X-34 Landspeeder

By Bromike666, in Painting

First post, felt this was worth sharing. Some others, not so much.


Probably my favorite landspeeder I've seen yet, I'd love to see more of you work.

That's a great landspeeder! Nicely done.

The weathering and damage on the landspeeder looks amazing. It gives the model a lot of character. This is what the equipment of a ragtag group of guerilla fighters should look like.

Great work! That certainly looks well-used.

Thanks for the kind words. I had a good time painting it.

Those look awesome too. I love the dark, gritty colors.

Even cracked the glass. Looks like a piece of junk (in a good way). Nice touch.

Nice work!

Just ordered mine, cant wait to paint!

Landspeeders are always among of my favorites minis. But yours is on top of that! Great job!