Alpha's Army (Now with Jedi Temple Guard! Pg 7)

By Alpha17, in Painting

Little different than my normal style of painting, but this was a commission piece I thought I'd share. I present, the General Leia, and the Dukes of Hazard Sector:


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The stars aren't ideal, but they'll have to do. Not sure I can free hand them any better than that. Would have loved to write the Aurebesh for "General Leia" on the side, or replaced the stars with Rebel Starbirds, but again, my free hand skills aren't up to the challenge.

Edited by Alpha17
On 6/19/2019 at 9:09 AM, Alpha17 said:

Little different than my normal style of painting, but this was a commission piece I thought I'd share. I present, the General Leia, and the Dukes of Hazard Sector:

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The stars aren't ideal, but they'll have to do. Not sure I can free hand them any better than that. Would have loved to write the Aurebesh for "General Leia" on the side, or replaced the stars with Rebel Starbirds, but again, my free hand skills aren't up to the challenge.

Technically, it is very well done. While I appreciate the source material (dukes of hazzard), I will say I am not fond of the imagery of the confederate flag.

14 hours ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

Technically, it is very well done. While I appreciate the source material (dukes of hazzard), I will say I am not fond of the imagery of the confederate flag.

Nor am I, frankly, and tend to find those that are fond of it incredibly annoying (as well as them likely being historically illiterate "Lost Cause" supporters). That said, people that want to get up in arms of its use in completely benign things are just as as annoying. We are, after all, playing a game in a franchise with direct references to Nazi Germany (stormtroopers, the rank of Grand Admiral, genocide, etc) as well as numerous indirect references and allusions (Imperial uniforms are clearly WWII German/SS based, and the Republic/Imperial flag is almost the exact same, with a minor change of the central symbol). Having a technical painted like a car from a TV show shouldn't be something to get up in arms over.

And sorry for the mini sermon, this isn't the place for such discussions, but the Facebook mob spent most of Wednesday crucifying me for this paint job before the admins turned off commenting. Hopefully the same won't happen here. Either way, this is the only post I will make on the subject. Now back to our regularly scheduled painting.

Maybe that part job would be more appropriate for the Secessionists in the Clone Wars era? Sorry. I couldn't resist. Please carry on.

On 6/21/2019 at 4:51 PM, Brightguy said:

Maybe that part job would be more appropriate for the Secessionists in the Clone Wars era? Sorry. I couldn't resist. Please carry on.

Geonosis will rise again?

Hopefully this will be a bit less contraversial:

If you haven't figured out by now, I'm a bit of a Clone Wars fanatic. I love the concept, and the various executions we've seen One area that I'd love to see more is on the Clone Paratroopers. I'm naturally biased (5 years in the 82nd Airborne will do that) but I love the idea of airborne/Paratrooper tactics in sci-fi settings, be they truely "airborne" or sci-fied up things like Halo's Helljumpers. So, after the semi-success of converting a single Deathtrooper into a Clone Para ARC trooper, I decided to try my hand at a full squad.

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I'm still working on a proper conversion for the DLT-19 gunner, as I've had difficulty finding a Legion-scale DC-15, and will probably have to kit bash them together. Besides the conversion from DTs to Clone Paras, you can see I also swapped some poses around, specifically I turned kneeling-grenade guy into a shooter, and one of the standing shooters into a running grenade guy. Overall, I'm very pleased with how these turned out, and can't wait for the Clone Wars core set to get release.

After drinking the meta Kool-Aid, I picked up another box of Scout troopers to pad out a sniper heavy, ridiculously high activation list. Figured I'd try to spice up my snipers by painting them.... in incredibly common schemes. Oh well, they turned out nicely, even if the pictures of the Shadow scout troopers didn't.

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Finished up a couple of little things, and finally remembered to get pictures of them. First up, some new alternate models for Generic Imperial officers.

Presenting, from left to right, Lieutenant Beardai and Major Grump.

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Beardai will likely only see table time being plugged into trooper squads as the officer upgrade. (he looks great when put into my Mudtrooper squad), while Grump here will occasionally see table time when Mudai Bo'uts isn't up for it, or if I want to run him instead of Krennic.

