Force-Sensitive Emergent

By Stacie_GmrGrl, in Game Mechanics

A good, solid change.

Yes, but the talent is still lack-luster. While I realize that game balance is not a holy grail, it isn't unimportant either. I would like to see talents make players make hard choices rather than simply be obstacles on the path to more force points.

They needed to make it 1 blue die per rank on stealth and skullduggery. The talent doesn't work on droids so it needs to be made more broadly applicable.

There needs to be a reason to go out on that arm of the Emergent tree.

Edited by Aservan

To me it was basically mimicking the Obi-Wan-shuts-down-the-tractor-beam scene from Ep IV. I'd like something like Force Stealth but of course, this ain't it.

Obi-Wan can be explained with the Move power. He tapped on the wall in the direction he wanted the Storm Troopers to look. Then he made a stealth check. This talent would work fine for that. I'd like to think it can be used on the pick pockets part of Skullduggery as well. The open locks part is a stretch, but the rest makes perfect sense to me. You ignore me picking your pocket, because I "nudge" your mind in that direction.

I really like that part of this game. The part that encourages players to use their powers outside defined skills and stat blocks.

I agree. Sleight of Mind, for me, calls up an iconic ability of the Jedi Sentinel, just as Sense Emotions/Overwhelm Emotions makes me think of Jedi Consular and Uncanny Senses/Uncanny Reactions calls up Jedi Guardian.

I don't have a problem with Sleight of Mind allowing a Force-sensitive to be able to better manipulate a door lock using the Force to guide their hands and push at the tumblers, for example.

I would like to see something similar to Sleight of Mind, but for, say, Discipline and Cool checks, represent a calming and preparing of the mind in the face of fear, coercion, or lies. Though that might synergize too well with other Force powers that use opposed Disicipline's not like Sleight of Mind doesn't synergize great with Stalker already though.

Edited by Kshatriya

To me it was basically mimicking the Obi-Wan-shuts-down-the-tractor-beam scene from Ep IV. I'd like something like Force Stealth but of course, this ain't it.

In the case of those two stormtroopers, it was probably a mind trick via Influence, with him inducing a "what's that over there?" impulse that left the two troopers distracted enough to not notice Ben skulking away. For the scenes that we saw of Ben prior to his final duel with Vader, he was mostly being cautious and generally staying out of sight, i.e. employing regular Stealth, which he's probably pretty good at even if using just his raw Agility. Since nobody was really actively looking for him (especially with the ruckus that Han and Luke were causing), it wouldn't take much for him to remain unnoticed.

Not to sound stupid or anything (although I'm pretty sure I will), but should there really be Force Sensitive Careers? Giving the time in which this game is generally set, there are no real sources of schooling in the ways of the Force. During the Old Republic, there was the Jedi Order... During the New Republic, there was the New Jedi Order... During the height of the Empire, there was some scattered exiles and a few untrained sensitives. Wouldn't it make more sense, given the time in which this game takes place, to make Force Guardian, Force Consular, and Force Sentinel as Universal Specializations? Especially since each Force Power is a separate tree you have to first buy into, then spend more experience to "master".

To use Luke Skywalker as an example... Did he start off as a Jedi Guardian career and just cross specialize to pilot and soldier before coming back to really dump points into his Force abilities? Or did he start off as a Ace career/Piloting spec with a secondary spec of Force Emergent, then later he picked up Force Guardian as an additional spec?

In fact, Force Guardian, Consular, and Sentinel could be approached as advanced universal specializations with a prerequisite of Force Rating 2, to indicate that a player would have to spend time as a Force Sensitive Exile, Force Emergent, or Force Padawan (my own idea meant to represent someone who has potential and actually does have someone to teach them) before higher potentials become available to them. Keep in mind that each individual Force Skill must still be purchased and raised separately.

There are no ways of schooling, but that doesn't mean people can't learn things on their own. After all, the first Force users had nothing either...

I do expect (hope) that there will some force trees that have a prerequisite force rating, or previously taken tree, or… Not sure I care much though for the Guardian/Consular/Sentinel splits, I think the flavour of those can be emulated by whatever talents and powers the character learns.

Edited by whafrog

Career/Specialization does not have to imply formal training. For Force & Destiny, it's appropriate that it MIGHT for the "Jedi Order" Careers/Specs. But FS Exile/Emergent work equally well as being trained in the "basics" through a holocron or natural outpouring of Forceful talent.