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  1. Concise Locket

    Advice for a brand new GM?

    Concise Locket replied to Scapino 's topic in Game Masters
    The combat rules aren't that extensive and the basic combat subsystem is the Platonic ideal of how the system's dice mechanics work. 1. Set difficulty by range. 2. Determine if target hit. 2a. If yes, was a critical hit triggered? 2b. If no, did enough Disadvantage appear to make something bad happen? 3. Total damage to target. 4. Apply soak. 5. Apply revised total to target's Wounds (or Strain, if stun).
  2. ASCI Blue

    New GM

    ASCI Blue replied to Havatr_Einar 's topic in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG
    Maybe I'm misinterpreting this, why are you writing the back story for the PCs?
  3. unicornpuncher

    Using Published Adventures [New GM]

    unicornpuncher replied to nsjenkins 's topic in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG
    With my first run through, was also my second time GMing ever, I started with the beginners game, and Teemo the Hutt sorta of became the big bad of my campaign. If you start there you can pick up "Long Arm of the Hutt" which is the official follow up to "Escape from Mos Shutta", though I didn't do that. Instead I did "Debts to Pay" followed by "Under a Black Sun" and then
  4. Christophermarshall6

    Using Published Adventures [New GM]

    Christophermarshall6 replied to nsjenkins 's topic in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG
    I linked the adventures as well. I used Atalla(sp?) the Toydarian who works for Jabba in Long Arm of the Hutt as an ongoing contact to put the players in touch with other crime bosses and what not. I changed the name of the Hutt in the Trouble Brewing adventure to Bargos (the Hutt in the adventure from the GMs tool kit) and used Atalla to connect the PCs to Bargos for Trouble Brewing
  5. SEApocalypse

    Advice for a brand new GM?

    SEApocalypse replied to Scapino 's topic in Game Masters
    Even most of those extensive combat rule additions can be hand waved. Know the dice mechanics, when in doubt handwave OR trust your players, and look stuff up after the session works usually fine. Gameflow > following perfectly the rules. Though I definitely would make notes on everything which was unclear und look it up. This prevents getting constantly inconsistent with the rules, which is something players absolutely loath when to their disadvantage. Edited October 12
  6. Jack of Tears
    >>who was GMing D&D campaigns before I was even born (true story).<
  7. Havatr_Einar

    New GM

    Havatr_Einar replied to Havatr_Einar 's topic in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG
    So this is what i have as a starting point for the first characters background. I personally don't think it is very strong. Probably doesn't help that i haven't finished it yet, but i was planing on have the family killed and the character himself join a group of pirates. I was then thinking that maybe those pirates decided to aid the empire on planet X and that is how he got
  8. Gregorius21778

    new GM

    Gregorius21778 replied to grontha 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Hi Grontha,Graver already said the major points (yep, these two missons aren´t....shining examples of the craft)...but talking about the scene@Missing eyesWell... do not want to blame you, but how about asking the pc for Awareness check while rushing towards the cathedral? They might have noticed the "missing" eyes. I would not have been above roling in secret and simply giving the pc with the highest Awareness the clue. After all
  9. Havatr_Einar

    New GM

    Havatr_Einar replied to Havatr_Einar 's topic in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG
    Thank you fro all your replies. I would like its to start far enough back that they meet characters like "Fulcrum" and "Jyn". I actually already have plans for them to have a large roll along side Ashoka Tano. She is by far my favorite jedi. I was trying to find a reasonable reason for them to meet her. I have been debating changing the starting planet, but im not sure. as far as backgrounds
  10. ThenDoctor

    New GM looking for help....

    ThenDoctor replied to Snake Stranski 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    It's difficult to cross platform all the system. Power levels are so very wonky. From what I understand for combat Only War is a good way to go. But you'll have to balance the power levels either on your own or look at the various threads. Some people have made a unified WH40K system, so you could look at those too.
  11. themensch

    New GM, looking for must have things

    themensch replied to Shabigity 's topic in Game Masters
    I tried this, but instead I used self-adhesive magnetic circles as the base and then put a clear resin circle over the top, they look great. My players thought I'd bought them. I then tried this with a 2" punch resin circles and made ships. Turns out the most expensive part is sourcing magnets.
  12. Scapino

    Advice for a brand new GM?

