GM Resources: More Ships

By mrider, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beta

So, if it's been done before, can someone point me to it, and if it hasn't, can someone take a crack at the CR-0710 'Consular' ship as seen in the opening sequence of the Phantom Menace? I am thinking of introducing that in my game.

Many thanks!

So, this is a basic model without weaponry. There are two different suggested armed configuration, both have light turbolasers, while one has concussion missile launchers and the other has point-defence laser cannons. They could of course easily be added, while reducing the customisation hardpoints accordingly.

Consular-class Cruiser
Hull Type: Space cruiser
Ship Class: Consular-class
Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation
Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 18
Navicomputer: Yes
Ship's Complement: 2-8 (or 9 according to wookiepedia)
Passenger Capacity: 16 (varies with configuration)
Encumbrance Capacity: 1,000 metric tons
Consumables: 6 months
Cost: 1,250,000 (new); 400,000 (used)
Silhouette: 5
Sensor Range: Long (could be reduced to medium if you find that more fitting)
Speed: 2
Handling: -2
Defense (shield): 1/1/1
Armor: 4
Hull Integrity: 40
Strain Threshold: 20
Customization Hardpoints: 4

Jegergryte said:

So, this is a basic model without weaponry. There are two different suggested armed configuration, both have light turbolasers, while one has concussion missile launchers and the other has point-defence laser cannons. They could of course easily be added, while reducing the customisation hardpoints accordingly.

Consular-class Cruiser
Hull Type: Space cruiser
Ship Class: Consular-class
Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation
Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 18
Navicomputer: Yes
Ship's Complement: 2-8 (or 9 according to wookiepedia)
Passenger Capacity: 16 (varies with configuration)
Encumbrance Capacity: 1,000 metric tons
Consumables: 6 months
Cost: 1,250,000 (new); 400,000 (used)
Silhouette: 5
Sensor Range: Long (could be reduced to medium if you find that more fitting)
Speed: 2
Handling: -2
Defense (shield): 1/1/1
Armor: 4
Hull Integrity: 40
Strain Threshold: 20
Customization Hardpoints: 4

Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Wanna take a crack at the Gunship version they have on the Clone Wars Cartoons? If not, I still appreciate your efforts thus far.

First, after some reconsideration, the handling should perhaps only be -1 no -2 - at least for the gunship version.

If you have the book, all you need to do is add a a couple of linked 1 light turbolaser cannons, in turret form to it, pluss perhaps a something more. The stats for those are in the book. I will make it anyways though, once I get home from work, for me little picaroon and bootlegger leaflet.

Y'now, I have always felt the Rebel Alliance should get a Super Prototype ( ) of their own to rival the TIE Defender. Seems a shame to rescue the Incom design team and have them not do anything. h

I assume you mean this:


Refitted Charger c70 Consular-class Cruiser
Hull Type: Frigate
Ship Class: Modified Consular-class
Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation
Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 1.5, Backup: Class 18
Navicomputer: Yes
Ship's Complement: 8
Passenger Capacity: 20 troopes
Encumbrance Capacity: 6,000 metric tons
Consumables: 6 months
Cost: 1,650,000 (new); 700,000 (used)
Silhouette: 5
Sensor Range: Long
Speed: 2
Handling: -1
Defense (shield): 2/1/1
Armor: 4
Hull Integrity: 50
Strain Threshold: 25
Customization Hardpoints: 4
5 twin light turbolaser cannons
Fire arc:
3 dorsal turrets, 2 ventral turrets.
Range: Medium
Damage: 10
Critical: 3
Qualities: Breach 2, Slow-firing 1, linked 1

2 Point defence medium laser cannons
Fire arc: Front
Range: Close
Damage: 6
Critical: 3
Linked 1

So here's the clone war retrofitted consular-class cruiser. I did think about not making the turbolasers linked, since that's big long bear, yet the images are pretty clear on that. Much of the stats for this and the stock version of the consular-class differ a lot, like cargo space and passenger capacity… I have not given it much thought or changed those specs for this conversion.

I considered making it slightly faster, but I guess with one better handling than its unmodified cousin, more shield and hull too, I think this is a fairly powerful opponent, a group-wiper possibly. It will find its way into the freebooter and free-trader supplement I'm throwing together, but first I want some more feedback - because I'm not certain its a good conversion. The other armed version had "only" 4 turbolaser cannons, but had 2 concussion missile launchers.

About the Free-traders and Freebooter's Catalogue : anyone with converted ships, who wants to convert ships, are free to let me know if they want it added to the document - a community resource of sorts. Same goes for the Customs, handlers and Law enforcement supplement I'm throwing together - the customs corvette has already found its way into that, but its pretty lonely at the moment.

I dunno man, looks pretty good to me! Thanks!

Jegergryte said:

About the Free-traders and Freebooter's Catalogue : anyone with converted ships, who wants to convert ships, are free to let me know if they want it added to the document - a community resource of sorts. Same goes for the Customs, handlers and Law enforcement supplement I'm throwing together - the customs corvette has already found its way into that, but its pretty lonely at the moment.

I'll see what I can do. The customs corvette was off the top of my head and I want to take a closer look at the starship stats a little more before getting into too much. That being said, if I see something which may be applicable I will post it up.

Right, so the first catalogue has grown a bit, not by much but some. I have one issue I'd like to discuss with other "ship-makers" and "conversion artists", that is the customisation hardpoints amount. As a guideline I wonder how many of these CHPs a ship "should" have… I think most ship should have at least 2, some perhaps 1 - like the updated version of the uglies in the catalogue. Furthermore I think that 2 sometimes is a bit few, considering that freighters and transports goes through a lot modifications over the years (any ideas on tons -> CHP conversion rate?). I guess this come down to ship type, manufacturer, ship description and the like - but I'd like some sort of commentary on this when it comes to the conversions I've made and posted. If anyone could be so kind.

The "known threats" catalogue is coming along slowly, mainly I've been converting the different customs vessels I've found in various sources. Still some to go I think, and there's always more crafts that the "evil" powers use that could need some conversion.

EDIT: I've been thinking about ISDs and interdictors. The former I was toying with the idea of making them into a sectioned ship, that each fire arc is its "own ship" so to speak. This limits amount of weapons it can use, makes it larger, more like a terrain as some has mentioned, and still "killable" - even if destroying or disabling a section of such a large ship won't do much to the larger whole - unless you destroy engines or shield generators. I have no written proposal for this though. About the interdictors, I was wondering about range for the gravity wells, long? medium? I mean, I guess its pointless in the bigger picture, that particular quality is more plot device than anything else.

This is a slight digression, but until things are properly settled I'll only mention it here.

The Catalogue (which my signature links to) will be expanded beyond mere starship conversion I've decided. I will also include gear, equipment, tools, weapons, upgrades (for weapons, armour, starships and vehicles), perhaps a faction or two (I'll be fleshing out Sinasu and Naoko for my own campaign - so might as well share that with the community too). I probably won't do that to the Known Threats catalogue (which is still in the works and contains about 5 ship conversions) - but who knows, space troopers, scout troopers, commandoes, AT-STs, AT-ATs, double-bladed vibrosword (Kir Kanos anyone else's favourite?)… if I have time that is (exams, thesis and stuff like that coming up, plus way too much do to at work).

As for some conversion rules - I should probably write something up soon. My ideas for ship construction guidelines, akin to the OCR starship of the galaxy (a bit moredetailed than the sub-standard Saga version), is at the moment not going anywhere. These two are, or should I think, be linked.

Thank you Jegergryte, this looks great. I'd like to try different ships with my group and the beta book is very limited.