Sorry last post was TLDR...don't even click. Cliff Notes: the release is crap and we all got crapped on.

By AdmiralNelson, in Star Wars: Armada

Stop responding to this dude, y'all. Just let him take his ball and go home. Honestly, if FFG's release has him this furious, I doubt he's the most fun guy to be around in general. Probably better off without these kinds of attitudes.

Bye Felicia!


"What's with all the Negative Vibes, Man ?!?!?"

One of my favorite movies....

BOTH of yeas...



Really you Have $1,000 worth of ships?? WHY?? do you play 2,000 points games and run both sides??

Yeah because the fun drains out of the game without constant continuing support from FFG. Even if there announcement was that they weren't going to support it anymore, my concern would be to buy the ships I still want before they ran out of stock. I would have liked a bigger release and personally think we'll here more announced before the end of summer. Even if there isn't, I'll keep having fun with it anyway.

I hope the research you are doing as a college professor contributes to the greater good of humanity. Good luck to you sir.

20 Quatloos for the newcomer....

As an aside...your rant to "get people to leave with you" only makes you look like a petulant child.... FYI....

He's trying to pull a Jerry Maguire.


1k... Lightweight.

Oh god. . .I was a redshirt at a GW when it closed, and I made the foolish mistake of looking my name up on the register for total purchase amounts. The horror. . .

I'll start the bidding for your collection at $7.34

I'll raise the bidding to £1.25 (Pound Sterling ftw)

Edited by admiralcrunch

That's it be a jerk because you don't agree. Just because you don't feel crapped on and are happy about two tiny little dinks flying around that don't even look good IMHO throw some spit balls. Rack up the likes for being a jerk. Label me as an, "Official Disturber of the Peace" just because I think waiting for a year to get this is ridiculous. Hate the opinion or idea not the man. But this is the internet so throw mud as you see fit and count yourself as the good guy.

Stop responding to this dude, y'all. Just let him take his ball and go home. Honestly, if FFG's release has him this furious, I doubt he's the most fun guy to be around in general. Probably better off without these kinds of attitudes.

Bye Felicia!

Stop responding to this dude, y'all. Just let him take his ball and go home. Honestly, if FFG's release has him this furious, I doubt he's the most fun guy to be around in general. Probably better off without these kinds of attitudes.

Bye Felicia!

I think... No I PRAY... Wave 3 either gets a huge boost. Or they announce wave 4 to come out within a month or two. And this guy flips. And raves about the game. That would make everything a win for me. Lol


Edited by Audio Weasel

He isnt the only one dumping Armada. Im selling my entire colleciton at 50% retail. After a year of absolute silence.. they can kiss my dark brown ... shoes. 1 friggen ship per side is a slap directly into everyone's face.

Well I haven't seen a major sell off from looking at some sites. If I can stumble on one though....I'll take advantage of it.

I wasted 1k on Armada and FF crapped on us all by abandoning us.

No they didn't. Go have a look at what GW did to Warhammer. THAT is what being crapped on and abandoned looks like.

That's it be a jerk because you don't agree. Just because you don't feel crapped on and are happy about two tiny little dinks flying around that don't even look good IMHO throw some spit balls. Rack up the likes for being a jerk. Label me as an, "Official Disturber of the Peace" just because I think waiting for a year to get this is ridiculous. Hate the opinion or idea not the man. But this is the internet so throw mud as you see fit and count yourself as the good guy.

Stop responding to this dude, y'all. Just let him take his ball and go home. Honestly, if FFG's release has him this furious, I doubt he's the most fun guy to be around in general. Probably better off without these kinds of attitudes.

Bye Felicia!

You realize that there are 2 year Olds that don't have tantrums this bad right?

I mean come on, you claim to be a professor. Someone who teaches and influences others and yet here we are, getting some excellent news and you are throwing a tantrum because you are only looking at the size of the release.

First off, Armada does not have a huge line of ships to go through. Unless they want to start adding factions in there will only be so many ships that they can use. That means a shorter lifespan then X-Wing.

Logically, this means extended periods of time between releases and release news. We also don't have a full picture of wave 3 yet. This could be the only part of the release, this could be just the beginning.

