  24. DSalazar
    Technically, there are no 2-person skirmish, of course, every group can rule otherwise. but Emphasis on the last phrase. Not all conflict duels are formal duels.
  25. T_Kageyasu
    I highly doubt a street thug would require the approval of their daimyo to initiate the formal resolution of grievances through ritualized martial conflict. Sure, there could be an unsanctioned duel between samurai who are bitter rivals, but the formal procession still exists to maintain a semblance of honor. Range bands aren't required in a duel with melee weapons because leaving is tantamount to forfeiture and we can safely assume opponents are tethered together