Torn between RW: Miniatures and pursuing Battlelore 2nd edition collection

By Shirys, in Runewars Miniatures Game

I am wondering if you guys are as much torn as i am with the decision in whether to keep investing in Battlelore 2nd edition, or keep your money for Runewars miniatures.

After a few videos from GenCon 2016, it seems that a lot of things from Battlelore look kinda similar in Runewars miniatures. For example, the unit cards, the dice (different icons but as much variety), the fact that a crippled unit fights less effectively, flanking, surge symbols triggering abilities (replacing crown symbols), etc...

It makes me wonder if FFG will keep adding new stuff to Battlelore which has been off the radar since a while already. Though it is still an amazing game, Runewars miniatures looks incredible as well. Great mechanics and i love the dial system, and the rune casting. Heroes are a great addition too (which is missing from Battlelore so far...)

Do you guys plan to keep investing on Battlelore and stay away from Runewars, or the opposite? Or maybe keep investing in both...

I can't make up my mind but there is a lot of time left to think this through.

I bought Battle Lore but wasn't really impressed with it, I hope this game will be more to my liking

I expect battlelore to be replaced by this game.

I expect the Battlelore 2 line to be pretty much over. Still, with a hefty core set and four army packs and the neutral units, it has enough variety for literally years of repeated play.

As to which of the games to choose, in my book it's a question of your play space and play partners. If you're looking for a lighter, more digest-sized game that's self contained and can be played out of the box in an afternoon with a friend or the Mrs, go Battlelore. If you want a more meaty experience, with a potential for higher level competitive play in an organized environment, more metagame and more prep time before a play session, go Runewars. I'd say Battlelore is more like a noncomittal, casual pastime, while RWM feels more like a 'lifestyle game' that will need more commitment and involvement to get themost out of it.

Of course, that's all based on what we know about RWM thus far, as much as that is.

Personally, I'm interested in RWM and I'm craving more information about the game and in particular the pricepoint, which unfortunately is a crucial consideration for me. I feel that I'd most enjoy playing Runewars as a semi-competitive wargame, possibly via FFG's Organized Play, in a larger group of players, but I can't currently tell if it would be possible to form such a group locally. I might also find it hard to dovide time between RWM and Imperial Assault, which I already play competitively, as well as other miniature games I like to play on a less frequent basis, like Kings of War, Deadzone and Antares.

Edited by Don_Silvarro

Battlelore is a 2-player board game out of the box with discreet options (you can't deploy a unit inch closer or rotate it 10 degrees more).

Runewars TMG is a a tabletop miniature hobby: see Warhammer for a reference. Hopefully, it will be better balanced though.

RuneWars looks absolutely shiny and new. It is very tantalizing to get into it. But as I look at my gaming history and gaming habits, I can clearly see that investing in RuneWars will be like donating money to FFG: they'll get richer and I'll get a game that will never hit the table. I've played in the Organized Play games -- or rather, tried to -- but I just can't devote that much time away from my family. And RuneWars is too complex to just whip out at family gatherings. By that, I mean that it will require forethought on how to create balanced teams before I can play it. This is just part of the territory for miniatures games.

BattleLore is board game, and at the end of the day, I think board gaming is what I really want. Miniatures games and card games get all the cool mechanics and awesome IPs, but I just like a good board game. I had the same question as you, Shirys, but I just pulled the trigger on getting the 4 army packs for BattleLore that I'd been holding out on (3 of them just arrived yesterday). I just know that those figures will see much more play than RuneWars ever would. Honestly, all I want for BattleLore is elves. If they give me a good Latari Elves faction, I will consider BattleLore complete and I anticipate that I will play it for years to come. After that, FFG can go ahead and put all their resources into RuneWars. I just hope they don't leave BattleLore unfinished!

I'm not saying I don't like RuneWars or that it doesn't look like fun. It looks like a blast! And every covetous part of my brain is telling me I have to buy it. But the rational side of me is pointing out that BattleLore is the better fit for me. Rest assured, however, I will continue to follow this game and the forums very closely since I love the army side of Terrinoth (as opposed to the questing side). I have a feeling that once the Uthuk are released, I will resist RuneWars no longer.

But until then,

BattleLore FOREVER!

Edited by Budgernaut

Battlelore has three great things:

1) it can be played in 60-90 minutes (suited for everyone)

2) you can have an army ready to be played with almost 40 $ (army packs)

3) it was a great game designed by a genious (Richard Borg) and improved by years of gameplay by the FFG Team... so its mechanic is almost perfect!

Just one desire: FFG will release the Latari Elves both for Runewars and Battlelore....

No tego battlelore pero estoy detras para poder comprar uno me encanta este sistema de juego de C&C y memoir 44

Battlelore was fun, but not great. I may keep my copy, not sure yet.

But Runewars Minis... I'm gonna go deep on that sucker.