Regardless, are you playing the game for FFG or for you? If you are playing the game for FFG then go ahead and throw the latest tantrum, if you are playing for. You, then play for you. The game has so much depth to be explored that I still don't know of a single person who has gone that deep. Even the IFF guys have not explored everything.

So settle down, buckle up, and take your lumps like the adult you profess to be. You created the topics, cried your should out to us and this being the Internet, means we will eat you alive for it.

If they don't add anything else to the wave, and it truly stays like this..... and this is ALL they give us this year... then I'll agree with the frustrations of the OP, but not with the exact wording.

However it's extremely likely that this is only a partial preview.

If they don't add anything else to the wave, and it truly stays like this..... and this is ALL they give us this year... then I'll agree with the frustrations of the OP, but not with the exact wording.

However it's extremely likely that this is only a partial preview.

I mean, there are players on here who use to play Necorns or Eldar back in 40k where they waited years upon years to even get word of a new codex.

Honestly, this is nothing.

If they don't add anything else to the wave, and it truly stays like this..... and this is ALL they give us this year... then I'll agree with the frustrations of the OP, but not with the exact wording.

However it's extremely likely that this is only a partial preview.

Even if this is it, what is really the issue?

I mean, there are players on here who use to play Necorns or Eldar back in 40k where they waited years upon years to even get word of a new codex.

Honestly, this is nothing.

And no ones collection has been rendered illegal for poor Lost and Damned.

Nope no Jerry M.

But I warn you that this game was on the brink anyways and not taking care of the plastic crack addicts will hit you all in the ass because we are the people would buy tons of product which means yours can be at a lower price. We are all in this boat of making Armada into something lasting. That is what people don't get. You mess with the people who like the game because they like collecting a building a variety of neat looking fleets on the table plus wanting more cards than the same old same old and we leave the fledging game die with it. You might not agree with us, but the truth is if you want Armada to survive you need us, just like we need the tournament players. We are a community and when the plastic crack junkies don't get their fix for a year--who also tend to be the big sales team for the game by teaching others--the support drops and the game fades away. Everyone needs to get what they want for such a fledgling game. Do I like e addition? Probably, if they don't ram ships...sure, neat idea. But support at this critical juncture is key for maybe 25-35% of the players. All this talk about people not being able to afford stuff and are glad they slowed down are the ones keeping the game going and teaching others. It is the people with three tables at a convention with enough stuff for 12 player doing the work. When those people feel burned based on what wave II had, you risk the people who spend the most money on Armada from no longer doing their part to bring in new player which turns into new buyers. I get that some people don't care about the plastic crack addicts pl but you do so at your own peril. How many will paint there stuff and get into the game at this point big time with the new ere of uncertainty that this wave brings. This looks like to many that they are phasing out the game but using the specter of a few new things to fool people and trap them into a "possible" end game. It really could be a trap. The fact that FF is so cagy adds to the uncertainty. Company give guidance to shareholders so they can see where the company would like to go. Asmodee has strong connections to retailers who are losing a lot of shelf space for product that a lot of people are force to buy online because of the high sticker price. It could be that they are listening to the retailer who are saying they can't support the game anymore. This is either the result of small releases to keep shelf space reasonable or to phase it out entirely. The unknown means that there is no reason for me to demo game anymore because the work may prove to be fruitful. The offering offered little with regard to the confidence in the future of the game. Why would people like me paint buy tons of product, accessories, and pimped out fear to impress newcomers and build a community when all that work could be in vain. The juice isn't worth the squeeze at this point. I was going to drive over to Huntsville in April and teach and demo three 3x6' tables for 12 player or up to eight sessions. Time, hotel room cost etc. to just help grow what...I now have no idea if this game is going to exist in in the way I wanted it to flourish over a year. I got 90+ other game ps that I have neglected to get 12 regular players who don't want the same old same old. Just because it is cool with you doesn't me it is ok for the community of Armada. Armada is weak right now because it is still so new with a huge cost of entry. Who wants to buy into something if they don't think it is going to be supported. Sure plenty, but they aren't going to be the whale who by tons of product helping keep your costs down and the game going. We are in this thing to get her until it has matured. The point I was making is that this was a terrible time for many of us. You might think the plastic crackheads are fools by we pay the Armada bills and keep the lights on. We are also the ones who can take enough product to a gamestore and demo. I need more ship to demo. I can only have so many corvettes and neb bs plus I need more upgrades because ai am tired of buying expanded hangers, X-17s, etc. on eBay. With other ships to fill in fleets, it costs people less to demo. To demo three tables of 12 people you need 6 damage decks. 1 from from the core and then buy 5 others at $10 a piece as you can slowly get you hands on them as they pop up. I was salty because I just got done with several hundred hours of painting. Just asking the pros in the painting forums about how to paint better, getting an air brush to put the base coats on thin unlike cans, etc. takes time and money. I did this with the expectation that waves like I and Two would be the norm. Even if they only happened once a year, I was betting on the fact that 4 ships and some squadrons would be produced very year to keep the game fresh. I really wanted new upgrade cards as much as new ships. I wanted a different sort of counter to the massive R ball that pops up at 500-600 points that forces the rebels into having to go a certain limited way. So I am not happy about another year of that and possibly more. Since I know we will find that intolerable soon and have to house rule some things, it is better to just cut bait.

