Un-Named Steel Strategy Armada Podcast

By shmitty, in Star Wars: Armada

"Deploy the garrison!: an Armada Podcast"

subbed. sounds good

I Love the janky RLB Raddus fleet suggested in episode 2. Mostly because I did almost exactly that for the 2018 regionals, I used smaller drop ships instead of Defiance though. Great at deleting a single ship and lots of fun! Just didn’t have much follow through power afterwords. Ended up upper middle of the pack, but again LOADS of fun and jank. Give it a whirl at least once

Loving it.

I’d like to hear you guys dive deep on the value of command dial manipulation now that there are more sources of raid, and command four ships.

Also wouldn’t say no to a discussion on raid, and how you guys like to use it. It feels pretty janky to me, so, you know...right up your alley.

Finally, I’d like Biggs to start each cast by asking us “Who’d like to go for a mustache ride?” Ideally, you would then have a drop with a chorus of people yelling “Me!” in a singsong manner. If you’re going to take any of my suggestions to heart, this is the most important one.

Looking forward to the next one!

6 minutes ago, Madaghmire said:

Finally, I’d like Biggs to start each cast by asking us “Who’d like to go for a mustache ride?” Ideally, you would then have a drop with a chorus of people yelling “Me!” in a singsong manner. If you’re going to take any of my suggestions to heart, this is the most important one.

Sadly enough I hit that "not explicit content" tag on iTunes. And the mere suggestion of the Biggs Mustache would cause pregnancy rates to go up in neighboring counties.

But the Raid suggestion is a good one. We can add that to the queue for sure.

For a fun time, count out how many different ways I've spelled Mink Marvin.

I even wrote another article. Vacations are productive.

56 minutes ago, BiggsIRL said:

For a fun time, count out how many different ways I've spelled Mink Marvin.

His name is Marvin the Martian

Emmy winning actor Mads Mikkelsen.

2 hours ago, antisocialmunky said:

Emmy winning actor Mads Mikkelsen.

He’s already in Star Wars TWICE...

I was just going to call him Mike Wheeler, but I like where this discussion is heading.


Can confirm EST with HMC80 is really good. Would like to try it with 7th fleet VSDs.

I was thinking EST+seventh fleet+EWS would be great as it will likely save you as much damage as your brace would in most situations, but is vastly superior against squads and small attacks.

5 minutes ago, xero989 said:

I was thinking EST+seventh fleet+EWS would be great as it will likely save you as much damage as your brace would in most situations, but is vastly superior against squads and small attacks.

Someone did a Brunson, 7th Fleet, EWS ISD list that could speed 0 without dying. Might be intresting if you want a starting place.

Latest episode is up!

2 hours ago, geek19 said:

I feel attacked....

We only said your name twice, and thus you have not been summoned. Back! Back I say!