Please don't tell my wife.

Battlelore was fun, but not great. I may keep my copy, not sure yet.

But Runewars Minis... I'm gonna go deep on that sucker.

Please don't tell my wife.

Pretty much this (especially the last line). I get a lot of my different itches scratched by various games, from X-Wing to Armada to Zombicide to (hopefully anyway) Massive Darkness, but there is really nothing that I've found that really fills the "fantasy miniature war game" spot since warhammer fantasy. There are plenty of great skirmish games out there, but not a lot that lets me field a full army in fantasy battles. I'm super excited about this game, and I'm at least going in on the base game. If it really does what I want it to do (and I find time for painting), then I'm all in.

I expect battlelore to be replaced by this game.

My feeling's exactly.

It looks like (just a feeling) BattleLore will be dropped to be replaced by that game (which seems also great), but i am not convinced if it will be my cup of tea. I'd really like to try a demo first to have a better idea. You have the videos, yes - but it's not the same as playing it for real.

Battlelore was fun, but not great. I may keep my copy, not sure yet.

But Runewars Minis... I'm gonna go deep on that sucker.

Please don't tell my wife.

Oh, mine already knows.

She fears it might become an actual money sink and though she enjoys board games a lot, she is not too attracted to field-your-armies-skirmish type of games.

As being a little bit of a completionist myself, i suspect that this game might end up costing a lot of money, especially if they release multiple factions (and i am sure they will !). Maybe invest with friends and each one focus on only one faction. Good plan?

Some of you guys had that idea or you'd rather go full fledge, full investment?

RuneWars looks absolutely shiny and new. It is very tantalizing to get into it. But as I look at my gaming history and gaming habits, I can clearly see that investing in RuneWars will be like donating money to FFG: they'll get richer and I'll get a game that will never hit the table. I've played in the Organized Play games -- or rather, tried to -- but I just can't devote that much time away from my family. And RuneWars is too complex to just whip out at family gatherings. By that, I mean that it will require forethought on how to create balanced teams before I can play it. This is just part of the territory for miniatures games.

BattleLore is board game, and at the end of the day, I think board gaming is what I really want. Miniatures games and card games get all the cool mechanics and awesome IPs, but I just like a good board game. I had the same question as you, Shirys, but I just pulled the trigger on getting the 4 army packs for BattleLore that I'd been holding out on (3 of them just arrived yesterday). I just know that those figures will see much more play than RuneWars ever would. Honestly, all I want for BattleLore is elves. If they give me a good Latari Elves faction, I will consider BattleLore complete and I anticipate that I will play it for years to come. After that, FFG can go ahead and put all their resources into RuneWars. I just hope they don't leave BattleLore unfinished!

I'm not saying I don't like RuneWars or that it doesn't look like fun. It looks like a blast! And every covetous part of my brain is telling me I have to buy it. But the rational side of me is pointing out that BattleLore is the better fit for me. Rest assured, however, I will continue to follow this game and the forums very closely since I love the army side of Terrinoth (as opposed to the questing side). I have a feeling that once the Uthuk are released, I will resist RuneWars no longer.

But until then,

BattleLore FOREVER!

Yeah, i also have that feeling that without the elves, Battlelore is currently incomplete.

If feel that FFG planned on that and they had an idea about a new hobby, tabletop miniatures type of game and completely shifted their focus in that direction, leaving Battlelore in the dust.

Who knows, maybe we'll get a surprise announcement soon, like THE ELVES ARE COMING.

That'd be great =)

Battlelore was fun, but not great. I may keep my copy, not sure yet.

But Runewars Minis... I'm gonna go deep on that sucker.

Please don't tell my wife.

Oh, mine already knows.

She fears it might become an actual money sink and though she enjoys board games a lot, she is not too attracted to field-your-armies-skirmish type of games.

As being a little bit of a completionist myself, i suspect that this game might end up costing a lot of money, especially if they release multiple factions (and i am sure they will !). Maybe invest with friends and each one focus on only one faction. Good plan?

Some of you guys had that idea or you'd rather go full fledge, full investment?

Runewars is not a skirmish game and depending on the amount of factions and units we will get, being a completionist can be expensive, normally you start with the faction that most fits you and try to get friends into the game (the starter set is good for 2 people to start) and then you should first bring your chosen army to a good size so that you have some variety and then you can think about a second faction.

Of course we are all just human and sometimes start a second faction before we well finished (although you could say a war game faction is never truly finished) because they got that one awesome miniature.

And I know people who just play one faction and people who play multiple games and have multiple factions for each.

I myself will wait for more information, reviews and a look at what the future will bring for this game, right now I would play the undead and they are very tempting.

She fears it might become an actual money sink and though she enjoys board games a lot, she is not too attracted to field-your-armies-skirmish type of games.