No I don't want anyone else leaving, but I do want you to communicate to FF that you are not happy with the signal of uncertainty that the wave gives off and are concerned that people will leave causing the game you like with tiny wave to end with no waves. If the game crashes I am actually sitting on a gold mine as my extra stuff would be worth enough to support my game habits for years.

Again, the only Jerry m part would be that this is a Memo and you better start support each other needs--especially the plastic crack addicts--or resign yourself to the possibly of one day saying, " Ok, this is what the game will always be when it gets cancelled can I deal with it." I can. I'll alway come back an play two, three times a year, but it is just another game now. I sure would be a part of FF free sales force drumming up new players because I am not about to sell them uncertainty.

20 Quatloos for the newcomer....

As an aside...your rant to "get people to leave with you" only makes you look like a petulant child.... FYI....

He's trying to pull a Jerry Maguire.


1k... Lightweight.

Oh god. . .I was a redshirt at a GW when it closed, and I made the foolish mistake of looking my name up on the register for total purchase amounts. The horror. . .

Wall of text crits you for 9999 DMG. It's super effective.....

I propose the following:

To AdmiralNelson

Verb (used without object)

  1. To express dissatisfaction, pain, uneasiness, censure, resentment, or grief; find fault;
  2. To post wall of text in vain hope someone will read, understand, and sympathize;
  3. To rant and rave, and further isolate him/her-self in the community;
  4. To forcefully assert one's departure without actually departing.

Yeah please go ahead and pile on Lyraeus. Your a company man selling a blog so you to sell whatever GF gives you. I haven't heard you mention one negative thing about armada. You're one of the faithful the drinks the cool aid that FF can do no wrong. I gave up chess years ago when I got to 1750+\- because I didn't want to explore are the minutia. Not everyone is like you and you should learn to respect differences of opinion. Taking personal shots and talking about my past profession does this conversation no good. But since that is the only a few of the tunes you got, you're going to play that card. The truth is wave II set and expectation and going a year with this small addition is rediculous. armada is fine and well in your area so you think it must be that way everywhere, but you likely fail to grasp the big picture of the plastic crack addict's need for new stuff and our need help keep the prices down and game going. We don't want maintain, we want upgrade cards and new capital ships. I respect you happiness to enjoy the finer detail, but wish you had the balls to stand up and respect my view as well. Because there is no right or wrong way to enjoy the game like you are telling me to. However, my way of playing pays the bills for the game and keeps it viable and highly profitable profitable while keeping the cost down for other ps who buy only on faction and few accessories. The wave also adds a great deal of.uncertainty (read that part above! which is not good for a fledgling game. This wave could possibly be heralding the end of the game. It takes up tons of shelf space but doesn't sell in many stores because people have to buy this expensive stuff at the online stores to get it at reasonable prices. The flight to online retailers is nothing new but the reason so many game store don't support/push Armada is the cost. Asmodee is really close with retailers and responsive so maybe the smaller waves are a nod to them to keep the amount of shelf space the game gobbles up. Maybe the "break this year" is to get the retailers a break in the hope he game will grow enough that a bigger pool of armada players means more that will also be willing to support their FLGS. FF/Asmodee is really putting the retailers in a pickle with a game like this.

