Force weapon query

By zethliss, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

I just noticed had a look through at the force weapons and spotted a couple of unusual bits which I've seen before but never been sure of.

Force weapons are listed in 2e as Best quality Mono variants of their primitive counterparts. As such they should gain +1 dam and +2 pen over the base, also losing any primitive quality.

Looking at the force sword profile this is shows as expected with +1 dam and a pen of 2, retaining the balanced rule. The force staff however, only gains 2 pen and somehow loses the balanced rule.

Looking back at the original rules in the IH the stats were the same as here but the staff retained balanced and also gained the ability to act as a psy focus. The same stats also appear in the other 40k books but with varying rules for weather they are BQ, GQ and mono or not.

should we be added in these quality bonuses on top of those in the table or should we only use the figures supplied, in which case the staff seems to lose out. Is the change in availability supposed to make up for this?