Rule From Horseback

By Doji Hyōkin, in L5R LCG: Lore Discussion

It's kind of funny that they have a story to kind of explain away how bad Unicorn was at the start of the game. Altansarnai was just terrible as was the Unicorn as a whole so now we see what a real Unicorn Champ should look like and he's about to set things straight.

I love the idea that the Unicorn are facing a culture war in clan.

Unicorn: Hey everybody we're back!

Rest of Rokugan: You guys turned out weird, yo.

Moto: The Empire is dumb, and the Empire-appeasing Shinjo, Utaku & Ide need to get behind The Stallion Who Mounts The World! Ride, Ride for the Khan Eternal! Death for the Death Gods!


He's new, right?

In that case, congratulations and welcome!

Huh...I find it interesting that Chagatai is up for Khanship due to being half-Shinjo. Interesting dynamic.

Really looking forward to the Pony novella though, can't wait to read it.

Chagatai's sister needs a card that pops characters into play.

8 hours ago, 987654321 said:


He's new, right?

In that case, congratulations and welcome!

I've seen his name of stuff for the other FFG games. I believe he wrote one of the Netrunner books and some of the Star Wars RPG stuff. I don't think I've seen him on anything for L5R. He is the writer for the upcoming Unicorn novella if I recall correctly. I really liked this story. So now I'm way more excited about that book. It helps that we finally got a Moto perspective. I kinda wish all the Unicorn fiction was from the Moto perspective, but that's just me :) I really liked these characters.

Man with vassals like the Moto who needs the Lion, am I right?

I'd be careful if I were the Unicorn. Employing barbarian soldiers typically doesn't go well. Just ask the Romans and the Ming.

Although the Moto were the source of their Kolat infiltration last time around, so we'll see...

I want to know where that messenger bird was going and who is spying on the Unicorn.

I would assume it to be Lion since there are not likely to let the loss of HMT go unanswered.

It would be interesting if it were a completely different Clan/Faction spying on the Unicorn. Maybe some outside threat?

I understood it as an outside threat, since the guy whosent it spoke another language. Also I dont remember if it was stated or was just my assumption, but the bird flew west, away from the empire

Edited by RafaelNN
1 hour ago, RafaelNN said:

I understood it as an outside threat, since the guy whosent it spoke another language. Also I dont remember if it was stated or was just my assumption, but the bird flew west, away from the empire

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's the Qamarist Caliphate that's been talked about.

11 minutes ago, Tonbo Karasu said:

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's the Qamarist Caliphate that's been talked about.

......that's secretly working with someone from within Rokugan!

Dun dun dunnnnnn

The great thing with this short story is the amount of detail on Moto's and Ujik's culture and how it's foreign to Rokugan. Their tactics, weapons, titles, beliefs. The way they declare their wealth by horses and sheeps instead of Koku/Rice.

The Moto feel also very proud of themselves quite condescending even of the so-called Walking Clans. And doubtful of the Shinjo.

There's lots of love for the Unicorn, dropping fan favorite Moto Chagatai early in the setting, with a positive writing, playful with kids, sympathetic, with a promised great destiny!

Moto feel more relaxed, less tight than the Rokugani society. It's a nice outlook that will bring sympathy for the Riders Clan. Expect to face lots of purple cards in the coming days, as Main or in Splashes.

Edited by Nitenman

First they bring their foreign magic into the empire now we have foreign gods, too? Just how much heresy are we expected to accept from these wayward children of the plains?

4 hours ago, Kaito Kikaze said:

First they bring their foreign magic into the empire now we have foreign gods, too? Just how much heresy are we expected to accept from these wayward children of the plains?

So you don't want your hostages monks back?


17 hours ago, Nitenman said:

The great thing with this short story is the amount of detail on Moto's and Ujik's culture and how it's foreign to Rokugan. Their tactics, weapons, titles, beliefs. The way they declare their wealth by horses and sheeps instead of Koku/Rice.

I think that was my favorite part. We get a nice snap shot in this fiction of what it's like to be a Moto in the new continuity.

On 3/28/2019 at 9:43 PM, Mangod said:

So you don't want your hostages monks back?



If the old lore taught us anything, it's that the Phoenix always have more hapless monks and shugenja to let other clans beat up to look tough...

Freakin Moto are gross.

5 hours ago, Manchu said:

Freakin Moto are gross.

I thought you would be happy with the Moto, Manchu.

After all, the way things are going, the Unicorn should be in the middle of an internal clan civil war in no time.

Unicorn is a Great Clan founded by one of the kami and therefore must be duly esteemed. Furthermore, Shinjo Shono has proven by his own actions that his Clan and family did not forget about civilization altogether in their prodigal years. He should rise to lead the Unicorn — the sooner, the better! If he must crack some slack-jawed skulls in the hinterland to get there, all the better for him, his Clan, and the Empire.

I will say, this fiction reinforces one of my complaints about Curved Blades - the Unicorn do not feel like they have three centuries back in the Empire under their belt.

At least the fact that the Moto were picked up along the road rather than coming from Rokugan initially gets more than lip service here.

8 minutes ago, Shiba Gunichi said:

I will say, this fiction reinforces one of my complaints about Curved Blades - the Unicorn do not feel like they have three centuries back in the Empire under their belt.

At least the fact that the Moto were picked up along the road rather than coming from Rokugan initially gets more than lip service here.

I actually like it, because at seems that at least with the Moto it's not just that they haven't been culturally assimilated, but that they seem to be actively resisting it.

Curved Blades felt like the Clan just stumbled into the situation; here the Moto are deliberately digging their heels in.

If it were just the Moto I'd buy it more...

Another fun note: Looks like in this edition Yobanjin Mura wouldn't be such a big deal, since the Unicorn openly allow foreigners into their city within prescribed hours for the outright conduct of trade. Might be fun if the Phoenix still treat it like a big ol' secret 'cause they're embarrassed by it, though...

46 minutes ago, Shiba Gunichi said:

If it were just the Moto I'd buy it more...

Another fun note: Looks like in this edition Yobanjin Mura wouldn't be such a big deal, since the Unicorn openly allow foreigners into their city within prescribed hours for the outright conduct of trade. Might be fun if the Phoenix still treat it like a big ol' secret 'cause they're embarrassed by it, though...

Except isn't it technically outside of the Empire which is why they can get away with it.