is the any travelling and settlement visit in the new game

By visschers16, in Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game

What made warhammer quest one of the best game for me was the

  • Epic hack and slash you did have to do in your dungeon run.
  • The funny things you came across during travelling
  • Crazy things your exertions during your stay in the settlement.

This tree parts made the story of you character, things you tolled abound years after you played the game

Bud looking at the in flight report and some of the youtube reports made during gencon, it looks like a pure dungeon crawl.

so if its a pure dungeon crawl, and sadly (and for the first time) to say fantasy flight will have missed the mark (for me :wacko: ).

so can anyone tell if there is any travelling and settlement thingy to the new game??????

Edited by visschers16

It's not clear yet what the in-between scenario/quest setup will look like, however given the capability to advance your character and upgrade cards, there must be some sort of mechanic at work. Perhaps not as long and drawn out as the original WHQ? It will be interesting to find out!

... not as long and drawn out as the original WHQ ...

I take that you did not enjoy this part of the game?

Nobody knows until it comes out, but then there is also the chance that they have travelling and similar aspects planned for an expansion/expansions. Hope it does hit the mark for you though :)

Hoseman - I loved it. 'Long and drawn out' can be a good thing too ;)

Hoseman - I loved it. 'Long and drawn out' can be a good thing too ;)

Just not with a lot of folks I have gamed with over the last four decades.