Relic That Could Answer Any Question

By Egyptoid, in Rogue Trader Gamemasters

Vastrix bandied about the idea of a

Relic That Could Answer Any Question

could he elaborate?

Tzeentch, Tzeentch on the wall,

From the deepest hole that secrets could crawl,

Tell me anything I want to know,

So my snowflake will grow and grow.

I am proud that your game group has you there Errant, so that you can tell

everyone there the best way to game, and show everyone what is right, true, and correct

about gaming. What a blessing it must be for them to have your wisdom and insight.

Aren't we talking about the legendary Brass prism, from Hostile Acquisitions ? this thing helps you to get answers to most questions, at the price of your sanity and at the end your life, if I remember well.

Edited by Mordechai Von Razgriz

Ha! Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Hey, I don't make the rules. Heck, my group disregards lots of things I say. It's the crux of the Cassandra curse. But go ahead and pick up that glowing crystalline structure. I'm sure it won't go wrong. Halo artifacts grant immortality. There's nothing wrong with that.

Nope, and everything else is just a way to know it's turned on, and working, without having to jump off a cliff, or dare the Commissar to do his job on you. ;)

I like the idea of owning a device that can answer any question.

It is entirely within the universe that something like this exists.

The Rolodex of Secrets: Ordo Chrono

Published by yourself.

I don't like omni-anything. I don't even like omni-tools. I find it silly that something that can fit in a pocket can out-perform a well-stocked garage. I still give the omni-tool its bonus. I just make the task less difficult in the garage, or more difficult in the field.

I was hoping Vastrex would reply instead of the thread-crappers

Whoa there, I was just engaging the community.

PM him?

He's just being touchy about being called on the cheese. Take a page from Venekelos. He seems to understand the good-natured ribbing that's implied in an imperfect medium. A grain of salt goes a long way in this instance.

Brass prism don't answer helps solve riddles...any riddles. It's like super boost for your intellect.

But there is something in the fluff that match-Ragged Oracle, eldar device on the Seedworld AFG:218. (The Radical's Handbook).

And guess's accesible via webway gate at the climax of Lure of the Expanse campaign ;)