Figrin D'an's Good Time Drive Yards

By Themodalnodes, in Star Wars: Armada Painting and Modification

So I've picked up a brush for the first time since painting 40k about 14 years ago and started painting up my Armada fleets.

My colour pallette is super limited at the moment (grabbed a Citadel starter kit & a couple of extras) but I'm gradually picking up more and trying to bring more layers and extras into the miniatures.

I've got some awesome newbies on the way from Mel's which I am dead keen to get painting, but thought I would start sharing what I've done so far.

Trying to stay as close to in-universe examples as possible (with a little branching out or exaggeration). I've included references in the images below where applicable (a lot of Rebels inspo!).


Keyan Farlander leading the Squadron in the Rebels style Prototype Blade Wing.


A Wing Squadrons - Classic ROTJ Red style & Phoenix Squad A-Wings (incl leader variations) from Rebels.


Gold and Feral Squadron Y Wings


Everyone's least favourite sculpt to paint. My terrible attempts at Red & Blue Squadrons.


2 Nebulon B repaints. The grey one was modelled after the 'Massassi group' Nebulon B's from Rebels s3.


Handful of simple TIE's before i start the bulk of the Imperials

Hope you guys like. Would love to hear any feedback.

On a side note, does anyone know where I could possibly find a Millenium Falcon, X,Y or A-Wing at a smaller scale than the current Armada miniatures to mount on the underside of my Neb B to make it look like a carrier?


these are fantastic!!! I'm drooling all over!

19 hours ago, Kaashifar said:

these are fantastic!!! I'm drooling all over!

Thank you very much! Hoping that as I get a little more experience painting again, and nab some more colours the quality will improve!

Finding the tiny monstrosities very therapeutic (minus the X Wings haha).

More to come!

2 hours ago, Themodalnodes said:

Finding the tiny monstrosities very therapeutic (minus the X Wings haha).

I think X-Wings are my least favorite model to paint so far.

On 8/9/2017 at 4:40 AM, Themodalnodes said:

Thank you very much! Hoping that as I get a little more experience painting again, and nab some more colours the quality will improve!

Finding the tiny monstrosities very therapeutic (minus the X Wings haha).

More to come!

I like your red B Wing...May abscond with it.

The X Wings aren't too bad except for the cockpit(or lack there of...) and trying to get the side stripe on. Those two parts do make me bat **** nuts sometimes.

What green did you use on the repaint for the Neb B? Like it and may give it a go too...

23 hours ago, Shadoq said:

I like your red B Wing...May abscond with it.

The X Wings aren't too bad except for the cockpit(or lack there of...) and trying to get the side stripe on. Those two parts do make me bat **** nuts sometimes.

What green did you use on the repaint for the Neb B? Like it and may give it a go too...

Haha thanks. Feel free to abscond away!

Yeah the X Wing cockpits are the absolute killer for me. Would love to get some consistency and more detail in them but it's pretty hard. Plus it just makes the X Wings less fun to paint in general.

Pretty certain I used 'Deathworld Forest' from Citadel for the Neb, but I will check tonight & confirm!

Edited by Themodalnodes

You mean aside from the visible disjointed mould creating the mother of all mould lines?

The x wings are terrible.

So my Mel's Miniatures orders have arrived, (HOORAY!!) and I've begun painting them up.

First up are a couple of little Rogue One fighters:

TIE Strikers


U Wings (finally a reason to shoot at the X Wing Escort squadrons first):


Next we have the Imperial landing forces; Sentinel Landing Shuttle & Gozanti's carrying AT-AT's (there are two for the Flotilla stand, I am yet to finish the second one).




Finally I've painted up a few more of the Imperial Squadrons II.

The Decimator was a particular joy to work on.



On 8/14/2017 at 1:51 PM, Shadoq said:

What green did you use on the repaint for the Neb B? Like it and may give it a go too...

@Shadoq can confirm it's Death World Forest green!

There are too few likes I can give to a post featuring work like that! It's awesome!

14 hours ago, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

There are too few likes I can give to a post featuring work like that! It's awesome!

Thank you very much! :)

very good paint job

1 hour ago, gounour said:

very good paint job

Thanks a lot mate!

Been doing some more painting. Finally got the Gozanti AT AT Landers completed.
For the second Gozanti I filed off the front turrets, painted the viewport higher & turned them into AT-ACT's. Guess it's an assault & Colonisation force?



I've also painted a few more X Wings, in a couple of varying schemes.
The announcement of the MC-75 had inspired me to complete my Blue Squadron with U Wing to escort (though I'm praying the "hidden" elements of the MC-75 leak includes a couple of U Wings).

I've tried to add further detail to the cockpits, but need to pick up a better colour for the cockpit hatch than the light grey I have now.



Those are amazing! Really loving the Squadrons. What colour blue did you use for the Blue Squadron ships? Actually, for all the colours on the Blue Squadron ships? Those Gozantis and AT-ATs are beautiful!

12 minutes ago, BlueSquadronPilot said:

Those are amazing! Really loving the Squadrons. What colour blue did you use for the Blue Squadron ships? Actually, for all the colours on the Blue Squadron ships? Those Gozantis and AT-ATs are beautiful!

Thank you very much!
As I hadn't painted for years & wasn't sure how it was going to go, so I just grabbed the Citadel Essentials set of paints to get stated quickly & cheaply, and it's been perfect for the Rebel Squadrons.

I believe the colour is called 'Kantor Blue', and the yellow detailing across Red & Blue Squadrons is called 'Averland Sunset'.

Averland is a great covering yellow, good for base coating to other yellows without 6 coats, might take 3 instead.

That is the Citadel "base" range for you. Has 5-6x the pigment density of "normal " model acrylics, so it covers. The price to pay is its medium tries to be thick, and the colours are rarely vibrant. Perfect for base coats, as named and intended ?

16 minutes ago, Drasnighta said:

That is the Citadel "base" range for you. Has 5-6x the pigment density of "normal " model acrylics, so it covers. The price to pay is its medium tries to be thick, and the colours are rarely vibrant. Perfect for base coats, as named and intended ?

Great for filling in details if you don't thin it heavily.

Needed some Intel for my Y Wings, so picked up the Rogues & Villains pack & the painting continues!

Trying to take my time with these larger models & pick out some finer details.

Never liked the Moldy Crow paint job so went with my own colourway for the HWK instead.Will hopefully use these guys in my fleet this week.




With an ISD I Conversion kit & Combat Hammerhead incoming from Mel's I'm planning to pick up a few more colour shades and work on my shading a bit more. Until then I have Fett, some other Villains, and a bunch of TIEs to paint up!

Man those U-wings are fancy, I really like the AT-ACT too. Every landing force needs a Support Battalion!

43 minutes ago, Nickvr628 said:

Man those U-wings are fancy, I really like the AT-ACT too. Every landing force needs a Support Battalion!

I am so glad I saw your AT-ACT mod paint job before I painted mine...

Because I am so going to steal that! That is beautiful! I am only sorry I didn't think of it.

Thanks a lot guys!

@cynanbloodbane haha go for it! I like the orange panels as it brings a little more visual interest to the greys.