Heroes Balance

By LostVigil, in Runebound

Hello to all,

we just finished our first three games (2p) and liked them.

We randomized characters in every game and drew these:

1 (Margath): Lyssa against Corbin / Lyssa won

2 (Margath): Lyssa against Thorn / Lyssa won

3 (Vorakesh): Laurel against Mok / noone won (Mok was close, but unlucky with test-draws, Laurel didn't really stand a chance (lost her companions due to REALLY unfortunate dice rolls on the story-quests))

not hard to see, all our games were won by Lyssa, or noone. It seems, that every hero has a weakness, Thorn needs initiative, otherwise the enemy will just spend all damage before thorn can cast mind meld. Laurel needs good weapon or armor tokens to recast with her ability, Mok needs very specific skills in order to deal much damage with his ability. I cannot say much about Corbin, as I forgot to use his "Bounty Hunter" ability when I played him, and i was just learning the game then. Hawthorne seems to have a (-) on one of his tokens, which is a pretty big drawback by itself (could be wrong just took a short look at the tokens while unpacking). But Lyssa has one guaranteed golden symbol and her ability is realy good, even when the game just started. In our first game, my opponent immediately started to draw orange cards, which seem to be the ones that you get the most out. And even in the fight against Margath it dealt 3-4 damage, combined with my opponent having the skill that allows you to exert to use a surge again (something like that) he killed margath in his first combat turn of the second combat round. Her only drawback seems to be her starting with only 1 gold, but that effect was mitigated by my opponent killing one razorwing and one orc-bandit within 4 rounds.

To summarize it:

- no character beats Lyssa in the first half of act I

- only mok might stand a chance to defeat the boss earlier than her, from what we have seen (in the last game he drew 8 cards while testing mind)

I really hope that there is something missed, otherwise we might just play Lyssa vs. Mok in the future ( we will probably test out Corbin and Hawthorne though)

Thanks in Advance


Really? For me Lyssa has easily been the weakest, followed by Corbin.

Try harder with stalk prey, Toenail. Lyssa is the strongest character in the game (there are a few threads on bgg about this)

Lyssa is definitely one of the strongest. In my personal experience I've had Corbin be the strongest for me, and have also had some insane games with Thorn. Whenever I have these games, however, it has come down to managing gear and abilities better and not their character abilities. With Runebound focus on getting those super cheap items early on, then swap them out for stronger ones a bit later. You don't lose any gold selling items as they sell for what you buy them for, and having a few extra tokens, even weaker ones, makes a massive difference in the early game.

Lyssa and Corbin rank highly for me because both are very strong straight away. Scorpion works like that too. If you can easily win combats right out of the box you're going to succeed more than any other character.