Videos of minis and info.

By Toqtamish, in Runewars Miniatures Game

Includes shots of some of the expansion figures. Around 5:10 in first video.

Edited by Toqtamish

Asking to people with a keener eye than me: what size is that RuneGolem?

Assuming the circular integral bases are 20mm like I've seen some people saying, that would make one tray module around 50-55mm and so the golem around 60mm in height.

Then again, anything's possible at this point. Previously I thought the miniatures are around 20mm scale when viewed alongside the dice, but the more pics I see and videos I watch, the bigger they seem.

So when will a demo video go up? I'm kind of surprised that Team Covenant hasn't posted one yet...

They might be a tad busy, what with GenCon still ongoing.

Certainly so, but they've put up other videos. An hour long video on Arkham Horror LCG went up super-late Thursday night. Anyway, I know they have a lot to work on. Yesterday they posted saying they have 20+ videos they were editing. I just hope that Runewars will be one of the early ones.

So glad to see those little stands. I was wondering how the dials would work without intruding into the game. I still wish they were a bit smaller, but the stands help

So when will a demo video go up? I'm kind of surprised that Team Covenant hasn't posted one yet...

They have not posted any videos since AHLCG very early Friday morning. Today was likely very busy recording all the finals of the NA championships. I'd expect a ton of videos added to their YouTube is week once they can edit it all. In flight report, NA champs and hopefully demo for this too.

Edited by Toqtamish

Here you go

Here is another video (from the Beasts of War website), i haven't watched it so i can't say if anything new is in it.

The new and pretty cool thing to learn from that video is that the rulebook will apparently have a set of rules/guidelines to make whatever terrain pieces you might have in your collection to work with the RWM ruleset.

The new and pretty cool thing to learn from that video is that the rulebook will apparently have a set of rules/guidelines to make whatever terrain pieces you might have in your collection to work with the RWM ruleset.

That really sound great.

Will have to try to find time to watch this one tonight.

Just found some high res pictures of the human non-core-set characters on Enjoy:


Man, these really remind me of the times when WHFB was fun and bright before going full grimdark. Love them.

Any pics of the undead guys?

that musician is beyond cool

Any pics of the undead guys?

Actually, yes, on the BoW website. 6 models, too, so I think that's all that was shown at GenCon 2016.



Hmm, so some living necromancer type guys in there too then. Thanks for the pics!

I see they suffer from the common trait of "I COULD make my equipment out of anything, but I'm gonna use skeleton parts even though they're fragile and awkward because I'm on the undead team".

Oh my, the guy on the bone construct...

I know these are probably not production models, but they've done a great job on very expressive faces. The necromancers are a bit redundant with their expressions, but the details are very good on them.

The right NEcromancer reminds me of Palpatine, his chest looks a little bit wierd but other then that and what dboeren said i really like them.

I'd like to see the bone construct from the side to tell what it's supposed to be. Bone antler guy seems kind of cool. He's like "I killed this MOOSE, I can kill you too!"

The necromancers seem confused about what skull goes with what torso. Dude, that's a deer head on a human body. They don't match. You're supposed to be more familiar with skeletons in your line of work.

I'd like to see the bone construct from the side to tell what it's supposed to be. Bone antler guy seems kind of cool. He's like "I killed this MOOSE, I can kill you too!"

The necromancers seem confused about what skull goes with what torso. Dude, that's a deer head on a human body. They don't match. You're supposed to be more familiar with skeletons in your line of work.

That necromancer is actually riding a Bone Horror.

You can see what it looks like from the Mists of Bilehall Descent expansion

Video says there's an unmounted version of the bonehorror-rider too.

Considering he's riding a bone horror though, I wonder if it'll be a card of its own with its own attacks that are separate from that of the unmounted necromancer.