Oddeye's WIPs

By oddeye, in Painting

Nothing super crazy here, just going for a solid table top standard with plain old original movie schemes (loved em' as a kid). I've been painting for awhile, mostly 40k stuff though I only have about an hour a night due to work/family etc. Im no master painter, always more to learn and room for improvement! I'll be posting updates here as others do in their painting threads as I progress. Feel free to critique or ask questions.

Stormtroopers: 8/21 almost done. Still have details, a few touch ups, matte varnish and 'ardcoat gloss on armor left. I'll hit those once all 21 are ready.


ATST: in a good spot here for a bit more detailing, like the viewports which I'll probably paint dark blue. I'm also going to add a few scorch marks and call it, good enough! I was planning on buying a second veers to have coming out of the top hatch, since it was one large chunk of plastic I decided against it for now as it will require alot more effort.. sigh. I might pick up an extra speeder bike pack to have one crashed on the base.


Thoughts so far: the minis are a pleasure to assemble and paint. Imo ffg did a great job with the game and miniatures. I especially love seeing all the new hobbyists posting here and on Reddit, it's really great seeing more people in the hobby. I'll add higher res pictures once my imperials are finished. The only nit pick i have about anything with legion is the firing arcs on the bases themselves, I usually do all cork basing but couldn't as it would cover them up. Had to settle with crumbled cork..

Also a video for you painters out there, listen to this while you paint. Keep your head up and keep at it!


Edited by oddeye