
By Dusty27, in Runewars Miniatures Game

When Runewars got announced I binged and read and watch all the information I could get. I seem to recall they said that there will be painting tutorials and they wont produce paints. However I seem to have it in my head that they may have name dropped Army Painter in one of the sources I can't seem to find. I want to get paint for Christmas to be ready for Q1 Runewars painting. Does anyone else recall or have any information on the recommended / endorsed paints they will use for the tutorials?

Myself I am colorblind and somewhat talent limited. So I want to get the right stuff. Army painter has some nice mega and complete sets that are of interest but I don't want to get the wrong one.

Here's a link to Army Painter.

Armypainter makes good stuff, but so does Games Workshop which are called Citadel paints, or Reaper's Master Series paints.

The Master Series and Army Painter comes in dropper/squeeze bottles. Citadel comes in pots.

I don't recall anyone from FFG recommending a specific brand of paints.

I'm cheap. I use craft paints.

I don't recall anyone from FFG recommending a specific brand of paints.

I don't recall it either. However, Army Painter sells paint sets for specific games (Zombicide, Kings of War, Others) and also provide tutorials, so it is not impossible that they partner up with FFG.

Army Painter was name dropped by the FFG CEO at this years In-Flight report during the RuneWars announcement.

He mentioned working with them on "matching colours" which is what I can only presume a funny way of saying we can expect to see Army Painter RuneWars paint sets in a similar vein to their Warpaints Zombicide sets

When Runewars got announced I binged and read and watch all the information I could get. I seem to recall they said that there will be painting tutorials and they wont produce paints. However I seem to have it in my head that they may have name dropped Army Painter in one of the sources I can't seem to find. I want to get paint for Christmas to be ready for Q1 Runewars painting. Does anyone else recall or have any information on the recommended / endorsed paints they will use for the tutorials?

Myself I am colorblind and somewhat talent limited. So I want to get the right stuff. Army painter has some nice mega and complete sets that are of interest but I don't want to get the wrong one.

I personally would suggest taking painting of each brand according to your needs, for example paint with "Vallejo" and "Scalecolor" but mixed with paintings GW, if you are interested in that two marks here I leave the link.

Here's a link to Army Painter.

Armypainter makes good stuff, but so does Games Workshop which are called Citadel paints, or Reaper's Master Series paints.

The Master Series and Army Painter comes in dropper/squeeze bottles. Citadel comes in pots.

Vallejo comes in dropper bottles, the other two in pots.

Edited by twincast

Vallejo is the big name here. I remember that painters of the 'Eavy Metal-team from Games Workshop also used Vallejo in secret in place of their own Citadel-line.

Yes there are many different paint companies out there, which ones are the best for you you must try, maybe you look for a good price or you take paints your local store sells or colours you can work with well or most importantly those which taste best when you lick your brush ;)
You can of course also use paints from more than one company, I remember Privateer Press's painting tutorials used Citadel and Vallejo paints before they created their own paints.

EDIT: Sorry forgot about your colour blindness, but you should still chosse the paint you are comfortable to paint with, these days you can find many conversion charts like this one:

i can't say though how up to date it is and the colours will of course never match 100% but it's nevertheless quite useful.

Edited by Iceeagle85

A mixture of different brands is what a number of people use where I live and it's what I typically use too. However, Vallejo makes excellent kits for a variety of effectives, schemes, and so on. Armypainter has a few decent ones too.

I have used many different paints but surprisingly never Vallejo. I've found that my favorite to use is Citadel hands down. I love everything about it really. That said, I couldn't get out to my local GW today so I stopped by Hobby Lobby and saw that they had Vallejo so I decided to pick some up so I'll let you know what I think of it comparatively...If anyone cares :P

When painting an army I use the method I have found gives me the best contrast on each model:

1. For the models use 2-3 colours as your primary choices and make sure you get the colours on different sides of the colour wheel. The simple way here it to pick the colours used by your favourite footy, basket ball or other sports team. They use these colours so someone whose nose is bleeding can see which team is which.

2. For the bases use 2-3 different finishes, and try and get contrast in there as best you can, white flowers with green flock, or brown dirt with greenish grass or maybe a man made surface besides a natural one. I am rather partial to using snow flock over brown mud.

Some helpful resources: Star Wars Imperial Assault centric but simple enough to get something from. Silflor (MiniNatur) makes some of the most delightful grass tufts and basing materials or for an example of the flowers.

