Does anyone wish that this could have been Star Wars?

By IceQube MkII, in Runewars Miniatures Game

Too bad FFG isn't allowed to make a Star Wars Minis game (or something like that)?

That's why Imperial Assault has a board.

Being someone who's a much larger fan of fantasy settings and really not a fan of Star Wars, I have to say that I'm quite happy that the Runebound setting was used for this.

Besides, this is essentially filling the hole which GW left when they decided to massively overhaul WFB.


seriously though, Star Wars isn't for everyone. Sometimes FFG has to make something that isn't SW.

After the last few months I am thanking the Teeny Tiny Baby Jesus that this isn't Star Wars. I like SW as much as the next guy but enough is enough.

Not to mention SW already has X-Wing tactical, Armada strategic, and Imperial Assault ground tactical/objective.

Edited by Shadin


seriously though, Star Wars isn't for everyone. Sometimes FFG has to make something that isn't SW.

Haha well, I just prefer the expanded universe and not the core series to be honest.

That being said, always leaned more towards sci-fi that was a bit more...grand? Think Asimov's Foundation series.

Oh, and Twillight Imperium. I wish we could get more of that too.

I could see a Rogue One version of this...


seriously though, Star Wars isn't for everyone. Sometimes FFG has to make something that isn't SW.

Haha well, I just prefer the expanded universe and not the core series to be honest.

That being said, always leaned more towards sci-fi that was a bit more...grand? Think Asimov's Foundation series.

Oh, and Twillight Imperium. I wish we could get more of that too.

I love Foundation! I've been reading them this summer, almost done with Second Foundation. That would be so cool as a game!

At least they didn't announce a Star Wars Battlelore....Endor on one side of the board, Hoth on the instant money printing machine. That would have probably done the current Battlelore in. Personally I'm glad to see something back on the fantasy side of things.

As much as I ******* love Star Wars and want to play with AT-ATs we have enough Star Wars games already. It's to the point it's splitting the player base thin over multiple games.

I'm honestly surprised how under utilized their Terrinoth setting is at times. They created it after all.

As a follow-up, does anybody prefer it to be the Warhammer license?

I'm excited... I think in my area, either license would ensure there would be more players. That's all.

As a follow-up, does anybody prefer it to be the Warhammer license?

I'm excited... I think in my area, either license would ensure there would be more players. That's all.

Yes i would like to have a Warhammer Fantasy miniature wargame, but we all know Games Workshop would never allow FFG to do that.

I'm honestly surprised how under utilized their Terrinoth setting is at times. They created it after all.

Where's my Terrinoth LCG!

Warhammer>Runebound>Age of sigmar

Yeah, I can see why they made this game, even if it probably isn't for me.

I like runebound better than Warhammer, but that is just me.

Edited by Toenail

As a follow-up, does anybody prefer it to be the Warhammer license?

I'm excited... I think in my area, either license would ensure there would be more players. That's all.

There's a sort of morbid aspect to the Warhammer armies which I really like, given that it's a fantasy-horror setting. The models just look more gruesome in a way, which I like.

That being said, I'm glad to have some type of classical fantasy version, which I think the Runebound universe is well suited for. The golem has me pretty stoked so far, and I could never really imagine seeing something like that in the Warhammer setting.

Warhammer is nice and all, but you could tell that they needed to do something to refresh the license. Unfortunately for many people, that ended up being Age of Sigmar. So yeah, I'm happy FFG is taking a shot at it.

Edited by Valadar

Warhammer>Runebound>Age of sigmar

Yeah, I can see why they made this game, even if it probably isn't for me.

I like runebound better than Warhammer, but that is just me.

I have to say i don't know anything about the Reunebound world but i'm excited to learn about it with this game.

Or they could just release some sort of rule set allowing you to use Imperial Assault minis. Has anyone tried playing Skirmish sans a board?

This game looks stellar. I'm interested in seeing other factions.

Edited by Omegaclone

Warhammer>Runebound>Age of sigmar

Yeah, I can see why they made this game, even if it probably isn't for me.

I like runebound better than Warhammer, but that is just me.

I have to say i don't know anything about the Reunebound world but i'm excited to learn about it with this game.

It's like this fantasy world that that has a big kingdom of noble humans, elves that are good and live in forests, dwarves that are indifferent and live in the mountains, skellingtons that are bad and demon barbarian people that are - wait for it - also bad. There's also some dragons that like to f stuff up occasionally. I'm not sure there's much to learn beyond that.

