Solo play - some idea

By player1885632, in Blood Bowl: Team Manager

I like and play blood bowl the boardgame and computer game (usually i play dwarves or orcs, now i am trying humans) and i think i will buy blood bowl team manager.

I know that BBTM can't be used, as it is, for solo play but i have some idea to improve solo play.

I think solo play should be focused on one match where some highlights portrait the main opportunities to win the match, a new deck should be done as the AI choices to play cards.

A sort of:

- an highlight shows

- the player (from his/her hand of six choose a card and plays it to the highlights)

- the player shows an AI card from the AI deck then plays a card from the AI hand to the highlights

- cards played on an highlight are unvailable for the very next highlight

just some ideas…. what do you think about it?

I'm a huge fan of Blood Bowl. I just picked up the team Manager game. I've a few solo games by just playing 4 teams with each one trying their best to win. It's also a good way to see the abilities of each team and figure out your favorite to play.

MWS Jester said:

I'm a huge fan of Blood Bowl. I just picked up the team Manager game. I've a few solo games by just playing 4 teams with each one trying their best to win. It's also a good way to see the abilities of each team and figure out your favorite to play.

Adraeth said:

I like and play blood bowl the boardgame and computer game (usually i play dwarves or orcs, now i am trying humans) and i think i will buy blood bowl team manager.

I know that BBTM can't be used, as it is, for solo play but i have some idea to improve solo play.

I think solo play should be focused on one match where some highlights portrait the main opportunities to win the match, a new deck should be done as the AI choices to play cards.

A sort of:

- an highlight shows

- the player (from his/her hand of six choose a card and plays it to the highlights)

- the player shows an AI card from the AI deck then plays a card from the AI hand to the highlights

- cards played on an highlight are unvailable for the very next highlight

just some ideas…. what do you think about it?

First of all, just buy BBTM, you won't regret it. It really feels like Blood Bowl …

So far your ideas are quite good; maybe it should be two highlights at once or at least one after the other.