    Scapino replied to Scapino 's topic in Game Masters
    Thank you, everyone, for the advice! I’m really looking forward to the game and you’ve all set my mind at ease.
  13. EliasWindrider

    New GM, looking for must have things

    EliasWindrider replied to Shabigity 's topic in Game Masters
    If you want to get a buttload of high quality maps cheaper than otherwise possible, save $250 for the next time Chris West/maps of mastery runs a kick starter and pledge at the $250 level which typically will get you 1 copy of every map and files at he's printed and a digital copy of a lot more stuff.
  14. Yaccarus

    New GM, looking for must have things

    Yaccarus replied to Shabigity 's topic in Game Masters
    The best tool for designing custom maps is MS Paint. I also think a virtual tool for maps is important. If you’re doing Roll20, use that. Otherwise, it’s pretty hard to visualize the combat and printing off tokens can be a pain. There are countless things that could work for this. Google Slides is what I use for games that aren’t on Roll20.
  15. Fistofpaper

    New GM Question: Experience Points

    Fistofpaper replied to HistoryGuy 's topic in Game Masters
    As a guideline, you bet. However don't be afraid to call out the "player" if it's disruptive. Make certain you're always on the same page as to what "role playing" is with your party
  16. VarniusEisen

    Loot and DH -a new GM

    VarniusEisen replied to Mister Starx 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Whilst I don't encourage my player to loot the dead. I do allow it. After all it's a perfectly good way of re-stocking ammo. The group actually polices itself when it comes to loot which pleases me immensely. For example, a few missions ago the group managed to down an chaos marine. leaving behind a lager bolter and a slightly odd looking power sword. The guardsman made a be-line for the
  17. Tenebrae
    I have used range bands. They work better in L5R than in some games (assuming you don't think about them too much). I think they work better in ArM5 tan in L5R5. But in either case, IME, the less attention you pay to range bands, the better they work.
  18. Shabigity

    New GM, looking for must have things

    Shabigity replied to Shabigity 's topic in Game Masters fantastic guys!
  19. whafrog

    Playthrough examples for a new GM

    whafrog replied to FrogTrigger 's topic in Game Masters
    While watching others play might be useful, there is nothing like learning by doing. The beginner boxes are perfect for this, they go through the rules step by step.
  20. Scapino
    So in about a week, I’ll be GMing my first EotE game and I’m a little nervous. I’ve been looking over the material obsessively for the past month or so. Part if my nerves are coming from the fact that I’ve never GMed before. I played one session of EotE years ago and really enjoyed it. And I bring a whole bunch of SW lore and passion to the table. We
  21. FuriousGreg

    Dealing with loot - new GM

    FuriousGreg replied to Frostweasel 's topic in Game Masters
    It can't be said often enough but Encumbrance is part of the balancing system in this system, it's okay to let PCs occasionally fudge it but do not ignore it! It's not as finicky as people make it out to be, especially if you use Oggdude's tool, and I generally leave it up to the Player's to make keep an eye don't so I don't have to and
  22. robus

    New GM Tips

    robus replied to HaphazardNinja 's topic in Game Masters
    Check this thread out:
  23. Kommissar
    1.This is a tough one. It sounds like its mainly an issue due to your relatively small group size. My first blush advice is to find more people, but I know that is a bit of an insensitive recommendation and it certainly might not be an option for you. Next, I would examine the core motivations as to why both players have gravitated to completely opposite groups. Is it that their personal, player based logic
  24. Sith Interceptor

    Dealing with loot - new GM

    Sith Interceptor replied to Frostweasel 's topic in Game Masters
    For sure, anyone thinking about using a Loot Table, be careful to not overuse it and it can and will upset the balance of your game if used to often.
  25. OddballE8

    Dealing with loot - new GM

    OddballE8 replied to Frostweasel 's topic in Game Masters
    Yeah, but in that episode, they actually put the guns on their body (using the straps on the guns or putting them in their waist or whatever), but my players tend to only put stuff in that lovely spacers duffle that their bounty hunter carries around. Also, nice to see another fan of darths and droids