I was also able to finally finish my heavy weapon option for my Clone Para squad. I never could find a DC-15 in Legion scale, so I improvised and made one out of a T-21 and E-11. I already know what I should have done differently on the conversion, but this will work for now.

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Those clone Paras look amazing!!!!!!!!!!!

8 hours ago, Alphabonnie101/TheHeroking said:

Those clone Paras look amazing!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks. They were a lot of fun to convert, and I'm looking forward to getting them on the table.

The far away galaxy has been invaded by.... Klingons? What the.. (furiously checks the script) Huh, I guess I've been watching too much DS9 recently, and making a valiant, if futile effort, to watch Discovery. Oh well, at least these guys look cool.

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I did one squad in the colors of the House of Duras, while the other got normal black. I'll probably proxy these guys in as Wookiees or Rebel vets eventually. Now, if only I could get some Starfleet types to show up....

Since nobody liked the Klingons, back to Star Wars. Sorta.

Picked up my Rebel vets on Friday, and finished up one of the Mk II gunners as a proof of concept. Bonus points to anyone that gets what they're based on.

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On 7/27/2019 at 5:49 PM, Alpha17 said:

The far away galaxy has been invaded by.... Klingons? What the.. (furiously checks the script) Huh, I guess I've been watching too much DS9 recently, and making a valiant, if futile effort, to watch Discovery. Oh well, at least these guys look cool.


I did one squad in the colors of the House of Duras, while the other got normal black. I'll probably proxy these guys in as Wookiees or Rebel vets eventually. Now, if only I could get some Starfleet types to show up....

Klingons? I think you mean Yuuzhan Vong.

Also, fantastic work on the all your miniatures in general. I grant you the prestigious Cookie of Approval. 🍪

21 hours ago, Castlecruncher said:

Klingons? I think you mean Yuuzhan Vong.

Also, fantastic work on the all your miniatures in general. I grant you the prestigious Cookie of Approval. 🍪

Haha. I mean, they have their similarities, but I think Species 8472 are closer in concept. Come to think of it, why was it a 90s trend to make a big scary baddie a biotech user? The Vong, 8472, the Shadows.... huh.

And thanks.

On 8/4/2019 at 7:47 AM, Alpha17 said:

Since nobody liked the Klingons, back to Star Wars. Sorta.

Picked up my Rebel vets on Friday, and finished up one of the Mk II gunners as a proof of concept. Bonus points to anyone that gets what they're based on.

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Mario? From behind anyway. IDK.

5 hours ago, Omegaclone said:

Mario? From behind anyway. IDK.

Haha. Nope.

Based on the uniform of these guys:


1914 French infantry. I finished the rest of the squad up yesterday, but forgot to get pictures of them on the table last night. Whoops. Also did a companion squad in the late war horizon blue uniforms, but the red pants make these guys look snazzy.

Oh wow, I was slightly off.

In a slightly more Star Wars color scheme, I present Obi-Wan and his two squad leaders. Decided to completely paint them before moving on to the rest of the Clones, mostly because these guys are the most visually interesting, while the rest will be in plain armor.


As per tradition, I went with Jabiim mud for the bases, and I'm going with the Episode II rank system for markings on my Phase I clones. Hopefully by this time next week I'll have everyone else finished and I can get some cool pictures of them uploaded.

4 hours ago, Alpha17 said:

In a slightly more Star Wars color scheme, I present Obi-Wan and his two squad leaders. Decided to completely paint them before moving on to the rest of the Clones, mostly because these guys are the most visually interesting, while the rest will be in plain armor.


As per tradition, I went with Jabiim mud for the bases, and I'm going with the Episode II rank system for markings on my Phase I clones. Hopefully by this time next week I'll have everyone else finished and I can get some cool pictures of them uploaded.

Nice! Are you planning to focus on Clones, or are you gonna split between both factions?

