I Have You Now - Not-so-new (but still opinionated) Armada blog

By Green Knight, in Star Wars: Armada

In my opinion raid become more important in ready by token use era. Las saturday we run 300p tournament. I played twice vs Dooku. Only thanks to my opponents lack of experience with him and knowleadge how to fight 6 activation list I managed to get to the second place. Both times they focused on dissallowing me to grab some victory tokens (only one turn as I own engineering tokens) and not blocking my main issue wich was navigation.

If my opponents will focus on stoping me in track by useing Dooku raid to stop navigation they will clear my fleet in turn 4th both times.

Wow, there are a lot more articles already online than mentioned here in the thread! Great to see that you are back in the blogging game. I enjoy every article.

Is it possible that there is no commenting function, or am I blind? Anyway, now you have to face here what I have to say:

- Triple potatoe article: How can the Flagship have the Fleet command? Do I miss something?

- reworked objectives, part 2: Again great work on a topic that is irresponsibly neglected by FFG (promise to myself: whenever I criticise FFG here, I mention how much I love the new pass mechanism - which is better than any version I have ever entertained. And I have entertained many). The big problem is, as it is quite often, strategic. I love how you try to get that squad keyword under control. But if you take a closer look at it, you recognizne that you do it by either deincentivize its use (Minefields) or by completely blocking it (CtVIP). You don't do it by giving it an interesting spin. I myself do not know any other way that I am happy with. This seems to me to simply imply that the keyword is plain garbage. And if one takes a step back, this does not come at such a surprise: we have cool objectives that capitalize on the limited navigational abilities of captial ships and thereby provide challenging tasks to us armchair admirals. Who manages to grab the VIP and safely maneuver it outside the firing arcs of the enemy? Who gets the last, precious intel token when all the world aroun blows up in space pew pew? Then there comes a squadron keyword that simply takes away nearly the entire navigational challange and incorporates the objective play in the squadron mini game. Already this evokes a WTF? But in contrast to rest of the squadron mini game it is tight to two niche squadrons, making these objectives total match-up lottery - and to drive the entire subject bonkers - where in contrast to the normal squadron mini game it takes some time and skill to win or lose it, the movement of the tokens is determined by the principle of first-come-first-stolen - which makes the match-up lottery even worse. Big WTF? Best would be to get rid of this abomination. But I think there is no chance that this will ever officially happen.

- little addendum on this topic: the strategic problem with CtVIP becomes an Ezra-/Interdictor-problem in your version. The second player can easily bring the obstacle with these upgrades to a flottilla heading towards his player edge and happily drive the token along it for the rest of the game.

Ceterum censeo FFG has done great work with the new pass mechanics (seriously!)

16 minutes ago, Darth Veggie said:

- Triple potatoe article: How can the Flagship have the Fleet command? Do I miss something?

Looks like Kingston has a bug: text export ignores Flag Bridge.

Let me just say that I'm happy that you came back to blogging, as I always enjoyed your articles. With forum going to oblivion and me not wanting to move to Discord, your website is among ones I'm going to check on regular basis for interesting and adding positive value content (along with Steel Squadron and Cannot Get Your Ship Out).

Please, keep posting!

My shoulder is FUBAR, so the blog goes vlog:

Learn all about the least imaginative (it's basically the same as last year) list in the VWC21!

Mah POD brahs:

I'm blogging regularly these days, but won't be posting updates here anymore.

I do, however, sporadically ping Reddit, BBG, Facebook etc. to draw in readers.

Best way to reach me going forward is to PM me on Discord, Green Knight #5600

May the Force be with you, and your dice never fail.

(Having a plan might also help. And a good fleet. Maybe setting the right commands and making the right choices also. But mostly the dice.)

It's been a good 5+ year guys!

Don't forget to pop by the blog!

And keep playing on Vassal!

GK signing off for the last time 😅