Lyreaus, you have to paint a rosy picture because your blog depends on it, but when people like me are the first rats of the ship then you might get stuck with all the chess-like minutia you can get. You might truely be fine by that and I support your enjoyment, but please don't expect me to enjoy the game the way you do--especially because us plastic crackheads put the Armada roof over your head. I do appreciate all that you have done for the community and it is unfortunate that you found it in your best interest to throw spit balls as well to to either engender support from you based or drivimg up some. I was hoping you might be above that. Good luck to you. Seems like whichever the way the wind blows on this you'll be fine. For those of us who spent more money than you on this hoping for more don't share your sentiment and there are plenty of us pissed off by the meager offering. Once all those holding out hope from all the tea leaves expire, you'll see the real backlash. Wave III is is this year and people are going to only get angrier about it as time goes on. Mark my words.

Sorry, I can't go back and edit this. I am typing on a phone this time which is worse than my IPad mini. The auto correct sucks so you'll have to infer meaning from words that get changed when my fat fingers hit the wrong button. I'm a shark who keep swimming when it come to these forums I don't retype fixing junk that will just be ridiculed anyways.

If you read some of the things Lyraeus writes about X-Wing, you'd hardly think he was an FFG shill. And that's downright wholesome compared to what he says about it in person, or when attending an X-Wing tournament.

ElSee , where's that popcorn! Edited by Mikael Hasselstein

This is Madness!!!!

Edited by Tirion

I'll be actually departing after my Magna culpa or however is is spelled or called. I don't feel like looking it up. I got nothing to prove online. I am typing the final argument, the one ai should have made yesterday, in a minute on the notepad section of the IPad so I can type faster and will cut and paste when done. I read every post and response and have taken it all in. I know the score on what people are thinking about wave III on the forums at this point. Their thoughts will guide this quick final posts. I actually listen more than I talk. I have thought long and hard about the future of this probable game--which is anyone's guess of course.

Unfortunately, it is ill be less rant and more normal discourse, but at this point it will still make for some easy "popcorn." No real ships to discuss so bashing me is more fun. Soon you'll have new material to crap on and can go back to feeling good and ganging up--it should really rock the seritonin levels of some of you brothers-in-arms. Being apart of any club, group, gang, party, cult, movement, etc. helps the members--the righteous few--feel good about themselves because they are apart of something. Search your souls, clicking that post button and giving it to someone feels good when you got people backing you up doesn't it? Getting those likes, virtual high fives for being a team player, also feels good doesn't it? You all feel better working together on this project..chastising me for wanting the expectation set in wave II when the game still remains on the precipice and given an uncertain future. It gives you a sense of belonging putting me down.

I'm almost gone. Sure people will say ai'm only saying that etc. also to feel good against yoir common punching bag. I don't Ming being your punching bag at all. I am too old to mind. My final post will be nothing great because I will type it in 25-30 minutes tonight or in the morning. It won't be a rant or anything of the such. I'll just be outlining again the point that we are all a community blah, blah, blah and that you need all of us and therefore should not be frustrated at the plastic crack addict, but support them if this game is to survive at this critical juncture. I see two ways is goes from here. I am no fortune teller, so I admit these are just educated guesses. Small waves or it dies from the lack of support. I really don't know which will happen, but do know that your chances where better with the plastic crackheads than against.

Soon you'll get a second chance to bolster that sense of self esteem...go on I can feel that need to be a part of something ...all alone in your flowing through you making you stronger. Seriously, the bandwagon thing you're on is like a bunch of a certain type of grasshoppers that get together to kick the hind legs of one another in an effort to molt into the voracious locus. Rapid kicking of the hind legs boost the seritonin until the creature complete Morpheus into a gremlin eating 10 times what they ate defore and swarming in a giant rave changing other grasshoppers who are normally completely solitary creatures. The serotonin hitting you brains right now for being apart of something and feeding off other's bandwagon, spitball efforts be apart of something is delightful. Some of you might actually are likely very mad about the wave news but can't help needing to be apart of the I don't care bandwagon because the need to belong is so powerful--especially for the nerds, people used to being on the outside. Besides staying at a Holiday inn express, I was a frat boy years past with Psy as one of my three majors so I know a little something aboit need for being apart of something. Of course back then, the most important thing we wanted was good wingmen for the women. We were ALL gentlemen so don't insult is on that account. Social Psy.. Great course. I highly recommend it. Watch the youtube video of the banned Milgrum experiment because it will blow your mind. People are awesome. This here is all classic mob mentality...really good stuff.

