Compatibility with X-Wing?

By Mikael Hasselstein, in Star Wars: Armada

So, I opted for X-Wing, because this game did not exist yet.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal of my bank account and my marriage!

But anyway, now that I'm neck deep into X-Wing, and seeing that this game does have a fighter component, will we see some sort of mechanic that allows for the games to be integrated?

What I'm thinking about is a big-group event, where there's one Armada game going, and an X-Wing breakout game when fighter combat occurs?

Or, is that just too much nerdery to be reasonably accommodated?

Yeah, that doesn't sound very easy to integrate.

So pretty much that would mean I can only play this on long, holiday weekends


It takes like 2 hours to finish one 150pt game for me!

Yeah, that doesn't sound very easy to integrate.

But it would be Epic.

So pretty much that would mean I can only play this on long, holiday weekends


It takes like 2 hours to finish one 150pt game for me!

Like I replied to Sithborg :

But it would be Epic.

I could see something like that.. I actually suggested it on a theead on the XWMG forum.. one game Armada.. and another the guys who wanna do the dogfight..

All in speculation of this kind of game coming out.. I think it is highly likely, especially in groups like mine.. would give us our star wars fix.. and in multiple flavors..

Edited by oneway

Yeah, that doesn't sound very easy to integrate.

Yeah, that also was my first thought when I saw Armada had fighters.

"What if you resolved the dogfights in an X-Wing game!"

Would unfortunately, I imagine, break the flow of the game a LOT.

I'm sure someone will give it a try though.

I doubt we'll see official crossover rules, but I am sure us fans will put together something.

Sounds like something dagobahdave would work on.

I doubt we'll see official crossover rules, but I am sure us fans will put together something.

Sounds like something dagobahdave would work on.

I'll have to talk to him about that. :D

We are running an xwing campaign, capital ships are represented off table and xp can be used to upgrade your carrier. Now we can play the carrier battles that the xwing games have setup the situations for.

We are running an xwing campaign, capital ships are represented off table and xp can be used to upgrade your carrier. Now we can play the carrier battles that the xwing games have setup the situations for.

I think that Armada would be a great way to give narrative stakes to your X-Wing games. However, X-Wing will probably be a lousy way to give depth to your Armada games. It'll depend on which of these games you're actually the most interested in.

Following the above rationale, I imagine that Armada is better for the X-Winger than X-Wing will be for the Armada player.

For example yesterday we had the first monthly epic mp battle. Because the rebels had most VP's this month we had 4x75 pts ( pluss 2 naked jamming hawks) assaulting the comms net of the system. The carriers were in a diversionary battle until the rebels could destroy the three early warning comms stations.....or not! It was a great game but us rebels ignored the objective and just concentrated on destroying the enemy.

But what if the Armada game was linked to the time taken for the x-wing game to bring the network down? The imps are bearing down on the outgunned rebels. Lando ' we've got to give him more time'

Truly epic!

We are running an xwing campaign, capital ships are represented off table and xp can be used to upgrade your carrier. Now we can play the carrier battles that the xwing games have setup the situations for.

I think that Armada would be a great way to give narrative stakes to your X-Wing games. However, X-Wing will probably be a lousy way to give depth to your Armada games. It'll depend on which of these games you're actually the most interested in.

Following the above rationale, I imagine that Armada is better for the X-Winger than X-Wing will be for the Armada player.

I'm predicting that 99.99999999999999% of X-wingers will also be Armada players.

Just a guess though! :P

Edited by tiefanatic

Following the above rationale, I imagine that Armada is better for the X-Winger than X-Wing will be for the Armada player.

I'm predicting that 99.99999999999999% of Armada players will also be X-wingers.

Just a guess though! :P

Sure, but how many X-Wingers will be Armadeers?

Following the above rationale, I imagine that Armada is better for the X-Winger than X-Wing will be for the Armada player.

I'm predicting that 99.99999999999999% of Armada players will also be X-wingers.

Just a guess though! :P

Sure, but how many X-Wingers will be Armadeers?

Sorry, i meant to say X-wingers will be Armadeers.

They way I can see a cross over working (depending on fleet building rules of course) is you play an X-wing match and the winner gains a bonus squadron or something to that effect

I'm predicting that 99.99999999999999% of Armada players will also be X-wingers.

Sure, but how many X-Wingers will be Armadeers?

Sorry, i meant to say X-wingers will be Armadeers.

Are you sure about that? I think the population of X-Wing players will be larger than Armada players. That's because I suspect that X-Wing will remain more accessible, if just for the price point and nothing else. So, sure Armada players will mostly also be X-Wing players, but I'm not as confident as to the reverse.

I will probably by an armada base game, but it don't see myself getting into this like x-wing. These two games will directly compete with each other, and players only have so much time and money. I predict that armada will be niche and short-lived, unless FFG stops making x-wing ships. But with the three new movies coming out, I don't think that will happen.

I will probably by an armada base game, but it don't see myself getting into this like x-wing. These two games will directly compete with each other, and players only have so much time and money. I predict that armada will be niche and short-lived, unless FFG stops making x-wing ships. But with the three new movies coming out, I don't think that will happen.

Right, but if they are somehow compatible in the sense of playing one game adds to the enjoyment of the other, then the degree of competition would diminish.

I can see some scenarios where a game of X-Wing could be a "forward element skirmish", the outcome of which would effect the Armada game in some way (e.g., diminished points for the losing X-Wing faction, or a certain unit is unavailable).

You could use the rules for big ships in x-wing but unless you want to scale down x-wing (size of minis) I don't think it would be as easy to convert.

I doubt they will be compatible at all. Two separate games, and armada seems to have an entire portion dedicated to squadrons.

I can see some scenarios where a game of X-Wing could be a "forward element skirmish", the outcome of which would effect the Armada game in some way (e.g., diminished points for the losing X-Wing faction, or a certain unit is unavailable).

My thoughts exactly. After certain conditions in Armada the action zooms into the dogfight. The result affects the zoom out back to Armada. Or you can just integrate both into a Star Wars RPG at different times. :P

I can see them including a form of fighter squadron with capital ship pack. We saw ties and xwimgs. Im betting we'll see interceptors bwing and awings in the future.

I will probably by an armada base game, but it don't see myself getting into this like x-wing. These two games will directly compete with each other, and players only have so much time and money. I predict that armada will be niche and short-lived, unless FFG stops making x-wing ships. But with the three new movies coming out, I don't think that will happen.

Actually, I don't think they will compete much at all. Many people I knew who played Warhammer Fantasy also played Mordheim, which is a kind of similar comparison. Same With WH40k and Kill Teams.

Neither game scratches the same itch. But I do foresee a drop-off of Epic game popularity. The only thing I can hope is that they still release two Empire Huge ships to go along with the Rebels before they replace Epic entirely with Armada.