Vallejo is amazing to use. They even have affordable kits that are tailored to different themes (wood, malefic skin, fairy skin, etc..).

I personally use Vallejo paint with Citadel washes. I've also heard good stuff about P3 greens. The people I follow online swear that P3 has the best green paint.

I have Citadel, Army Painter, and Vallejo on hand. The Army Painter Spray potters yay are color matched are great but as I start to do more with my airbrush I find I don't need as many rattle cans. If I want a strait color right out of the pot then Citadel is fine but Army Painter and Vallejo work much better in the airbrush (Vallejo Game Air is amazing) and blend easier and more repeatedly because of the dropper bottles.

When doing scenery I will use some store brand paints thinned down for the airbrush as I can lay down a lot more paint for a fraction of the cost.

I've used and would recommend Vallejo, GW, P3, reaper, and army painter. Honestly they're all pretty legit. The current GW line is my favorite as they just have a great selection of paints/washes to fill most every need and they're the most consistently good across all the colors. A big advantage to GW is that there are ALOT of tutorials that use their paints and they arguably have the best straight out of the pot experience.

If I'm painting display pieces or characters I'll go the extra mile and start thinning, blending, etc... But for the most part I appreciate how with my GW paints I can just use stock colors and get great effects.

Reaper master series is worth a look as well, im a big fan of several of their flesh palettes.

Has anyone used Testers Model Master Line? Most of the RC stores in my area recommend the line for their X000.00 dollar models but I can't get past the memories of how bad those paints were when I was young.

I've had some experience with at least some paints from all the major lines.

Dropper bottle paints are much easier to use and don't dry out as fast as others. Two most common lines with those are Vallejo and Army Painter.

Vallejo are good value per ml, but are unfortunatly a bit hit-or-miss. There seem to be batches, and even specific colors, that separate pigment from the paint medium more than others, are more runny than others, or dry more glossy than others. It's not anything that makes them unusaable, but the additional hassle of working around that might be a bit much if you're a newbie. I wouldn't recommend them for beginners - it's easy to sour yourself on the experience of paiting if you have some bad luck and get a weird bottle or two in your first batch of purchases. Once you have some other paints, Vallejo is great to complement your palette, but keep in mind that you might need some extra care to make work.

Army Painter I've had limited experience with. They're good value and mostly okay, but I found their reds to be very thick, and I've had one bottle of black that was a bit weird with coverage. Still, I don't have enough of their paints to judge whether or not there's a trend like with Vallejo paints. The white I have is ay-okay and has actually very decent coverage for a white paint. A major selling point of Army Painter is that they match up with their color spray primers, if you want to go that route (as in, the color instead of black or white - you should always prime your models before painting). Also, they have the best inks/washes on the market right now, so you should most definetly get in on that action even if you choose another brand for your regular paints.

GW Citadel Paints have the major selling point of being very ubiquitous and available in most gaming stores. They also have the largest range of colors (unless you count Vallejo's Model Color line). They handle okay and are very beginner-friendly when planning what and how to paint with their Base-Layer-Shade-Drybrush branding and tons of guides and advice on the internet about how to use their different specific paint lines. Be advised however, that they're a bit more pricey and they come in pretty crappy flip-top pots that require some more hassle to use and can dry up on you fairly quickly. Still, the majority of my paint stash is GW, since they're just so easy to get. Between that and their huge range that can be used to plug gaps in other paint lines, you're bound to end up with at least a couple in your paint rack eventually.

Privateer P3 are possibly the best paints I ever used in terms of pigment concentration, coverage and consistency, but they come in flip tops (arguably better quality than Citadel, but still) and aren't that easy to find, They also have a fairly limited palette and their colors don't always match up to the other manufacturers' (Vallejo and Army Painter at least make an effort to emulate Citadel colors). They are also VERY resistant to drying. I once had a P3 grey that I bought around 2007 and seem to have misplaced about a year or so ago. It never dried up, even despite having a damaged flip-top. I was seriously impressed by that.

My advice would therefore be: if you can find a steady and easily accessible source, get P3 paints. Add Army Painter inks, or failing that, Citadel shades (they're the next best thing). Then complement your P3 palette with specific colors from other lines. If you can't get P3 easily, Citadel are okay and Army Painter a bit better. Vallejo is good to, but with a caveat that they might need some extra care.

Edited by Don_Silvarro