Official Character Art - Matsu Tsuko & Daidoji Uji

By ElSuave, in L5R LCG: Lore Discussion

Just a safety note if you are filing or shaving down resin wear a mask so you don't breath in the particulate. Some people will do their filing of resins in water to keep the dust from going in the air, which is also an option if you don't have a mask. Also definitely pre-wash resins and metals. You will have issues with any release agent still left over on the model from the production process when trying to paint the model.

For assembling resin and metal models with super glue I use a tiny amount of green stuff to keep the smaller pieces in place. For big heavy pieces I will pin and/or rubber band it in place while the super glue is setting.

For Yokuni I actually did neither. I used the arms on my citadel assembly handle to hold the pieces in place while it dried. It worked well. I'm not saying people need to run out and buy a painting handle with arms, but I was surprised how nicely it worked for these little pieces.

I usually use fast drying super glue anyway (I use BSI insta cure+). I can see the need for an accelerator so that's certainly an option, but usually it doesn't take that long for my models to dry. About 10 seconds on average. The challenge is keeping the pieces still so they can set.

Edited by phillos

Well, I signed up for a six month VIP subscription and paid $100 on December 6th. Privateer Press has decided to charge my credit card for back to back $50 purchases again in February on the 6th and 7th. Not making me feel great about doing business with them...

I sent them an email but have not had a reply.

It took them about a week to reply to my email, but my problems were swiftly resolved. Hope yours do as well.

Same thing happened to me. They sent out an email without me prompting explaining the mistake, and then issued the refund. I suspect it was a widespread problem.

Posted elsewhere but finished Matsu Tsuko up.


Hey @Liono58 I posted this to the Privateer Press forum but that place is dead.


Definitely a few things I would like to go back and touch up, but I’m pretty fatigued. Holding the mini in your hand most of the minor details are hard to see anyway. I learned a lot and I still have a lot of trouble with fine detail, but I like the overall effect and the color scheme for her.



@BigBadAndy yeah I don’t know what happened there, used to be lots of activity in the painting forums when I still played Hordes. Armor looks pretty unique, with such fine details I totally understand the fatigue and lack of desire for touch ups. Look forward to seeing what you do with Tomanatsu. Graduate classes started up again so I’m not really finding time to paint at the moment between that and my day job, kids, and home revisions. I should be back at it early June though!