CourtGames Forums are open if you’re looking to migrate

By CourtGamesPod, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

Howdy folks! For those who aren’t familiar, is up and operational. Although our forums can use some work to improve user experience, I will say that it’s already better than half of the beginner forums out there on the internet.

Our website is focused on being an archive of “all things rokugan”, and that’s why we’re continuing efforts to import all of the AEG fiction and Fan Fiction we can find from old forums. We also allow for people to upload their own content, either so they can add a fiction that they don’t see on our website, or so that they can add adventures and other RPG content that they’ve worked hard on so that it doesn’t disappear or get drowned out in the discord chat. Our website also allows for people to blog their thoughts out and share those posts easily with others.

Our forums are currently focused on posing challenges to the community for fun new ideas for the RPG, but we’re absolutely open to add in rules discussions for the LCG, roleplaying play by posts, and trading boards. Whatever the community wants, especially since CourtGames wouldn’t be here without you all, literally.

Reply here if you have any questions, PM us, or friend us on CourtGames. we’re happy to provide this service to the community.

Edited by CourtGamesPod

I don't know about the rest, but that link doesn't work for me