Tides of Destruction Battle Reports | Competitive Play with Rebels | Updated as of 4/2/18

By The Prince of Excess, in Battle Reports

Hello all, I have been posting Battle Reports for Warhammer 40K for some time (cross-games may know me from DakkaDakka) but I've recently branched out to Legion. I'll be posting Battle Reports with a similar structure for my Warhammer ones, written with pictures and hopefully some valuable commentary. As Battle Reports come in I'll update and bump this thread.

Format: Written Battle Reports on a Weekly Basis
Game Type: Star Wars: Legion (Between 400-800 Points)
Factions: Rebels
Focus: Mid-High Level Competitive Play

Please feel free to comment here or on my Blog, I love discussing games with other players as well as getting feedback I can use to improve my write ups.

Episode 2: I'm Rebelling From This Rebellion (Rebels vs. Rebels 800pts) 4/1/18
Episode 1: If Only There Was an Appropriate Star Wars Reference... (Rebels vs. Empire 800pts) 3/31/18

Edited by The Prince of Excess

Updated with a Rebel vs. Rebel game!

Great batreps, I'd love seeing people's game plans, how they adjust to changing battlefield situation. I have to say, I also agree with most of your conclusions - even though, I believe some upgrades on Luke might be worth it, because terrain, especially in tournament environment, is not something you can always rely on for los blocking. Jump 1 of course helps a lot, but I do like to have that dodge on a critical turn ;)

Good reports!

I think Force Reflexes is always worth it. Remember, as a Master of the Force he gets to renew one force card in the End Phase for free. Meaning he has free dodge every activation.

Deflect aside, putting his block dice up to 2-in-3 makes him that much more resilient against a surprise bollocking. Losing Luke is a disaster for a trooper-heavy build.

Edited by Weatsop