No GenCon News?

By MAJBrown22, in Legacy of Dragonholt

This was the first pre-GenCon FFG announced game and I'm more excited for it than Civ: New Dawn, Fallout, TI4 or Legion. I was thus very disappointed to not hear or see anything whatsoever about it at GenCon. No demo, no display, not even a mention at the In Flight Report. I realize that this new IP falls way below the threshold for the others listed, but I'm starving for more information about it.

I love me some game with my stories and I'm excited to see more of the Runebound universe...come on FFG, feed me!

If I remember correctly, it was shortly mentioned during the In Flight Report by creator Corey Konieczka (hope I spelled it right), but he gave no additional information in comparison to what I read in the website announcement by FFG. Corey was also present with Legacy of Dragonholt in the BGG videos where new games were introduced and explained, but sadly nothing more than some general stuff which we hopefuls already knew. The only thing he showed was the box (which was more of a prop).

Edited by windforce

It was mentioned in the presentation .

It's been over a month now since the initial announcement and still nothing. Not even a BGG page. I'd REALLY like to hear and see more of this game...

On 9/20/2017 at 0:18 AM, MAJBrown22 said:

It's been over a month now since the initial announcement and still nothing. Not even a BGG page. I'd REALLY like to hear and see more of this game...

It normally takes about 2-3 months between announcement of a product and subsequent news articles. If not longer.

As far as a BGG page goes I think it's on the role playing site instead, rather than being listed as a board game for some reason.