
By Lord of the Seal, in Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game Beta

Greetings from the Sands, Evil-Smelling Brother-in-Law of a Camel!

Is there any equivalent of the old Fear ability of some creatures and school ?

If not, how would you implement it ?

Thanks for your answers.

See you in the sands.

I guess it is supposed to be the Strife-adding Fire Opportunity. Strife = feeling afraid and all that.

Putting strife on someone.

Not sure about strife. Of course you can remove strife, but before the fear effect could be resisted by willpower or an honor roll. Can you actually resist strife dynamically?

The old fear mechanic was great. Hope they add one.

A kernel of an idea: a "fear ability" could add a condition like "Afraid", which makes a character compromised (like when strife exceeds composure) until they remove the Afraid condition with a check (... Meditation?). The check should probably scale.

Or something nasty dice penalty and strife dumping.

But strife alone seems insufficient.

I would suggest a Condition that modifies the Unmasking, in a similar vein that Affliction does.

I'd likely do it by adding things adversary abilities and shuji that allow for the direct infliction of Strife without need for spending opportunities.

Terrifying Howl - As a Scheme and Movement action, adversary unleashes a howls from your nightmares. Each character at range 0-4 must resist with a TN 4 Meditation (Earth 2, Air 5) check or suffer the Dazed condition and 5 strife.

Intimidating Glare - As a Scheme action make a Command(Earth) check against the targets Vigilance. If Successful the target suffers 3+ bonus successes Strife.

1 hour ago, Ultimatecalibur said:

Terrifying Howl - As a Scheme and Movement action, adversary unleashes a howls from your nightmares. Each character at range 0-4 must resist with a TN 4 Meditation (Earth 2, Air 5) check or suffer the Dazed condition and 5 strife.

That's basically Lord Akodo's Roar plus some fire opportunities - sounds good as an adversary effect (although range 4 may be a bit much)

1 hour ago, Ultimatecalibur said:

Intimidating Glare - As a Scheme action make a Command(Earth) check against the targets Vigilance. If Successful the target suffers 3+ bonus successes Strife.

Intrigues really need something like intimidate/provoke/whatever - given that the Discredit objective requires you to force [named opponent] to unmask, there really needs to be an equivalent of centre's ability to dump strife on someone with action successes.

I think the strife system all on its own would reflect fear pretty well mechanically. Maybe something like, the outburst caused by strife gained through fear should reflect that fear, but otherwise being compromised is a pretty good penalty. Maybe fear gives automatic strife at the start of each round equal to the fear rating, and let the system handle the rest. No need to make things overly complicated with more effects and whatnot.

7 hours ago, Magnus Grendel said:

That's basically Lord Akodo's Roar plus some fire opportunities - sounds good as an adversary effect (although range 4 may be a bit much)

The range 0-4 comes from the Hideous Oni's Dread Bellow which Disorients, pushes targets away one band and heals the Oni 2 fatigue for each character that fails the TN 4 Meditation (Earth 2 Air 5) check to resist.