Order 66 Ignores Deckbuilding Restrictions?

By Sykeman2020, in Star Wars: Destiny

I recently opened some Spark of Hope booster packs, and when I came across the card Order 66 (the plot, not the even Execute Order 66 ), I thought "ok, cool, that's awesome for a blue deck." Then I started thinking: does its ability ignore deckbuilding restrictions?

The ability reads: "Before you draw your starting hand, shuffle up to 4 set-aside copies of Execute Order 66 into your deck."

I was wondering if this would ignore deckbuilding restrictions, meaning you could use this ability even if you didn't have a Red character on your team. Execute Order 66 is a Red event, so you normally would only be able to include this in your deck if your team had a Red character. Does this ignore it? Could I make a deck with only Blue characters and still use Order 66 ?

Set aside cards ignore deck-building restrictions. As example, Chief Chirpa can still bring ONE set aside Ewok even if he chooses the Arena of Death battlefield.