Who is next to pile on and get some free serotonin. All it takes is just a few key and you'll be feeling better, apart of something, connected in hate. Play on on. What pie you got for me?

I propose the following:

To AdmiralNelson

Verb (used without object)

  • To express dissatisfaction, pain, uneasiness, censure, resentment, or grief; find fault;
  • To post wall of text in vain hope someone will read, understand, and sympathize;
  • To rant and rave, and further isolate him/her-self in the community;
  • To forcefully assert one's departure without actually departing.

Oh yes.

This is Madness!!!!

Nope no Jerry M.

But I warn you that this game was on the brink anyways and not taking care of the plastic crack addicts will hit you all in the ass because we are the people would buy tons of product which means yours can be at a lower price. We are all in this boat of making Armada into something lasting. That is what people don't get. You mess with the people who like the game because they like collecting a building a variety of neat looking fleets on the table plus wanting more cards than the same old same old and we leave the fledging game die with it. You might not agree with us, but the truth is if you want Armada to survive you need us, just like we need the tournament players. We are a community and when the plastic crack junkies don't get their fix for a year--who also tend to be the big sales team for the game by teaching others--the support drops and the game fades away. Everyone needs to get what they want for such a fledgling game. Do I like e addition? Probably, if they don't ram ships...sure, neat idea. But support at this critical juncture is key for maybe 25-35% of the players. All this talk about people not being able to afford stuff and are glad they slowed down are the ones keeping the game going and teaching others. It is the people with three tables at a convention with enough stuff for 12 player doing the work. When those people feel burned based on what wave II had, you risk the people who spend the most money on Armada from no longer doing their part to bring in new player which turns into new buyers. I get that some people don't care about the plastic crack addicts pl but you do so at your own peril. How many will paint there stuff and get into the game at this point big time with the new ere of uncertainty that this wave brings. This looks like to many that they are phasing out the game but using the specter of a few new things to fool people and trap them into a "possible" end game. It really could be a trap. The fact that FF is so cagy adds to the uncertainty. Company give guidance to shareholders so they can see where the company would like to go. Asmodee has strong connections to retailers who are losing a lot of shelf space for product that a lot of people are force to buy online because of the high sticker price. It could be that they are listening to the retailer who are saying they can't support the game anymore. This is either the result of small releases to keep shelf space reasonable or to phase it out entirely. The unknown means that there is no reason for me to demo game anymore because the work may prove to be fruitful. The offering offered little with regard to the confidence in the future of the game. Why would people like me paint buy tons of product, accessories, and pimped out fear to impress newcomers and build a community when all that work could be in vain. The juice isn't worth the squeeze at this point. I was going to drive over to Huntsville in April and teach and demo three 3x6' tables for 12 player or up to eight sessions. Time, hotel room cost etc. to just help grow what...I now have no idea if this game is going to exist in in the way I wanted it to flourish over a year. I got 90+ other game ps that I have neglected to get 12 regular players who don't want the same old same old. Just because it is cool with you doesn't me it is ok for the community of Armada. Armada is weak right now because it is still so new with a huge cost of entry. Who wants to buy into something if they don't think it is going to be supported. Sure plenty, but they aren't going to be the whale who by tons of product helping keep your costs down and the game going. We are in this thing to get her until it has matured. The point I was making is that this was a terrible time for many of us. You might think the plastic crackheads are fools by we pay the Armada bills and keep the lights on. We are also the ones who can take enough product to a gamestore and demo. I need more ship to demo. I can only have so many corvettes and neb bs plus I need more upgrades because ai am tired of buying expanded hangers, X-17s, etc. on eBay. With other ships to fill in fleets, it costs people less to demo. To demo three tables of 12 people you need 6 damage decks. 1 from from the core and then buy 5 others at $10 a piece as you can slowly get you hands on them as they pop up. I was salty because I just got done with several hundred hours of painting. Just asking the pros in the painting forums about how to paint better, getting an air brush to put the base coats on thin unlike cans, etc. takes time and money. I did this with the expectation that waves like I and Two would be the norm. Even if they only happened once a year, I was betting on the fact that 4 ships and some squadrons would be produced very year to keep the game fresh. I really wanted new upgrade cards as much as new ships. I wanted a different sort of counter to the massive R ball that pops up at 500-600 points that forces the rebels into having to go a certain limited way. So I am not happy about another year of that and possibly more. Since I know we will find that intolerable soon and have to house rule some things, it is better to just cut bait.

