Lore of Metal (2e list)
Armor of Lead - area targets armor gains massive weight
Breach the Unknown - identify item completely
Curse of Rust - rust object to become useless
Enchant Item - item gains bonus
Fault of Form - item loses benefits
Fool's Gold - item seems more valuable
Guard of Steel - objects float around and shield you
Inscription - engrave metal item
Law of Age - item becomes brittle
Law of Form - item becomes ard as steel.
Law of Gold - item loses all magical functions for a time
Law of Logic -subject gains bonus to a skill check
Rigidity of Body and Mind - body gains natural armor; WP improved
Secret Rune - Cast or identify secret message
Silver Arrows of Arha - multiple arrows can be thrown
Stroke the Forge - natural fire burns as hotly as naturally possible
Tale of Metal - recall the forging of an item
Transformation of Metal - change a metal object into something else of the same material
Transmutation of the Unstable Mind - Target loses insanity points
Trial and Error - target may re-roll one check.