can we please call the mc30 a squid

By DarkenAvatar, in Star Wars: Armada

Squid necromancy bump.

It is a squid.



Sidenote, back in Tucson a lot of us called the MC80 "the/a pickle". Hey, at least it's a little more kid friendly if you've got any little ones about.

Also, for what it's worth, 30's will always be shrimps, too late to turn that bus around.

And in case it wasn't answered earlier, Assault Frigate Mk's are sometimes referred to as guppies or space whales. I have also heard them called potatoes...maybe we had a vegetarian bent back in Tucson.

20 minutes ago, Democratus said:



19 minutes ago, Madaghmire said:

Shrimp .


14 minutes ago, SpaceC0wboy said:

Also, for what it's worth, 30's will always be shrimps , too late to turn that bus around.

It is never too late for the truth.

Search your feelings, you will know it to be true.


Why not just call it a Torp or Torpedo? It sure flies like one

You can shout squid all you's never going to catch.


5 minutes ago, Green Knight said:

You can shout squid all you's never going to catch.


I thought someone as sensible as the Green Knight would see the truth. That you'd see the error of the Shrimp . That you'd see how obvious it was that this was a squid.

But alas, not all can be saved.

The Shrimp is a lie.


Edited by CaribbeanNinja
1 minute ago, CaribbeanNinja said:

I thought someone as sensible as the Green Knight would see the truth. That you'd see the error of the Shrimp. That you'd see how obvious it was that this was a squid.

But alas, not all can be saved.

The Shrimp is a lie.



4 minutes ago, GrandAdmiralCrunch said:

Someone needs to get on KDY right quick and make this guy a commander card!

Eh. I always called it the dolphin, so. . . :D

Just now, geek19 said:


Cannot Get Your Squid Out, huh?

Another sad tale. The followers of the squid will prevail. It will take time. But you too will see the error of your ways.


7 minutes ago, Ardaedhel said:


This abomination is what the so-called Shrimp lovers would have you take for an MC30.

Look closer.

See your error.

Accept the squid.



2 minutes ago, The Jabbawookie said:


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh C'thulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.

1 minute ago, RobertK said:

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh C'thulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.

Oh god, now look what you've done! I think this squid thing was just an elaborate ploy to allow the drowned god access to our plane of existence. Enjoy your apocalypse by insanity folks!

Squid Truth #1

It is a Mon Calamari 30.

It is not a Mon Gamberetto 30.


mantis shrimp!!!

2 minutes ago, Sharego said:

mantis shrimp !!!

Another lost soul.

I think this might be a good contender for the Squid title.


Squid kill whales. MC30s kill whales. Shrimp do not.


(And the 75 is totally a shark. I mean, just look at it.)

Edited by The Jabbawookie