No I don't want anyone else leaving, but I do want you to communicate to FF that you are not happy with the signal of uncertainty that the wave gives off and are concerned that people will leave causing the game you like with tiny wave to end with no waves. If the game crashes I am actually sitting on a gold mine as my extra stuff would be worth enough to support my game habits for years.

Again, the only Jerry m part would be that this is a Memo and you better start support each other needs--especially the plastic crack addicts--or resign yourself to the possibly of one day saying, " Ok, this is what the game will always be when it gets cancelled can I deal with it." I can. I'll alway come back an play two, three times a year, but it is just another game now. I sure would be a part of FF free sales force drumming up new players because I am not about to sell them uncertainty.

20 Quatloos for the newcomer....

As an aside...your rant to "get people to leave with you" only makes you look like a petulant child.... FYI....

He's trying to pull a Jerry Maguire.


1k... Lightweight.

Oh god. . .I was a redshirt at a GW when it closed, and I made the foolish mistake of looking my name up on the register for total purchase amounts. The horror. . .

Yeah please go ahead and pile on Lyraeus. Your a company man selling a blog so you to sell whatever GF gives you. I haven't heard you mention one negative thing about armada. You're one of the faithful the drinks the cool aid that FF can do no wrong. I gave up chess years ago when I got to 1750+\- because I didn't want to explore are the minutia. Not everyone is like you and you should learn to respect differences of opinion. Taking personal shots and talking about my past profession does this conversation no good. But since that is the only a few of the tunes you got, you're going to play that card. The truth is wave II set and expectation and going a year with this small addition is rediculous. armada is fine and well in your area so you think it must be that way everywhere, but you likely fail to grasp the big picture of the plastic crack addict's need for new stuff and our need help keep the prices down and game going. We don't want maintain, we want upgrade cards and new capital ships. I respect you happiness to enjoy the finer detail, but wish you had the balls to stand up and respect my view as well. Because there is no right or wrong way to enjoy the game like you are telling me to. However, my way of playing pays the bills for the game and keeps it viable and highly profitable profitable while keeping the cost down for other ps who buy only on faction and few accessories. The wave also adds a great deal of.uncertainty (read that part above! which is not good for a fledgling game. This wave could possibly be heralding the end of the game. It takes up tons of shelf space but doesn't sell in many stores because people have to buy this expensive stuff at the online stores to get it at reasonable prices. The flight to online retailers is nothing new but the reason so many game store don't support/push Armada is the cost. Asmodee is really close with retailers and responsive so maybe the smaller waves are a nod to them to keep the amount of shelf space the game gobbles up. Maybe the "break this year" is to get the retailers a break in the hope he game will grow enough that a bigger pool of armada players means more that will also be willing to support their FLGS. FF/Asmodee is really putting the retailers in a pickle with a game like this.

Lyreaus, you have to paint a rosy picture because your blog depends on it, but when people like me are the first rats of the ship then you might get stuck with all the chess-like minutia you can get. You might truely be fine by that and I support your enjoyment, but please don't expect me to enjoy the game the way you do--especially because us plastic crackheads put the Armada roof over your head. I do appreciate all that you have done for the community and it is unfortunate that you found it in your best interest to throw spit balls as well to to either engender support from you based or drivimg up some. I was hoping you might be above that. Good luck to you. Seems like whichever the way the wind blows on this you'll be fine. For those of us who spent more money than you on this hoping for more don't share your sentiment and there are plenty of us pissed off by the meager offering. Once all those holding out hope from all the tea leaves expire, you'll see the real backlash. Wave III is is this year and people are going to only get angrier about it as time goes on. Mark my words.