This is actually a reasonable fear. It is tempting to insert the well known comic strip about the X-Wing "casual game", but I won't do that :)

As being a little bit of a completionist myself, i suspect that this game might end up costing a lot of money, especially if they release multiple factions (and i am sure they will !). Maybe invest with friends and each one focus on only one faction. Good plan?

Some of you guys had that idea or you'd rather go full fledge, full investment?

It depends on how diverse a faction will be. If it allows you to come up with several different builds, that you will be ok with one faction. RW will come with 3 types of units + 3 heroes + 3 command units per faction (I included the expansions displayed at GenCon), and one type of unit can be build several different sizes, I believe that will give enough variation.

RW will come with 3 types of units + 3 heroes + 3 command units per faction (I included the expansions displayed at GenCon), and one type of unit can be build several different sizes, I believe that will give enough variation.

I think this would be just wave 0 or 1, im quite sure the factions will get more unist down the road and then builds can be very different (infantry vs cavalry army for example depending on the rules for army building)

She fears it might become an actual money sink and though she enjoys board games a lot, she is not too attracted to field-your-armies-skirmish type of games.

This is actually a reasonable fear. It is tempting to insert the well known comic strip about the X-Wing "casual game", but I won't do that :)

As being a little bit of a completionist myself, i suspect that this game might end up costing a lot of money, especially if they release multiple factions (and i am sure they will !). Maybe invest with friends and each one focus on only one faction. Good plan?

Some of you guys had that idea or you'd rather go full fledge, full investment?

It depends on how diverse a faction will be. If it allows you to come up with several different builds, that you will be ok with one faction. RW will come with 3 types of units + 3 heroes + 3 command units per faction (I included the expansions displayed at GenCon), and one type of unit can be build several different sizes, I believe that will give enough variation.

If we merely look at RuneWars the boardgame, we can see like 6 units per faction, and countless heroes. I'm really excited for this game.

RW will come with 3 types of units + 3 heroes + 3 command units per faction (I included the expansions displayed at GenCon), and one type of unit can be build several different sizes, I believe that will give enough variation.

I think this would be just wave 0 or 1, im quite sure the factions will get more unist down the road and then builds can be very different (infantry vs cavalry army for example depending on the rules for army building)

Yes, we will definitely see more units in the future. But it looks like that even just the core set + wave 0/1 will give us many build options.

Edited by Ubul
RW will come with 3 types of units + 3 heroes + 3 command units per faction (I included the expansions displayed at GenCon), and one type of unit can be build several different sizes, I believe that will give enough variation.

I think this would be just wave 0 or 1, im quite sure the factions will get more unist down the road and then builds can be very different (infantry vs cavalry army for example depending on the rules for army building)

Yes, we will definitely see more units in the future. But it looks like that even just the core set + wave 0/1 will give us many build options.

That is of course right, now it would really be nice to know the distribution model, how many trays to we get in a box/blister for the units, this and the rules for army building would help to estimate the cost.

She fears it might become an actual money sink and though she enjoys board games a lot, she is not too attracted to field-your-armies-skirmish type of games.

This is actually a reasonable fear. It is tempting to insert the well known comic strip about the X-Wing "casual game", but I won't do that :)

As being a little bit of a completionist myself, i suspect that this game might end up costing a lot of money, especially if they release multiple factions (and i am sure they will !). Maybe invest with friends and each one focus on only one faction. Good plan?

Some of you guys had that idea or you'd rather go full fledge, full investment?

It depends on how diverse a faction will be. If it allows you to come up with several different builds, that you will be ok with one faction. RW will come with 3 types of units + 3 heroes + 3 command units per faction (I included the expansions displayed at GenCon), and one type of unit can be build several different sizes, I believe that will give enough variation.

If we merely look at RuneWars the boardgame, we can see like 6 units per faction, and countless heroes. I'm really excited for this game.

The heroes look amazing and i like how strong they are compared to other units, the special critical attack they have plus the 12-sided die they use. You fell like a badass when you throw it.

Feel like it is a good call from FFG.

Does the elf hero predicts that the Latari could join the fray since it mentions abilities about this faction? I looooove the Latari!

Btw, any players near Montreal, QC?

Edited by Shirys

I live in Montreal downtown :)

We play Battlelore, Descent (fully painted only), Runewars (the board game) and Runebound.

I expect battlelore to be replaced by this game.

I absolutely do not. They are totally different games.

Battlelore is a light, easy wargame, great for game night.

Runewars is a heavy, expensive lifestyle game.

Of course, FFG killed off battlelore by being too slow with expansions, doubt if they every made a new one that it would sell.

Battlelore was fun, but not great. I may keep my copy, not sure yet.

But Runewars Minis... I'm gonna go deep on that sucker.

Please don't tell my wife.

Give the Uthuk and Daqan army packs a try, then you can think about selling it. They really should have included the first two expansions with the game.