Imperial Customs Corvette Kit Bash

By Viceroy Bolda, in X-Wing

Day One. I'm using a Revell Republic Star Destroyer to kit bash a 1/270 scale Imperial customs corvette. This should be fun!


Didn't take you long to get started on a new project! I am also using this "Venator" ship model to make my own Imperial corvette! Mine is really not so drastically modified but more a take on a "mini-Star Destroyer".

I guess yours could be nicknamed "The Pincer" or "Clamp of Doom!" :P

Edited by DB Draft

DB, feel free to throw your pics in this thread.

I thought about making a vigil class frigate because they are ghe same length but the angles were all off.

You are right. I waste no time. Kit bashing is so much faster than scratch building!

I am doing something similar with my ship, but you are going way out there, and it is good to see, keep it going.


I am nowhere near as ambitious in my modelling skills as you guys are so I am keeping things pretty simple. No pics as yet as I am waiting for some extra bits to arrive. I am using some stuff from Shapeways for weapons for example. I think this model is a great one for it's size and it still looks suitably Imperial with it's arrowhead design. It would be cool to have some docked small ships and a DX9 transport could be suitable as well.

DB, dd you get a DX9? I picked up two for a special mission

Joe, got pics? I like to see kit bash pics. Anyone else want to post, please feel encouraged.

Edited by Viceroy Bolda

As different as this looks from the "actual" Customs Corvette, I'm most curious as to how this is going to turn out. :)

As different as this looks from the "actual" Customs Corvette, I'm most curious as to how this is going to turn out. :)

Thanks, man. This is what I am going for...

I have ordered a couple of DX9s from Shapeways and hope they are close to the right scale for this ship. I can see the design being quite closely based on the Venator.

Looks cool already!

Looking forward to following this thread. I like that you're going for a different design as well, finished product should look good.

I'm quite comfortable converting a Falcon, I'm still undecided if I want to try to scratchbuild something never mind take on a project making something this big!

Edited by ZombieHedgehog

DB - quit teasing us and show us your ship. :) How are you going to customize that monster?

Since the Customs corvette has fewer guns, I'm thinking about making those guns stronger to try and balance it against the gunship.

Zombie - I've seen your work. I think you're a better artist than I. I bet you could do it. What would you scratch?

Zombie - I've seen your work. I think you're a better artist than I. I bet you could do it. What would you scratch?

I wouldn't say so, I'm happy with my work but I know I can do better, just need to keep working at it. I've got to say that there is a good group of scratchbulders/convertors on these forums which lead to me giving it a go, everyone brings something different.

As I seem to be on some sort of YT crusade I'd quite like to build a YT-2400, I've always loved the ship ever since I read the Shadows of the Empire graphic novel. I like that it's similar to the 1300 but different at the same time. I think I just need to work on my panels a bit more, I think I'm starting to get a hang of it now. I currently cut individual panels, I just need to not leave as much of a gap between them.

Zombie - I've seen your work. I think you're a better artist than I. I bet you could do it. What would you scratch?

I wouldn't say so, I'm happy with my work but I know I can do better, just need to keep working at it. I've got to say that there is a good group of scratchbulders/convertors on these forums which lead to me giving it a go, everyone brings something different.

As I seem to be on some sort of YT crusade I'd quite like to build a YT-2400, I've always loved the ship ever since I read the Shadows of the Empire graphic novel. I like that it's similar to the 1300 but different at the same time. I think I just need to work on my panels a bit more, I think I'm starting to get a hang of it now. I currently cut individual panels, I just need to not leave as much of a gap between them.

I would like to see you kit bash this..

Zombie - I've seen your work. I think you're a better artist than I. I bet you could do it. What would you scratch?

I wouldn't say so, I'm happy with my work but I know I can do better, just need to keep working at it. I've got to say that there is a good group of scratchbulders/convertors on these forums which lead to me giving it a go, everyone brings something different.

As I seem to be on some sort of YT crusade I'd quite like to build a YT-2400, I've always loved the ship ever since I read the Shadows of the Empire graphic novel. I like that it's similar to the 1300 but different at the same time. I think I just need to work on my panels a bit more, I think I'm starting to get a hang of it now. I currently cut individual panels, I just need to not leave as much of a gap between them.