5 hours ago, Alpha17 said:

In a slightly more Star Wars color scheme, I present Obi-Wan and his two squad leaders. Decided to completely paint them before moving on to the rest of the Clones, mostly because these guys are the most visually interesting, while the rest will be in plain armor.


As per tradition, I went with Jabiim mud for the bases, and I'm going with the Episode II rank system for markings on my Phase I clones. Hopefully by this time next week I'll have everyone else finished and I can get some cool pictures of them uploaded.

I've been waiting for your clone wars stuff! And you do not disappoint! Great work alpha. What blue is that for the lieutenant? I am suggesting (but knowing how much of a fan you are also of clone wars probably already are going to) get some modelling putty or w.e. and make some Kama.s and range finders. Id love to see a lieutenant with the Rotary gun all decked out. Give me the Genndy Tartakovsky feels

14 hours ago, Castlecruncher said:

Nice! Are you planning to focus on Clones, or are you gonna split between both factions?

The Republic will become my primary faction. I'll hang on to my Imperial stuff, and buy just enough CIS stuff to have a valid, if not overly competitive army for them to be used as a loner.

13 hours ago, BlueSquadronPilot said:

I've been waiting for your clone wars stuff! And you do not disappoint! Great work alpha. What blue is that for the lieutenant? I am suggesting (but knowing how much of a fan you are also of clone wars probably already are going to) get some modelling putty or w.e. and make some Kama.s and range finders. Id love to see a lieutenant with the Rotary gun all decked out. Give me the Genndy Tartakovsky feels

Thanks. I used Army Painter's "Crystal Blue" for the LT's markings.

As for modding any of these guys, I haven't decided on exactly what I plan on doing. I've ended up with a lot more stuff than I intended by buying this core set early, so I will have spares eventually. My initial thought was to turn some Phase Is into Phase IIs, just so I could have Phase II-looking troops with the DC-15. The heavy weapons pack has caused me to doubt that idea, as we could always get a DC-15 trooper in a future pack for Phase II clones anyway. As it stands, I will probably keep most of my Clones as simple rifle squads. The biggest change I'm thinking of doing is making one a unit of "Hawkbat Battlaion" clones, which we see for about 3 seconds in the Tartakovsky series. They fit my Jabiim/Mimban theme, while also being somewhat unique.


Finished up the two squads, onto the BARC speeder today.


First up, the BARC is finished. It was relatively easy to paint, though I noticed while working on it that it isn't the same design as the one in Episode III. Bunch of minor details are off. Weird. Anywho, decided to make the driver a Sergeant, as he'll lead any future BARC detachment I use. (if I do end up using one)

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And I had to finish the clankers at some point, but nobody wants to see them, right? I mean, they're just a bunch of **** Sepies.... Ok, here they are:

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I have to admit that I'm really proud of how Grievous turned out, especially in his face/eyes. I originally painted him with a dark gray cloak, but hated it, and swapped it out for a midnight blue. I think it works a lot better.


Honestly, they do take forever to put together. The sprues don't really waste all that much time, as the real problem is getting the tiny droid parts to go together and stay together. Thank goodness for plastic cement, as my hands would likely still be glued together if I had to use super glue on them. Painting these guys was a breeze, however. Grievous took the most time per any one mini, but the B1s were a coat of Krylon Sand from Wal-Mart, markings, weapons, basing, and a dry brush. I went through and touched up the eyes and antenna just because I was blowing through them so fast. The Droidekas were almost as easy. Probably spent longer on the bases than I did on the droids themselves.

And during the first demo last night, we did indeed get the iconic duel:


(Grievous won, thanks to the complete lack of paint Obi-Wan's defense die seem to have)

All looking really good Alpha ! Especially like the Barc speeder. Shame that Obi lost, you'll need some vengeance for him next time.

The Clone Wars core set isn't even officially released yet, and I've already moved on to an alt model for Obi-Wan. My paint job isn't the greatest, and I unfortunately have had some bad popcorning with my latest can of white primer, but he turned out OK. Unlike the alt models for the Generic Imperial officers, I'll probably use the official/alt at a 50/50 basis.

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