How does Vader die?

By KnightsofRen185, in Battle Reports

Could someone please educate me on the proper way to kill Vader? I have played 8 games against vader and have yet to kill him. The past five games I have tried different tactics and none of them prevailed. Tonight I figured some ready and waiting fleet troopers with a scatter gun would surprise him, but seven hits later only one went through. I flanked my AT-RT and he died to two saber throws. I ended the night with two damage I inflicted and one damage inflicted by his command card.

The only solutions opponent has given me was to either A) not play near vader because he is so slow or B) Two Airspeeders. Maybe my opponents just roll extremely hot red dice on defense.

Luke has done nothing positive for me as a direct counter to Vader. I was hoping having him without a dodge token would help because he wouldn't have a deflect. And I am not going to sink half a list just to remove Vader from the game because you cannot claim objectives with tokens. As they said, the opponent cannot claim objectives if they are all dead.

Sniping with AT-RT Laser cannons to soften him up helps. As do other shots when you don't have a better option. Even two wounds helps.

Luke can kill him if he comes in right. Playing Son of Skywalker on the charge round is huge. This gives Luke twelve black dice from double attacks before Vader can respond. With an aim, this is massive.

Vader still rolls red defense dice. Even with a dodge and surges, 1/3 of hits should get through.

If you can't manage either, just murder troops and stay away.

Most recently my Vader was fighting an epic duel with Luke, and winning....

.... then 2 ATRTs came along and kicked Vader in the face :-(.

In my last battle, he got crippled by some AT-RT and a squad with Z6, then charged luke, left him down to 1HP, forced pushed him away so saber throw him (failed) to charge fleet troopers. The fleet troopers survived the next turn, luke charged back but only did 1 damage, then the last two fleet troopers bashed vader's face in.

So, fleet troopers FTW.

In my experience you have to try and catch him without a Dodge token or take some shots with a unit you are willing to sacrifice if he has a Dodge token. I've found that a T-47 can deal some decent damage to him, since most people don't bother to put Vader in Cover, but since he has red defense dice he takes a lot of focused fire to bring down.

I generally focus on killing enemy Troopers or Speeder Bikes before I worry about Vader, and only take shots at him if I have no other targets. Like @Brightguy said

16 hours ago, Brightguy said:

Sniping with AT-RT Laser cannons to soften him up helps. As do other shots when you don't have a better option. Even two wounds helps.

Luke can kill him if he comes in right. Playing Son of Skywalker on the charge round is huge. This gives Luke twelve black dice from double attacks before Vader can respond. With an aim, this is massive.

Vader still rolls red defense dice. Even with a dodge and surges, 1/3 of hits should get through.

If you can't manage either, just murder troops and stay away.

That's what I should have done last game is just got him behind some terrain and caused everyone else to flee. I was happy to have some fleet troopers with their standby action and the scatter gun. Most disappointed I have been in the game in a long time.

I have been staying away from Luke, especially now that Leia is out. Her range attack isn't nearly as help as Luke, but she does come with some nice abilities.

8 hours ago, Deuzerre said:

In my last battle, he got crippled by some AT-RT and a squad with Z6, then charged luke, left him down to 1HP, forced pushed him away so saber throw him (failed) to charge fleet troopers. The fleet troopers survived the next turn, luke charged back but only did 1 damage, then the last two fleet troopers bashed vader's face in.

So, fleet troopers FTW.

I might just run double AT RT. It was miserable to watch my AT RT kill some storm troopers and then have Vader saber throw to end the round and then open up with another saber throw to completely remove the unit.

I just have a hard time justifying Luke's point cost to that of Vader. Vader just appears to be the complete package.

On the TTS, I've had issue facing him if I don't have luke on my list. Luke has the ability to just be annoying as a "counter attack tool".

One of the things you should be afraid of is to engage him in melee with a unit you do not really care about. It'll force him to use force push on them isntead of something else to get them off him, and if he uses both force push and force reflexes, only one of them will be refreshed on turn end: All good for you.

Leia and orbital bombardment.

No father is a match for a daughter with daddy issues.

1 hour ago, KnightsofRen185 said:

I just  have a hard time justifying Luke's point cost to that of Vader. Vader just appears to  be the complete  package.

Can you elaborate on why you feel this way? I'm just curious because I see more people think the reverse, with Vader being over costed.

17 minutes ago, Qwrety77 said:

Can you elaborate on why you feel this way? I'm just curious because I see more people think the reverse, with Vader being over costed.

IMO, vader has the right price with all the abilities, but he has to be a centerpiece of your force, an anvil of death that the enemy has to deal with.
Luke on the other hand is more of a linebacker, threatening left and right, forcing the opponent to prepare for him and his double speed two move which may or may not come.

Vader's a bit less "reliable" against armoured stuff with no surges to crits but is better overall except at range against stuff in cover. The fact he resets one of his force powers every turn is also awesome for him to get free dodges every turn.

Vader is a beast. But his abilities don't really help other units, and he usually spends half the game just trying to get somewhere. For not that much more you can get Luke and Leia. So much better.

Iv had no problems most of the time. Before Luke jumps in with his double attk vader needs to be down to less than 3 or 4 health or he will block enough of lukes 12 attks. Btw- Vader can pick up objectives, why do you think he cant??

Full group of rebs with gatlin gun puts a dent in the big guy for sure

The "triple-tap" with Luke (charge in late in the turn, then SoS to double-hit at the start of the next) can work, though you want a couple of wounds on Vader from shooting first if possible.

If your opponent exposes Vader in the open (easy to do if you are trying to get him somewhere) then a few z6 squads can really weaken him while staying out of his 8" charge range.

Edited by colki

"How does Vader Die?"


His son beats him up and cuts off his hand with a lightsaber and his surrogate father (the emperor) electrocutes him to death.

The same as any buff character, focus fire. I've taken vader down by pinging him to death with troopers. Anything with volume will make him roll dice and he only has a 66% chance of passing a die roll. He can't deflect all the time and still keep his other Force goodies operational.

8 hours ago, buckero0 said:


His son beats him up and cuts off his hand with a lightsaber and his surrogate father (the emperor) electrocutes him to death.

Way to give the end away!

From all the foreshadowing I had assumed he'd be killed by his mortal enemy.



Edited by MattShadowlord