I would like to see you kit bash this..

It's something that I'd like to do, maybe some sort of slow burner project that I could take my time with. I just need a hand sorting out the dimensions so I would build it at the right scale.

Zombie - I've seen your work. I think you're a better artist than I. I bet you could do it. What would you scratch?

I wouldn't say so, I'm happy with my work but I know I can do better, just need to keep working at it. I've got to say that there is a good group of scratchbulders/convertors on these forums which lead to me giving it a go, everyone brings something different.

As I seem to be on some sort of YT crusade I'd quite like to build a YT-2400, I've always loved the ship ever since I read the Shadows of the Empire graphic novel. I like that it's similar to the 1300 but different at the same time. I think I just need to work on my panels a bit more, I think I'm starting to get a hang of it now. I currently cut individual panels, I just need to not leave as much of a gap between them.

I would like to see you kit bash this.. It's something that I'd like to do, maybe some sort of slow burner project that I could take my time with. I just need a hand sorting out the dimensions so I would build it at the right scale.

What would you do with this 3d printed ship to make it better? This is designed for our game. See the tiny hole for the base peg? You could complete your smuggler convoy.

Sorry, there's nothing wrong with ths figure, I think I'd just like to scratch build it now, I don't seem to like the easy way for some reason. For my smuggler convoy I would like to build/convert each ship myself.

Sorry, there's nothing wrong with ths figure, I think I'd just like to scratch build it now, I don't seem to like the easy way for some reason. For my smuggler convoy I would like to build/convert each ship myself.

Respect ^^^. Please keep sharing yoru work. I enjoy watching your progress.

DB, dd you get a DX9? I picked up two for a special mission

Joe, got pics? I like to see kit bash pics. Anyone else want to post, please feel encouraged.

I am getting all of the parts together to build three huge models right now. My next Hobbylink supply order will get me where I need to be to start the real work on these projects.

Here is my Striker Frigate thus far, just some ideas really. I am cutting the ship in half to widen it, like what you have done, but mine is going to be smaller in the end.

You are a more ambitious with this kit than I, and it is going to be fun to watch you go go go!


Sorry, there's nothing wrong with ths figure, I think I'd just like to scratch build it now, I don't seem to like the easy way for some reason. For my smuggler convoy I would like to build/convert each ship myself.




So, I just had a thought. You know how FFG gives us subtle clues regarding future wave releases in the artwork?

The disabled ship token that comes with the Lambda has a picture of a customs corvette on it. If I knew what scale they were doing I could replicate that instead of the true 1:270 as I have planned.

I predict that the Imperial capital ship release will be the customs corvette and the Action VI transport.

Joe, thanks for sharing. Are you going to permanently glue those fighters to the striker?

They also have the Nebulon B in the background of a few ships blister packs,in theory both sides made use of these so it could be in the works too!

I think some sort of "drop shute" could be used for the fighters so they are "perched" ready to fly off.

My modifications are mainly just the weapon batteries and the bridge.

So, I just had a thought. You know how FFG gives us subtle clues regarding future wave releases in the artwork?

The disabled ship token that comes with the Lambda has a picture of a customs corvette on it. If I knew what scale they were doing I could replicate that instead of the true 1:270 as I have planned.

I predict that the Imperial capital ship release will be the customs corvette and the Action VI transport.

Joe, thanks for sharing. Are you going to permanently glue those fighters to the striker?

I agree with your predictions.

Glue them down? No Sir, I am going to build six little hanger arms for them.

Have you looked at Ebay for Kenner's Blockade Runner deals, there is one up now for only $50.

They also have the Nebulon B in the background of a few ships blister packs,in theory both sides made use of these so it could be in the works too!

Heck yeah! That's why I first chose the DP20.

Have you looked at Ebay for Kenner's Blockade Runner deals, there is one up now for only $50.

I have looked at them and some of the GR 45/75 toys. Some people have done really nice work on repaints for the game.

Cool. At this point I am waiting for the "FFG Model." The one Blockade Runner I do have will get converted later...I think.

I decided to go with a 1:350 scale so it will look better when FFG releases their capital ships.

Still a work in progress.