Warhammer>Runebound>Age of sigmar

Yeah, I can see why they made this game, even if it probably isn't for me.

I like runebound better than Warhammer, but that is just me.

I have to say i don't know anything about the Reunebound world but i'm excited to learn about it with this game.

It's like this fantasy world that that has a big kingdom of noble humans, elves that are good and live in forests, dwarves that are indifferent and live in the mountains, skellingtons that are bad and demon barbarian people that are - wait for it - also bad. There's also some dragons that like to f stuff up occasionally. I'm not sure there's much to learn beyond that.

Well doesn't sound like much but you could explain Warhammer Fantasy along the same lines (good humans, bad undead, good and bad elves and so on) and at least in my opinion it had a lot going for it, so i will wait for the lore of teh actual game, but nontheless thanks.

Well the problem is, FFG should definitely edit a book telling us from A to Z what is to know about their universe. I play Descent 2 but not any of the other games in the series. I asked about the fluff on the Descent Forum and the posters kindly answered me that in Descent, the chronology isn't given precisely and while Runebound and Rune Wars described entire arcs of the narration, Descent was delving into the details. Battlelore seemed to move the camera to the battlefield, giving another perspective of this world. What will this new runewars do ? No sé...

Too bad FFG isn't allowed to make a Star Wars Minis game (or something like that)?

That's why Imperial Assault has a board.

Yeah a SW land-based mini game is something I've wished for for a while. Instead we got IA. I'm into IA skirmish a bit though, it's not a bad game, just not the epic minis game I was hoping for.

I'm happy to see a Runewars mini game though. Runewars is probably in my top 5 games (out of a collecton of ~175), and I was looking for a fantasy minis game. From what I've seen, there aren't that many that seem worthwhile -- maybe Frostgrave. Glad to see another option.

Warhammer>Runebound>Age of sigmar

Yeah, I can see why they made this game, even if it probably isn't for me.

I like runebound better than Warhammer, but that is just me.

I have to say i don't know anything about the Reunebound world but i'm excited to learn about it with this game.

It's like this fantasy world that that has a big kingdom of noble humans, elves that are good and live in forests, dwarves that are indifferent and live in the mountains, skellingtons that are bad and demon barbarian people that are - wait for it - also bad. There's also some dragons that like to f stuff up occasionally. I'm not sure there's much to learn beyond that.

Well doesn't sound like much but you could explain Warhammer Fantasy along the same lines (good humans, bad undead, good and bad elves and so on) and at least in my opinion it had a lot going for it, so i will wait for the lore of teh actual game, but nontheless thanks.

You could do a similar 'elevator pitch' of Warhammer, but Warhammer, unlike Terrinoth, has a lot of meaningful material to delve into to get specifics, on account of having over 30 years of content to explore. Even if you disregard actual gaming content, there's over two hundred individual novels. Other than some disjointed background blurbs spread around all the games, Terrinoth has nothing to provide you any specifics beyond the elevator pitch.

Terrinoth was born for the simple reason to allow FFG to re-use existing assets (miniatures, art, character and location names). That's not a criticism, I don't have a problem with that. But if you assume there's much meaningful content to explore beyond "it has elves and skellingtons" you might be disappointed. To put it bluntly, Terrinoth isn't a setting, it's an art style.

Edited by Don_Silvarro

Warhammer's kinda retarded so I don't mind them not using it. There's nothing meaningful or interesting about it other than dumb memes made by british people who copied **** while missing the point.

GW has chosen a curious path to take for its Med Fan licence. The thing is that you can see release after release that they are only building their Age of Sigmar universe. It wouldn't be a problem if they didn't begin release books after books that each contain part of the same info than the previous one. The books become less interesting to me than the old army books. Also, they priced up every single figure up and produce nearly only big one. So well, when you buy the starter box of AoS, you pay 100$ for 47 figures and a bunch of usual game material (dice, range rulers, booklets,...) while FFg offers us, for the very same price : 48 figures and the game material.

So let's see if Terrinoth is more inspiring for the developers than AoS is for me...

Edited by Elrad

Well AoS is new so they have to release stuff to get it started. I don't play it so i can't say anything about the books but at least they are moving the story forward with their campaign books soemthing that wasn't really happening in WHF and 40K.

And about their licence i don't know what they're up to, so many app company gets a licence to produce bad games and on the other hand they apparently ended their licence with FFG with did produce really good games.

Edited by Iceeagle85