Sorry, I can't go back and edit this. I am typing on a phone this time which is worse than my IPad mini. The auto correct sucks so you'll have to infer meaning from words that get changed when my fat fingers hit the wrong button. I'm a shark who keep swimming when it come to these forums I don't retype fixing junk that will just be ridiculed anyways.

I'll be actually departing after my Magna culpa or however is is spelled or called. I don't feel like looking it up. I got nothing to prove online. I am typing the final argument, the one ai should have made yesterday, in a minute on the notepad section of the IPad so I can type faster and will cut and paste when done. I read every post and response and have taken it all in. I know the score on what people are thinking about wave III on the forums at this point. Their thoughts will guide this quick final posts. I actually listen more than I talk. I have thought long and hard about the future of this probable game--which is anyone's guess of course.

Unfortunately, it is ill be less rant and more normal discourse, but at this point it will still make for some easy "popcorn." No real ships to discuss so bashing me is more fun. Soon you'll have new material to crap on and can go back to feeling good and ganging up--it should really rock the seritonin levels of some of you brothers-in-arms. Being apart of any club, group, gang, party, cult, movement, etc. helps the members--the righteous few--feel good about themselves because they are apart of something. Search your souls, clicking that post button and giving it to someone feels good when you got people backing you up doesn't it? Getting those likes, virtual high fives for being a team player, also feels good doesn't it? You all feel better working together on this project..chastising me for wanting the expectation set in wave II when the game still remains on the precipice and given an uncertain future. It gives you a sense of belonging putting me down.

I'm almost gone. Sure people will say ai'm only saying that etc. also to feel good against yoir common punching bag. I don't Ming being your punching bag at all. I am too old to mind. My final post will be nothing great because I will type it in 25-30 minutes tonight or in the morning. It won't be a rant or anything of the such. I'll just be outlining again the point that we are all a community blah, blah, blah and that you need all of us and therefore should not be frustrated at the plastic crack addict, but support them if this game is to survive at this critical juncture. I see two ways is goes from here. I am no fortune teller, so I admit these are just educated guesses. Small waves or it dies from the lack of support. I really don't know which will happen, but do know that your chances where better with the plastic crackheads than against.

Soon you'll get a second chance to bolster that sense of self esteem...go on I can feel that need to be a part of something ...all alone in your flowing through you making you stronger. Seriously, the bandwagon thing you're on is like a bunch of a certain type of grasshoppers that get together to kick the hind legs of one another in an effort to molt into the voracious locus. Rapid kicking of the hind legs boost the seritonin until the creature complete Morpheus into a gremlin eating 10 times what they ate defore and swarming in a giant rave changing other grasshoppers who are normally completely solitary creatures. The serotonin hitting you brains right now for being apart of something and feeding off other's bandwagon, spitball efforts be apart of something is delightful. Some of you might actually are likely very mad about the wave news but can't help needing to be apart of the I don't care bandwagon because the need to belong is so powerful--especially for the nerds, people used to being on the outside. Besides staying at a Holiday inn express, I was a frat boy years past with Psy as one of my three majors so I know a little something aboit need for being apart of something. Of course back then, the most important thing we wanted was good wingmen for the women. We were ALL gentlemen so don't insult is on that account. Social Psy.. Great course. I highly recommend it. Watch the youtube video of the banned Milgrum experiment because it will blow your mind. People are awesome. This here is all classic mob mentality...really good stuff.

Who is next to pile on and get some free serotonin. All it takes is just a few key and you'll be feeling better, apart of something, connected in hate. Play on on. What pie you got for me?

I propose the following:

To AdmiralNelson

Verb (used without object)

  • To express dissatisfaction, pain, uneasiness, censure, resentment, or grief; find fault;
  • To post wall of text in vain hope someone will read, understand, and sympathize;
  • To rant and rave, and further isolate him/her-self in the community;
  • To forcefully assert one's departure without actually departing.


Write alot.......